
Deadly consequences of reckless immigration

I may be the least qualified to talk about this chilling possibility but I do hope it would prompt the experts to open up and discuss it to educate the masses and the policy makers of the unusually high risk the people are being exposed to a deadly plague or biological epidemic. We are all familiar with the obsession of the Australians in guarding their island continent from an invasion of foreign microbes, organisms, bacteria or viruses that could destroy lives and the ecology of their continent. If there is a world wide epidemic that threatens the existence of the human race, Australia is likely to be the last bastion where some humans and living things could survive.

Japan is another country that is fairly secured from such threats but through their stringent immigration policy. Immigration is not like some simpleminded folks chose to believe in, all about economic growth. There is national security involved, not the political or military kind, but biological and chemical invasion. The world is still threatened by many deadly diseases, SARS, bird flu, MERS, ebola, TB and many others that the medical professionals would know best. And the earth is infested with uncountable microbes, organisms, bacteria, viruses and with many new ones being formed every second through mutation or cross breeding. The water, soil, air and mud on the land are filled with all kinds of organisms specific to a location.

Japan is safe in the sense that it does not freely encourage a free flow of immigrants to its islands. It is quite homogenous and those entering Japan are few and with lower risk of being carriers of deadly diseases. Their jam packed trains are clean and hygienic from this standpoint as the people are mainly Japanese and have lesser risk of introducing new diseases.

Our reckless immigration policy for economic growth brings in millions of foreigners from the far flung nooks and corners of the earth, from little 3rd and 4th World villagers. And these people bring along the microbes, bacteria and organisms that are new to our clinically clean citizens with no immunity or defences against them. And the probability of them passing on to the citizens is so high given the ratio of 1 foreigner to 1 citizen or higher, and the close proximity when they are jam packed in the trains, exchanging their breaths daily many times a day.

Our super clean and unprotected children are also highly exposed to these organisms and diseases carried by the foreigners without anyone raising any alarm or care a hoot if they are infected and the diseases spread wildly. The very same school buses that ferried our innocent, hygenic and angelic children to schools every morning are the same buses that fetched the foreign workers all over the islands at night. And they did not disinfect the buses before picking up the children. Get the picture?

But who cares as long as it is not my children that are going to be infected, like NIMBY is ok. The elite would only wake up if they know that their children and themselves are just as vulnerable to such diseases as their children are exposed to other children in schools and they themselves are exposed to the train commuters in the office or food courts or common space and leisure areas.

The whole island is highly exposed to deadly diseases because of our reckless economic policy of allowing millions and millions of people into this little place. And we can be history just as fast as the immigrants come in and leave after their sojourns here. We keep changing them like tissue papers and waiting for that one batch that is unclean to do the damage.

Immigration is not just economics. There is a big health risk involved. Would the health experts like to discuss this subject openly to create awareness? Have they been talking or have their mouths been zipped? This is a deadly chilling tale that is waiting to happen, waiting to be told, waiting to wipe the population of this city to oblivion.

Kopi Level - Green


  1. /// Immigration is not just economics. There is a big health risk involved. Would the health experts like to discuss this subject openly to create awareness? ///

    Tuberculosis is directly linked to the higher immigration rate in Singapore.
    There are government statistics to prove this.
    Collected over the last 10 years.
    Publicly available.
    I leave it for discerning readers to figure out where to look.

  2. "And these people bring along the microbes, bacteria and organisms that are new to our clinically clean citizens with no immunity or defences against them."

    RB, please lah. Sinkies already has below replacement fertility rate, and at this rate is going to be extinct in the future anyway.

    So does it matter got microbes or bacteria or not?

    If got, Sinkies will just extinct faster only lah, tio bo? But extinct Sinkies will.

  3. When there are fewer Sinkies around, and few foreigners around, the cost of living would have gone down and life could be slower. Having children will be cheaper and easier like in the past, not the present mad rush and pressure cooker society.

  4. GDP growth is more important than health of Sinkies affected by overcrowding.

    And strongest opposition is not ready to take action to say no by replacing the PAP.

    And so 60% bo pian (no choice) approved PAP lor, tio bo?

  5. I cannot imagine if there is a widespread epidemic like SARS and affecting more people resulting in the whole island being quarantined like Fukushima. With the trains fully packed, the disease can spread like wild fire.

  6. "I cannot imagine if there is a widespread epidemic like SARS and affecting more people resulting in the whole island being quarantined like Fukushima."
    Anon 10:47 am

    Don't worry. PAP knows for sure this will not happen.

    How sure?

    As sure as PAP knows that Teochew Ah Hia will not announce WP will contest 100% seats next election.

    So do u now feel assured?

  7. Why must wait for WP to contest 100% per cent to challenge the PAP for the ruling government???

    Just vote the opposition parties that contested against the PAP.

    Let the opposition candidates among themselves form a COALITION Government to rule over Singapore.

    After all, LHL had already mentioned that this coming GE, a COALITION government is possible to rule Singapore.

  8. @ Virgo49

    Just vote Opposition.
    That is the patriots job.

    After that, we leave it to our elected representatives to figure out how to form the government.
    Because that is now their (elected MPs) job.

  9. What a choice of words : Deadly consequeces and reckless immigration.
    Just add in "irresponsible government and we have a potent mix.

  10. What a choice of words : Deadly consequeces and reckless immigration.
    Just add in "irresponsible government and we have a potent mix.

  11. @RB:

    >> Our reckless immigration policy for economic growth brings in millions of foreigners from the far flung nooks and corners of the earth, from little 3rd and 4th World villagers.

    Nonsense, redbean, pure, unadulterated nonsense delivered in a steaming hot-plate of fresh smelly bullshit.

    Firstly the use of the "weasel word" -- reckless is completely wrong. The policy is not so much immigration as OPEN BORDERS. No one was "forced" to come to Singapore. The policies just made it easier to do so. People who come act AUTONOMOUSLY -- i.e. they decide what their self-interest is, and how to act in accordance with their self-fucking-interest.

    EVERYONE brings microbes, becasue every human is MADE OF microbes.

    Microbes make up MOST OF THE DNA on/ in our bodies. The amount of our human DNA is less than the total amount of DNA of the human microbiome. So you might want to check up on the facts before shitting yourself in the mouth with a blast of explosive diarrhea.

    You don;t know a fucking thing about disease and infection, as you've already demonstrated you have not a fucking clue about the co-existence of microbes and humans.

    >> it would prompt the experts to open up and discuss it to educate the masses

    A fucking terrific idea. Yes, let's get the discussion in public going. I'll rally the scientists to bust out the myths redbean and people of his ilk will be spewing out of their loud but ill-informed mouths.

    C'mon, let's go!

  12. "There is a big health risk involved"

    - in a world where profit is above everything else, it is you die your business mentality that forms the fundamental of the government core value.

    - do not say i never warn. the NEW WATER is highly toxic. so far, no one who audit the NEWWATER is independent.

  13. Has the purported test results of NEWater ever been publicly revealed?

    Or does it take the usual 56 man years to find out?

  14. If newwater so clean, why the sons and daughters of ministers are all overseas? sg ministers only drink from bottled mineral waters from countries outside sg. only dumb people never get the hint.

  15. @310;

    >> only dumb people never get the hint.

    Fuck the "hint". What hint? You're making all this shit up in your fucked-up head. Please find a hard surface and BANG your head violently at least ten times.

    Only dumb people (like you) never check the facts about NEWater

  16. "NEWater is CLEANER/ PURER than the stuff you get from the tap."

    - where is your independent certified test result? The technology use to filter/purify the water is outdated which probably unable to deal with new diseases and bacteria.

    "We often don't think about where our water comes from," said Steve Fleischli, director and senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Water Program in Los Angeles. "Does it come from a nearby river or a lake, intermittent streams, isolated wetlands, or an aquifer? Yes, you may have a water treatment plant, but if your water source is not protected, people face a real risk."

  17. "You're making all this shit up in your fucked-up head. "

    - economists do that all the time. btw, one ex pm is an economist.

  18. MS is all hot under. Let's tie him up and gang rape him. He is asking for it.

  19. Let's give MS one year's supply of NEWater.

  20. Am I hearing voices? This asshole Matilah believes in commercial reports? I think he also believes in all the reports churned out by tobacco companies about how good nicotine is and how harmless it is to inhale them.

    And he did not imposed his views on others except he gets horny and called people names when people did not agree with him.

    Oh, please be gentle with him. Once a month he behaves this way. After today he will be normal again.

  21. Hey RB, from the trash you put on this forum, I can guess you are against immigration into your pathetic island. If not for the FTs who come to your country your economy will grind to a halt. At the very least show a little appreciation. If you feel so strongly about it, then I suggest you get into your government by becoming a MP and fight against the immigration policy of the PAP. This is my challenge to you. Do it, if you succeed, then things will change.

  22. "If not for the FTs who come to your country your economy will grind to a halt."
    April 18, 2014 7:11 pm

    PAP's economic ecosystem (gravy train) will definitely come to an end without FTs.
    But Singaporean economy will definitely take off once we rid the island of PAPigs and FTs.

  23. Hi Anon 7:11, before I even accept your challenge, I will like to know whether you are fit to throw me a challenge.

    I do not have any strong feelings against FTs until they started to cheat and abuse the charity of Sinkies. And now, if you are a FT and coming here to challenge me, it gives me more reason to want to make sure you know your place in our country.

    I challenge you to be a man and identify yourself. It is so simple. You got balls?

  24. I do not have balls. RB your wishy washy ideas that FTs come to cheat and abuse the charity of Singaporeans are total nonsense. Everybody cheats when they are sure they do not get caught, Singaporeans or FTs. Singaporeans working in oversea countries around the world will also cheat whenever they can. It is human nature. If greed is the reason forcheating, Singaporeans must be holding top position. Your country is full of money minded people who would cheat whenever they can. Oh by the way, let not talk about cheating, let talk about modern day slavery. Your people work your maids like modern slaves 5.00 am to maybe 9.00 pm everyday, maybe 6 days a week for very poor salary. Right??

  25. As usual, redbean resorts to name calling -- at the same time having the audacity to accuse me of the same.

    Whatever he says, his words are here posterity -- words that illustrate what a fucking asshole dufus he is when it comes to spreading shit misinformation about foreigners being "bio weapons" equipped to the gills with contagious microbial vectors which will wipe out those pansy locals -- apparently without working immune systems.

    Now he behaves like a lawa fucker when criticised by an anon "foreigner sympathiser". Redbean doesn't do too well when the facts are thrust in his face, when the has to face the truth, for example the fact that without the cadre of foreigners from labourer to lead scientist, there is NO WAY Singapore would be enjoying the level of wealth of today.

    I must disagree with the anon 711. Not having foreigners won't "grind the economy to a halt", but it most certainly will impact on the level of wealth. Singapore is so rich that even if you deflate the economy by 70%, the cuntree will still be standing, and people will still be able to live -- although not so many will be spending $1000 on iPhones, or $100k on cars. At the level of 30% of today's economy, Singapore will still have a GDP per capita 50% HIGHER than Malaysia, and on par with Chile.

    So Singapore will still be OK even if all the foreigners left. However, who the fuck wants to drop in level of wealth or opportunity to create wealth.

    Welcome foreigners. Please work as hard ad as smart as you want, make as much money as you desire, and buy as much real estate as your heart desires.

    Don't listen to these jealous, misinformed and lying cunts.

  26. You got no balls and you come here to make a challenge to me?

    You foreigners have it so good here and the Sinkies are not complaining until they found out that many came with fake credentials and degrees and worse, getting rid of Sinkie PMEs and replacing them with more foreigners. Many highly qualified Sinkies are now driving taxis for a living and many could not get a job, just like the foreigners in their home country. This is unacceptable.

    If the foreigners are here on merits, they will be welcomed. If only the govt digs hard enough, many would have to pack their backs or even ended up in jail.

    With so many foreigners here, for so many years, how many have been bullied by the Sinkies? But the tolerance level of the Sinkies is breaking and xenophobia is on the rise.

    Whose fault is that? You think Sinkies turned xenophobic overnight for no reasons?

    And stop giving the crap that we need you foreigners. It is the other way. Wait for the people to put more pressure on the govt and for the floodgate to close and see how many of you will go down on your knees to beg to be let in.

    This govt is losing its game plan and would not last long. And the new govt will change many of the bad policies for sure, and cutting down on foreigners will be top on the list.

  27. RB,

    Why get work up with dirt and scum, we have given them more than their own could, that's why you have kept on writing on these years, so that we can know and understand what kind of gutless pigs where let in, we home them, we jobs them, the kindness was return with insult, riots and ridicule....it's easy for them to keep on hiding behind anon, just like their fake merits, they just dun seem to know, without our jobs......they rot......period.


  28. Whatever you say, RB and Kaki, I am having a great time here and earning big bucks and sending lots of $$$$ home. As soon as things get difficult here I will be off. Not staying here one day longer than necessary. As soon as your economy turns upside down I will be the first off this island of yours. Until then I enjoy taking your job and turning my nose up to you. Well done PAP.

  29. "Well done PAP."
    April 19, 2014 2:59 am

    Dear Singaporeans.
    I repeat.
    FTs is not the problem.
    They are the symptom.
    The cause is the PAP.
    The solution is to vote them out.

    A fever (FTs)is a symptom.
    The cause of the fever may be chicken pox (PAP).

  30. @RB:

    >> If the foreigners are here on merits, they will be welcomed. If only the govt digs hard enough, many would have to pack their backs or even ended up in jail.

    Like I said, this fucker is one heck of a LAWA chappy. He thinks he has the "authority" to determine who can come and on what terms.

    First he starts with some made-up theories about germs and infections, and now he shifts gears into "foreigners with fake degrees", basing his arguments on another made-up theory about some nebulous "level playing field".

    Fortunately, this is not how the world works. Competition is mostly unfair, there will be people who cheat and yes, sometimes a cheater will beat you in the market. Grow up and get a life lah. You are behaving like some kid who got his lunch eaten by the school bully.

    >> This govt is losing its game plan and would not last long. And the new govt will change many of the bad policies for sure, and cutting down on foreigners will be top on the list.

    No, no. The losing game is being played out by the whinging locals who cannot accept progress and refuse to compete. The cuntree will move forward with or without you or your "consent".

    And at the end of the day, the meritocracy-centered KIASU majority will vote the PAP back in, and you fuckers will be out there banging balls all over again. The PAP will probably lose a few seats, the buffoons will go ape-shit cheering the few "black swans" of opposition candidates who just got "lucky".

    Anyway no need to talk so much cock. I believe in ACTION and the results. Wait for elections. And then see.

    In the meantime, it is a good idea to gently massage your scrotums with some soft lotion. After elections, you'll be banging balls again, so you'd better prepare now :-)

  31. Matilah said, 'Fortunately, this is not how the world works. Competition is mostly unfair, there will be people who cheat and yes, sometimes a cheater will beat you in the market. Grow up and get a life lah. You are behaving like some kid who got his lunch eaten by the school bully.'

    In our case, the guardians are allowing the foreigners to cheat on the citizens. That is unacceptable, kid.

    This Estella Young wrote in the ST forum today, 'As a densely populated country with open borders, Singapore must act swiftly to inoculate itself against a culture of vaccine denial.'

    What she is saying is that the open borders would allow all kinds of diseases to come in quick and the children esp are very vulnerable. The adults too are exposed to such risk except those whose blood is alcohol or beyond redemption : )

  32. @RB:

    >> This Estella Young wrote in the ST forum today, 'As a densely populated country with open borders, Singapore must act swiftly to inoculate itself against a culture of vaccine denial.'

    So what? Everyone is entitled to an opinion. You, me, catholics...everyone has an opinion. Doesn't mean it is correct.

    This "foreigners-have-disease" idea is not new. It's an argument white supremacists have been using for eons.

    All you myth-ridden fuckers need to go and get an education in science before you start shitting your diarrhea of misinformation and bullshit all over the place, specifically to instill FEAR and LOATHING in equally non-science minded, gullible fools.

    You evil cunts are disgusting and reprehensible beyond the pale.
