
Chee Soon Juan - A time to Chee

How shall I write a piece on Chee Soon Juan without being seen as biased, partial or stereotyping or unthinking? If I say he is good, some quarters would be frowning. If I say he is NG, would I be doing justice to this man?

Everyone has an impression on Chee Soon Juan, mostly negative. The reason, they read the media and listen to the official news. Has there been anything written or spoken on Chee Soon Juan that is good or fair comment on this man? People who made a judgement on a person like Chee based on what they read about him in the media must seriously do some thinking and ask themselves what really happened and was he that bad a guy? And there are many questions to be asked as to why he has such a bad public image for so long, as an aspiring politician. He is so brash, he is so disrespectful, he is…. but that was 20 years ago.

Look across the causeway and look at Anwar Ibrahim. This one was imprisoned, tarred and feathered, charged for sodomy and all the hideous things that his political opponents could think of to fix him. The big difference, though some of the charges were really very serious, is that the Malaysian public are more sophisticated than the daft Sinkies. They do not believe everything that is published in the media and definitely would not believe the bad things the politicians said about Anwar. They are thinking and will challenge the official truth. They believe that those who cast stones at Anwar were many times worst than Anwar. Do the Sinkies bother to think and challenge the official truth on what Chee Soon Juan is all about?

Historically, many politicians found themselves on the wrong side of the political equation and were condemned or imprisoned for political crimes or for being politically incorrect. We have many that were detained for half of their lives without trial. Were they really bad people or simply politicians of the wrong camp? And there were many infamous personalities that have to seek the safety of foreign shores, never to return home.

On the international scene, there are great names like Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi and Deng Xiaoping. All were once on the wrong side of the political divide. They came back, rehabilitated, and rose to become very good leaders in their countries. If the opportunities were not given to these politicians, they would have ended in the dark corners of history, might even die in prison, for political crimes or just being on the wrong side.

Are Sinkies wise enough, mature enough, to do their own thinking, to make their own judgement on what is a good man or a bad person? Chee Soon Juan is definitely not an immortal, but an ordinary man. He would have all the flaws like you and me. Only immortals are flawless, mind you. All men have flaws, only discovered or exposed or the time is not ripe yet. Do not take anyone at face value. Do not make a judgement on another man by what others make out of him. Do your own thinking, and it is very easy. Scrutinise the facts, the intents and the truths imposed on your thinking. Be a bit cynical and critical and be a bit smart for your own good.

Is Chee Soon Juan what he is made out to be? Would he make a good politician to serve the people, speak up and stand up for the people? A good politician is one that serves your interest, not his own interest, not one that ignores your interest. A good politician is one that listens to you, not to himself.

Is it time for Chee? Is there room in Parliament for Chee?

Kopi Level - Red


  1. Is there room for Chee in parliament ? Yes I say, definitely. Here is one man who sacrificed himself for the good of Singaporeans. And in the process suffered undeserved pain, humiliation, personal financial loss ...this is enough to break any normal human being, not Dr Chee. Compare him with all the self serving PAP leeches, you see a world of difference. This is the type of leaders we want !!!!

  2. All is fair in war and politics. Politics is where "perception is reality". Yew can be a monster, but if The Sheeple think yew are fit to govern their cuntree, they will support yew.

    Take a narcissistic mad man like Putin -- The Russian sheeple support him, so he's in. How about bozos like Marcos and Suharto? The nutty sheeple of Indons and Pinoys supported them. Lest we forget the likes of billionaires Sippery Berlusconi and Shitwater Thaksin -- who added the states of Italy and Thailand to the revenue streams of their already vast empires. The sheeple supported them.

    And yew dun have to get the support of the sheeple FOREVER -- just long enough for yew to "benefit" -- because eventually the sheeple will wake up to yewr scams and begin to hate yew.

    Chee in reality, removed from the backstabbing and knuckle dusting fray of politics, is a nice guy and damn smart when it comes to science. But as a politician -- no can do. And that's alright. Not everyone can be a concert violinist, a movie star or an rock star -- even tough in their heart of hearts they may have burning desires to do so. Those three examples are "vocations" where no matter how hard you train and how good you become at your craft, you still require PUBLIC SUPPORT to rise to the top. You need the NUMBERS -- pure and simple.

    Chee is "too nice" to be a politician. Adept career politicians need to be Machiavellian to ensure success and survival in probably the most competitive game on earth -- where not only the terrain is constantly changing, but also the whims of the sheeple, and one's relationships with others in the game. One day they are your allies, next day they are conspiring to bring you down and besmirch what might be left of your good name.

    Also, I dun think a comparison of Chee to Anwar is a fair one. Anwar -- from young -- is BISEXUAL. Under stupid Malaysian religious-based laws, this is unfortunately an untenable situation. Assholes at UMNO are already a bunch of twisted bigots who use religion as a tool of command and control -- do you think they would accept someone from the LBGT community to lead? No fucking way.

    Malaysia is far, far, far away from being one of the more "enlightened" cuntrees like those of Europe, Canada or Australia

    Chee, like JBJ before him is too decent to go up against the likes of Lee Kuan Yew and his henchmen minions -- unsavoury types who will use "dirty tricks" to DESTROY any would-be challengers to their political dominance.

    If you are unwilling to play dirty in a stinky, filthy game, then it is very unlikely you will succeed, even though you might win the respect and admiration of a few. If you are viewed as "weak", then public perception becomes political reality.

    In politics, the nastiest, amoral and ruthless people are often the most successful -- because as a collective, The Sheeple's culture is nasty, amoral and ruthless. And so it is:

    The Sheeple Get The Tyrant They Deserve

    Got Game?

  3. Dr Chee, if you are reading this, you should publicise your Sunday walkabouts so that your supporters (which must be growing day by day as we approach the next GE) and demonstrate their desire to VTO. Me and my friends will follow you all they way. You can gauge the support level you now have (thanks to the fumbling, incompetent Papies). Make them start shivering, shitting in their pants !!!

  4. "Is there room in Parliament for Chee?"

    Please lah, mark my words.

    Whether Chee or whoever, there is absolutely no room for any Sinkie opposition MP or MPs in Parliament, if their party is not ready to be govt.

    Is SDP led by Chee ready to be govt, u tell me lah?

  5. Take note that SInkieland is not Matland.

    So Chee is no Anwar.

    And Chee is just Chee, a Sinkie opposition figure.

    And Sinkie opposition is just that, an opposition not ready to be govt for a long, long time, maybe well into the future.

    Cased closed.

  6. Just like the late JBJ, Chee is basically a one man show.

    60% Sinkies hate one man shows, let alone vote for them.

    Can u have a one man cabinet, u tell me lah?

  7. In politics, the nastiest, amoral and ruthless people are often the most successful -- because as a collective, The Sheeple's culture is nasty, amoral and ruthless. And so it is:

    MS, I take offence at your insinuation that our leaders are nasty, ruthless, amoral and all kinds of bad things.

  8. Maybe Chee should just dissolve SDP and join forces with WP Teochew Ah Hia.

    That will certainly improve his standing among the 60%, and hence also improve his chances of being elected.

    Improve only hor, not win yet, OK?

  9. "Maybe Chee should just dissolve SDP and join forces with WP Teochew Ah Hia."
    Anon 10:30 am

    So simple meh?

    Even if Chee is willing, will Ah Hia willing to accept Chee, u tell me lah?

  10. /// Would he make a good politician to serve the people, speak up and stand up for the people? ///

    Of course Chee Soon Juan will make a Singaporean politician.
    You tell me lah.

    How many PAP MPs and PAP Ministers "serve the people, speak up and stand up for the people" ....

  11. How many PAP MPs and PAP Ministers "serve the people, speak up and stand up for the people" ...
    Anon 10:42 am

    But at least they all accept Ah Loong as leader and PM mah. And to get the 60% vote, this is very important.

    Who does the opposition accept as their leader and PM if voted in as govt? Is there one, or will they fight among themselves to be leader, u tell me lah?

    And 60% really hate opposition not being united, let alone fighting each other.

    1. Like this Commenters' observation.
      The Alternative Parties are fragmented and there are folks like the Late JB Jeyaratnam, Chiam See Tong who were/are lonets who could hardly share power with party members. In fact, like Lee Kuan Yew, some even keep their leadership of their parties within their families.
      Anyway, being loner mean they will not get mass supports but get idolize by few of their individual supporters.
      As for political developments and it's consequences, another fact is apparent. Singaporeans are selfish lot without any cohesive political bearing. Even thosr active in social political activism are individualistic and seek individual glory.

      How many activists and bloggers know each other? And are there any gathering to form a common platform to shape the Social/Political Landscape?

      Personally, me am of the Opinion that a psck of hyenas will always be more powerful and effective than a lone powerful lion or tiger.

      There is no hope of kicking out the Pappies in the near future, unless Sin is affected by natural disasters OR SINKIES THEMSELVES MAKING COMBINED EFFORTS TO REMOVE THEM.


  12. once in a blue moon, matilah writes a good essay on rb's blog.

  13. 11.33am, yes he can write and no excuse that he can not write the ten books Tio Bo?

  14. Even without bad press Chee still needs to address why he hasn't found a proper job, why his family and he himself is still at a the helm of the party for more than 2 decades even with no success in Parliament. Ling and Cheo totally goofed up under Chee's leadership, and though under not fault of his own, Chee has the responsibility of reining in 2 errant members (one who yelled 'bastard' publicly and both who deliberately chose to skip Parliament sitting when they debated Chiam' expulsion. Look at the great Low of the WP, so many issues to his party as well, plus Yaw's expulsion on top, yet the WP have been winning more seats than any other party in SG. Are voters really daft? Did they believe the bad press the WP received over the years? No! The problem lies with Chee and the SDP not wanting to concede to a much better party like the WP. Sure they gave way when the Punggol East by-election came, but that was a clever move to give way first and ask for something bigger in the next GE. The SDP needs to rid itself of its old guard and accept viable new blood. Not just anti-ISA or pro-gay rights prople. It is okay to have such strong voices but that shouldn't be the biggest priority. The great WP has set its priorities greater and better, that's why they keep winning.

  15. In a first-past-the-post electoral system, the candidates with more extremist, less moderate views tend to fall by the wayside.

    CSJ has some good ideas, but unfortunately the PAP establishment had successfully character assassinated him with the sycophant media.


    Better a 'madman' like Putin than have the Jews (euphemisms: 'western world', 'international community') dick around with you in your backyard.

    Putin is the only one with brains and balls to stand up to them. He saw what happened to Gaddafi and Saddam, whose only sin was to have the temerity to switch away from the petrodollar for oil trade.

    Also, the Jews are not pleased that Putin had successfully circumvented their warmongering efforts towards Syria and Iran. Ukraine is revenge against Putin.

    So, in conclusion, go team Putin.

  16. @1027:

    >> MS, I take offence at your insinuation that our leaders are nasty, ruthless, amoral and all kinds of bad things.

    Please rest assured that I'm happy to supply you all the offence that you can handle...and more. :-)

    once in a blue moon, matilah writes a good essay on rb's blog.

    If you think that, I suggest you better go out an buy lottery ticket. ;-)

    I write OPINION. You agree, then to you it's good. You dun agree, then to you I'm an asshole...

  17. Ukraine is Putin's revenge against the Americans. The Americans cut down Saddam and then renegated on Libya by sending in their bombers to strike at the Libyan govt forces. Putin lost two allies.

    Then came Syria and the Americans wanted to repeat the same act. They sent in their military advisers and provocateurs to support the rebels.

    Putin said stop and and stood his ground, to fight the Americans. Syria was the first base that Putin held on and defended.

    Now Ukraine is Putin's first initiative to do exactly what the Americans had done to him. Putin went in to seize Crimea and then sent in his military advisers and provocateurs to support the rebels, following exactly the American modus operandi.

    The Americans are on the defensive. They dare not take on Putin and can only cry sanctions. Let's see if the Americans got the balls to send in American troops and and another coalition of the Unwilling.

  18. I notice that WP supporters have more poisonous and evil tongues than PAP supporters. You consider yourself our fellow opposition supporters? You WP hypocrites! *Phui* saliva to WP!

  19. You sure they are WP supporters?

  20. @RB:

    >> Let's see if the Americans got the balls to send in American troops and and another coalition of the Unwilling.

    The USA is lots of bad things, however cowardice is not one of them. These fuckers are gung-ho military trigger jockeys, they love a fight and for them dying in battle elevates you to "patriotic celebrity" status.

    America acts in what is American interests -- always, without exception. Actually by the articles of treaty and agreement, the US is contractually bound to defend Ukraine. For what? Oil? Natural Gas? Recent developments in the US have ensured they already have plenty of that. Natural gas prices in the US are LOW, any lower and it will become uneconomic. Recent discoveries of oil in the US make it the next "Saudi Arabia".

    Fighting Putin's Russia is going to be monumentally expensive.

    Follow the money lah. Ask yourself "Cui Bono?"

  21. Chee still needs to address why he hasn't found a proper job, why his family and he himself is still at a the helm of the party for more than 2 decades ...
    ANON @ May 04, 2014 12:06 pm

    Uh ... Has anybody seen LKY doing his job as an MP in the Tanjong Pagar GRC over last 15 years?

  22. See link:

    Not only Chee has no proper job, his wife also doesn't work either.

    Wondering how they survive with 3 children in high cost Sinkieland hah?

    And if they can, how come many Sinkies with jobs complain hard to survive with money no enough?

  23. Evil people will have their retributions in due course.

    Better pray hard that it would not come. But it will, only when.

  24. Wait for MERS or something like dat to do the job.

  25. "Wait for MERS or something like dat to do the job."
    Anon 2:48 pm

    No need lah. Sinkies are already in below replacement birth rate.

    At this rate, Sinkies will even become extinct as a matter of time, let alone grow strong to replace PAP.

  26. " A good politician is one that serves your interest,"

    - a good politician never exists. all politicians are evil.

  27. I think Chee is history in most people's eyes, never mind what kind of comeback he is plotting.

    He betrayed Chiam, tried a hunger protest that failed, tried to make a deal with WP to contest Punggol East recently with him going into Parliament and the WP helming the town council if they win.

    Would I trust him as my MP?

  28. "Not only Chee has no proper job, his wife also doesn't work either.

    Wondering how they survive with 3 children in high cost Sinkieland hah?"
    Anon 2:17 pm

    I think there is more to Chee than meets the eye.

    And I have a gut feeling not being comfortable voting for Chee or SDP in general.

    1. Aiya, his relatives loaded mah, so no need to work also can survive. Money not important to him. Taking care of Singapireans is top on his priority list. That's why must make him our PM

  29. Anon 7:30pm. I am very sure you are very comfortable voting multi millionaires and billionaires to run this country.

  30. Many people still think that CSJ ousted Chiam from the SDP and thus was ungrateful to him.

    I have heard the story from some SDP veterans who were witnesses to the whole affair and vouched that CSJ was innocent. They hope Chiam would speak out to clear the air while he still has time to tell the truth and to clear the name of CSJ for good.

    It is an honourable thing to do so.
