
The hidden agenda of Abe and his revisionists

The revival of Japanese Imperialism and its glorious military past are top on Abe’s agenda. Abe wants to lead Japan to become a major world power like Hitler did to Germany. Japanese nationalism, militarism and imperialism are all the cards Abe has been playing with. But this is not all.

Japan has a willing partner in the Americans who would want to continue to be the unchallenged superpower in the world. By playing up the fear of China, by provoking China to react, to become more assertive to reclaim its territories, Abe is dragging the Americans by the nose. The Americans have no choice but to go along. And it makes a lot of sense for the Americans to be supporting a second rate power to oppose and contain China. Japan could do anything it wants to irritate and agitate China and any reactions by China would be pleasing news and excuses to exaggerate the threat of China to its neighbours. China is expansionist, China is expanding its military expenditure, China is getting more assertive, China is going to swallow up all its neighbours. What else is new?

It was all very convenient and expedient for the Americans to play the backbencher to cheer the Japanese on and to carry the big stick to keep China in check. So thought the Americans, that they could have the cake and eat it too, with the Japanese doing all the banging and screaming and the Americans standing behind like the guardian angel.

Japan cannot expect to be a superpower in the league of the US and China. It is just too small to compete with the two giants. This is not the 19th or 20th Centuries when a small country could rule half the world with technology when other countries were underdeveloped, weak and disorganised. How then could Japan achieve super power status in the ranks of the US and China, and if better, surpass the two giants? What is up Abe’s sleeves?

Now, would it be nice if the US is made to take on China in an all out war? All Japan needs to do is to keep provoking the Chinese and when the latter retaliate, runs back to the Americans for help and get the Americans in direct confrontation with China. It is like killing two birds with one stone with the two giants not knowing how they ended up in an all out war destroying each other. It would also in a way avenge the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by destroying the American military and economic might as well as that of China.

When these two giants went into a head on collision, none is going to come out alive, at best half dead. Who would be the victor, the next Number One superpower, when the US and China were spent force? Are the Americans seeing the big picture? Hopefully. Hopefully their Asian pivot is only rhetoric and the Americans would not be deceived into an open warfare with China and fall into the Japanese trap.

Can Abe fix Obama and the Americans to court self destruction and reap the reward to become the next Number One super power?

Kopi Level - Red


  1. Can Abe fix Obama and the Americans to court self destruction and reap the reward to become the next Number One super power?

    Please lah, u think Obama is daft like some Sinkies so easy to be fixed meh?

  2. Errr... I don't think Abe's agenda is "hidden". I think it is obvious. He and his "gang" is nationalism gone insane -- like Hitler.

    Japan's "willing partner" is the USA -- but as I've indicated before, that is only for the moment. US business is heavily invested in China -- Japan -- although slowly changing -- is not favorable ("tax friendly") to foreign investors.

    I don't buy all the jingoistic nationalism when it comes to war between states. People go rah rah rah intoxicated that the cuntree they support is going to kick the cuntree they dislike -- much like a match on ESPN. It is all BULL. The media propagates the bullshit and only serves as an effective distribution machine of propaganda for the specific side or doctrine. I definitely don't believe there's such a thing as a "just war". It is all BULLSHIT.

    Me? I follow the money. No one goes to war unless there is money to be made in the orgy of widespread destruction and killing.

    Abe's wet-dream of being the foremost power in Asia is going to blow up in his face in an act of self bukkake.

  3. To add to my above comments, the Americans are showing their true colours. When faced with a worthy opponent, they will back out, instead of rushing their soldiers into Ukriane, they are talking sanctions.

    Remember how quickly they sent their boys into Iraq and Libya and could have done so in Syria if Putin did not stop them.

  4. Most likely, they are both plotting to finish Japan off. All stand to gain. US can write off the debt owed to japan. EU can re-dominate the automobiles market. China can get rid off a silly long term pest. Cannot underestimate the power of money.

  5. I disagree with this fear-mongering.

    - China is stupid to play up Diaoyu Dao (Senkaku Islands). Leave that to the next century.

    - Stop getting upset with visits to Yasukuni Shrine. The Japanese MPs can go and live there. It is history.

    - Nanjing is recognized by the world as a Japanese massacre. So, stop giving publicity to Japan.

    Ignore Japan, make China self-sustaining and be truly independent. China sill depends on Japanese technology and trade in many areas. No problem with that.

    Japan is not the path to militarism. The general population is not supporting even the thinking.

    And Japanese politicians are worse than shoes or sandals. They are changed every so often. Abe will be step down in a few years at the most..or even earlier. They have very short histories as leaders.

  6. Hi Eddie,

    China did not play up the Diaoyu issue. It was settled by Deng and the previous Japanese leaders to leave it for the future generations to settle. It was Japan that stirred this shit by buying it from a fictitious Japanese owner, and the Japanese went on the pretense to nationalise it. China has no choice but to make a stand.

    As for the general Japanese population, they will go along with the Japanese leaders just like during the WW2. They are very nationalistic and would want to be a superpower. There will be a small minority that would have different views. Japan is on the path to militarism, to revive their past Imperial glory.

  7. @Eddie:

    You're forgetting a fundamental: this is cultural. Asian culture is at the root, conservatively tribal and clanish.

    In the more "enlightened" western democratic cultures, cuntrees can go to war with each other and within a decade become allies. 2 angmohs can have a heated disagreement at a bar, go outside and smash each other to pieces, then tomorrow shake hands, double team or swap their girlfriends, go back to the bar and have drinks together and become best mates.

    In Asian culture, the 2 belligerents are likely to target each others families for several generations. In short: Asians are great at holding a grudge based on a long, long, past disgruntlement.

    You can observe this everywhere: Indians vs Pakis, Japs vs Chinese, Koreans vs Japs, Viets vs Chinese, Thai vs Burmese ...it is a constant source of on-going entertainment to visitors to Asia.

    Fucking hilarious lah.

  8. In this case the Chinese were willing to forgive the Japanese. They have forgiven the Mongolians, the Manchus and the Russians. They have forgiven the Indians and the Viets.

    It is the Japanese that are still holding onto a piece of Chinese territory that keeps the dispute alive.

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