
30 years from now, what would historians be writing?

What would the historians be writing about Singapore in 30 years time? Would they be writing in praise of a great cosmopolitan city flourishing and a shining example for the world to envy and want to emulate, like what it is today, a great city that many countries still hold it in awe? Or would the historians be writing about a failed state in ruins, or no longer an independent city but a colony of some bigger powers? Historically, all the failed states believed that they were doing well moments before the curtains fell. Everything was just fine and under control.

At this moment, all of us are like fish in an aquarium and are making the best of what we have and perhaps thinking how good life is here. And life is really extremely good for some that they would not think of anything else and tomorrow can only be better. While we push and shove against each other for more space and comfort, while more fishes are poured into the aquarium, we are still adjusting and adjusting very well, like the proverbial frog in a boiling kettle.

We will acclimatise and get use to our environment for as long as we can adapt and we don’t break down, or the system does not break down. While the pressure builds up, would we have the chance to pull the plug before that breaking point is reached? Would we have the foresight to see it, feel it and be in time to avoid it? Or we are already there and still ignorant of it, in denial, or conning ourselves or being conned that everything is fine, it is in fact very good? I think it is the latter, with many congratulating themselves on how well they are doing. Life cannot be better and why are the losers complaining?

Would the historians in 30 years time be writing about the missed opportunities to save ourselves from the decadence of a city state when all the red lights are flashing everywhere, when disastrous policies were pushed through one after another as good policies, right policies? Today, no one in a position to make a change is seeing any wrong. There is no wrong. We are doing the best we can with all the right policies and things can only be better tomorrow. By then, with the benefits of hindsight, would they be asking how could the citizens allow a great city be destroyed in a matter of a decade of bad policies? Of course I am presumptious. How could that happen?

Perhaps they would be writing about the golden years of the first 3 decades of the 21st Century and more good years to come, and paying tributes to the wisdom of the leaders of today.

What do you think?

Kopi Level - Green 


  1. Which historians are we talking about?

    Will PAP historians say Mr & Mrs Lee Kuan Yew are the Father & Mother of Singapore?

    Will Singaporeans say Mr & Mrs Stamford Raffles are the Father & Mother of Singapore?

    Will traitors stand up and say ALIENS are the founders of Singapore?

    Will patriots stand up and say SINGAPOREANS are the real founders of Singapore?

    TEO - What the fuck do Millionaires like you think?

  2. 9.03 am don't be personal lar later u get rb in trouble then either you or him get Knock at the door at night.

  3. @June 20, 2014 9:46 am

    okee .... knnccb kaypoh a little bit; can or cuntnot?


    knnccb .... what historian will write?

    rb; history are written by the victors ... if papigs still rule stinkapore ....i supposed

    since old fart said he will jumped up from his sickbed/ grave or something lidat?

    then hsien loong will be glorifed as the son of god n the second cuming had taken place

    so to those who are still waiting... stop waiting for the second cuming

    knnccb ..... and had the great A Hilter achieved his mission, ME will be much peaceful today

  4. As far as "historical time" goes, 30 years is too short. Too many people alive to day will still be around,so culturally it will still be the same.

    Historians in the 24th century, 300 years from today -- now that would be a little more interesting. No one alive today will be around, so historians can look at the era with unbiased eyes.

    Hopefully the island of Singapore will still be above sea level and not swallowed up by the rising sea levels due to climate change.

  5. Spore was never found by that englishman. Singapura was already a part of Johor Sultanate (1528-present ) way before the english naval conquest brought war and havoc in this part of the world. Singapore was the anglicized version of the word Singapura

    1. The present johor sultanate is established in 1868 by the temenggong. Not from 1528.

  6. due to the naval power of the colonial invasions, suddenly they became legitimate 'rulers' of Singapura, Indonesia, laos , Taiwan , HK, macau, malacca, etc etc etc etc etc etc

    Suddenly people are made to speak in their languages, govt documents started to apprear in english, french , portuguese, etc etc

  7. Then Japanese invasions changed EVERYTHING.

  8. History is written according to the wishes of the powerful people then. A lot of histories out there are not complete truth. Sometimes, it can be very misleading and a lot of bullshits. It is there to manipulate the people and keep those in power to be forever powerful. People should question every piece.

  9. or was it the johor empire that stretched back to 1528 ?

  10. the english navy came was much later compared to the portugese colonialist who attacked the malacca empire a few centuries before english invader stamford raffles came knocking.. the english did not come 10,000 miles to this part of the world to set up the legal system or government to make lives better for us here in asia

  11. Well said. The mess in the whole world were the works of the colonialists. And they put all the blame on communism and China. And the silly Asians and Southeast Asians believe it. And after a few centuries of poisoning their idiotic minds, they regard the white men as their saviours.

  12. How many wars have the invaders who came by sea fought in asia, many killed in wars to fend off these invaders who want to lord over asia while plundering asia to feed the elite aristocrate in europe with our resources ?

    list of colonial wars :
    two opium wars with china,
    anglo-nepalese war .
    Java War,
    the Indian Rebellion,
    Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran
    1,2,3 anglo-burmese war
    and more

  13. basically the adminstration the english set up also helped them recruited local males as soldiers to defend their vast colonies. eg during the invasion of afghanistan, army of 21,000 colonials english and Indian soldiers advanced through rough terrain, across deserts and 4,000-metre-high mountain passes, in 1839 and invaded Afgahnistan.

  14. Asians made good and willing soldiers for their colonial masters. It is in their blood, to be ruled. Everyone one of them is inviting their ex colonial masters to rule them once again. It is like romancing the colonial masters.

    They are in love with the Americans and the Japanese.
