
How low can you go? It is a shame!

The cries of the 76 year old aunty did not go unheard. Her sad and pathetic tales, for begging in public, for the return of her life time savings in the CPF is now free chowder for the unscrupulous to ridicule her. This has made Andrew Loh feeling so disgusted that he had to write something about it. And here is what Andrew wrote.

‘Andrew Loh: I never post things from this odious PAP page but this, I find, is well below the belt and is totally irresponsible.

I’ve blanked out the address (road name) of her house which FAP had included at the bottom of the picture.
The old lady is asking for her CPF money back. What does where she lives have anything to do with it?
I hope the PAP will have some decency and condemn this by FAP, and find out how FAP came to know of her address and even a picture of her house.’

[Source]: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=822788644412753&set=a.196460927045531.49833.100000448763402&type=1

Like they said, the fish rots from the head. When the head is rotting, the body will follow suit. The plight of this senior citizen is not political. The issue of the people’s money locked up in the CPF is not political. It is about the people wanting their money back. It is about the rights to one’s own property, in this case money.

Politicians may want to treat this as a political football. But people, ordinary people, must not be embroiled in this issue to bash the hapless elderly lady when all she was asking is for the return of her money that rightfully belongs to her. Have some decency, have a little sense of right and wrong.

Don’t be an asshole! This is a very bad reflection of the kind of people backing them. People who condone such despicable acts are no better than them. Don’t ridicule an old lady for the sake of scoring political points. She has the right to demand for the return of her money. It is her money!

Kopi Level - Green


  1. http://www.salary.sg/2011/gdp-bonus-8-months-senior-civil-servants/

  2. Keep voting for pigs and everyone will end up begging for their monies to return to them when they are old. Every action has a consequence.

  3. These stupid bigots think that just because you stayed in landed properties, you must be rich.

    many old timers brought their properties cheap thirty or forty years back and now they are retired need hard cash to survive.

    How can you always honed us to sell our properties and downgrade when we are living here for past decades and have beautiful memories of our past???

    What's wrong with asking for the monies that are rightfully ours???

    just VTO this coming GE

  4. You see the support of the new citizens of Punggol East switch from the ruling party to the WP, due to the $30K of newer and newer citizens every year, possibly take away their jobs and depress their pay and their children too?

  5. Dear RB
    Very very well said

  6. During the days of the old timers, everyone was thinking of upgrading, buying bigger properties or landed properties.

    Today they are telling the old times to downgrade, to sell their properties. And they think this is a good thing. My God, how stupid can they be?

    1. RB to downgrade is the only way for the government redeem itself for overpricing HDB and property and kick the problem further down for future generations.

  7. Fuck them all wherever you come across them. They deserve to be fucked for they bully and ridicule the people for fun.
    No need for revolution or protest, just boycott whatever activities organize by those bootlickers.


  8. Knnccb...

    Wah liaison eh..

    Sell house..... will be like lim sia sway, look at bank statement, can only see teeth cuntnot see eyes. Machiam the Swiss standard of living promised by wooden head.

    Knnccb... ungrateful lady.... who will she be voting in the future?

  9. Hello, the woman is not "begging". She is demanding the return of her CPF. But she does it in a way that follows the kindness movement.

    She says,
    I sayang you, I support you, please return my CPF.

    If someone here says it. It will be different.

  10. RB

    Why no same post on the other lady, what is sauce for the goose, also the same for others correct?

  11. Dear Singaporeans.
    If CPF is really your money;
    Do you have to beg to use it?

    The PAPigs have obviously done something to our CPF money.
    Changing it from "our money" which is money we can use into "our CPF money" which is money we cannot use.

    Please open your eyes big, big when you vote in GE 2016 hor.

  12. "https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/prs-leaving-singapore-allowed-keep-160000226.html"

    - this article is a good case of why sinkies are treated much less well than prs. this heartless gov has to be voted out.

  13. The greatest drop in votes for the ruling party?

    In 2011 is the worst all time performance, of 57 percent with the 60 percent minus the 3 percent walkover last minute disqualification of Tanjong Pagar GRC?

    With the huge swing of new citizens votes from the ruling party to the WP in 2013 Punggol East BY Elect. due to rising cost, heavy competition from newer citizens for jobs?

    30K new citizens per year, and the locked up of CPF for life which many most important savings of their life of 37 percent a month for 40 years?

    Most of the ruling party GRC and SMC had less ten percent margin over the opposition?

    Most would like to take back their CPF, hope the opposition gave back most of their CPF by 55 after 40 years of slogging and saving their hard earn money? Massive protest votes could be casted?

    A drop in 10 percent or more for the ruling party in every SMC or GRC could see the ruling party control of parliament to less then 50 percent of the seat from 92 percent of the seat?

    Most of the ministers hemming the GRC could be voted out?

    Possibly about 30 over percent of the seats by the govt, maybe the opposition taking over the govt through coalition, in today internet age anything can happen?

    Due to the rapid and cheaper use of mobile internet taking over the govt controlled Main Stream Medias as the main source of information and news?

  14. "She has the right to demand for the return of her money."

    60% also has the right to vote PAP whose policy will not return her CPF money.

  15. Tiok.

    It's not a matter of who is right, but who has the power to decide what is right.

  16. 76 year old aunty: I want the return of my life time savings in the CPF! Sob sob.

    LHL: U ask me? Ask the 60% lah.

    HK: Ya lor, cannot ask, then just accept the rules lor.

  17. RB: It's a shame.

    LHL: Who r u? Did the 60% think it is a shame?

  18. “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.

    Those who profess to favour freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without ploughing up the ground.
    They want rain without thunder and lightning.
    They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters.

    Power concedes nothing without a demand.
    It never did and it never will.
    Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both.
    The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
    ― Frederick Douglass

  19. So many pigs still dreaming. The 60% is now supporting the oppo. No wonder the feedback is so promising. The ground is so sweet. Quick hold election sure win like Punggol East and Aljunid. Sure win ah!

  20. /// Quick hold election sure win like Punggol East and Aljunid. Sure win ah! ///

    I want to see who is the gung ho Millionaire Minister who will volunteer to lead the PAP charge into Aljunied.


  21. Aung San Su Chi said let the people decide who should be the President.

    We say let the people decide who should be the guardian of their own money.

    If after more than 30 years we still cannot have full control of our money at a respectable age of 55, should we call for the opting-out of the this compulsive scheme totally for those who lost faith in this policy ?

  22. I'm not sure why so many people keep bringing up the 60%. Yes, 60% in 2011. BUT it has been downhill since then. Lost 2 BEs (UNDER 50%). And BARELY "won" the PE with 34%.

    Yes, they are now 34% according to the last publicly available number. They are going to have to "fix" the system to hold on to their power with maybe 30% in the next election.

  23. How low can they go?
    Watch satanic magician/musician etc on YouTube
    They will sell their soul to satan in order to achieve
    fame wealth & power
    After watching then you know how low can they go

  24. They will fix the next GE by redrawing boundaries, making more new citizens, prosecuting and fixing people who speak out, dishing out big angpows before the election etc etc etc. There will be more than 60% this time round. Wait and see.

  25. Aiyah, still with this "CPF is my money" MYTH...oh well, can't stop people from being both stubborn and dumb...


    >> It is about the rights to one’s own property, in this case money.

    In Singapore, the LAW determines what you can or cannot do. "Rights" have got nothing to do with it.

    BTW, CPF is not your own property. It is made to look like you have ownership, but in REALITY (reality is where your bullshit theories have no purchase) CPF IS NOT your property.

    >> . Don’t ridicule an old lady

    Why not, if she's done something dumb? Does being "old" automatically award you with some sort of "sacred shield" against criticism?

    Fuck off and get real.

    >> She has the right to demand for the return of her money.

    Big fucking deal lah..I have the right to demand a Ferrari and a harem from the govt. ;-)

    >> It is her money!

    Obviously, she along with numerous deluded fools still believe that.

    But just like believing in an invisible sky ghost like the various religions, no one can offer positive, testable PROOF.

    Can you prove god exists? NO.

    Can you prove that CPF is yours? NO.

    So fuck off lah, you dumb sheep.

  26. Matilah, Minister Tan Chuan Jin said the CPF money is the people's money. He is being quoted all over the media.

    Are you saying he is lying?

  27. 'I have the right to demand a Ferrari and a harem from the govt...'

    Sounds like an EXTORTION rather than asking for the return of something owed.

  28. Has anybody heard the rumor that the blogger who took that picture (video) has been knocked down by a vehicle?

    If it's true, then the situation in Singapore is much, much worse than we thought.
