
COI – The Altar of Sacrifice

The COI is set up to investigate the causes of the Little India Riot and probably with recommendations to prevent such an incident from happening again. And if it does, this time the police will be in a better position to deal with the mob. And the possible causes could be things like alcohol consumption, too many people concentrated in a small area, congestion, (didn’t they said 4 is illegal assembly?), narrow roads, rude bus attendant or bad bus driver or something like that.

What has happened over the last few sessions has turned into a grilling of the men in blue. It is looking more like an Altar of Sacrifice and a sacrificial lamb would be presented eventually to satisfy the gods. Now who is going to be the culprit or rogue of the Little India Riot? Would it be the rioters, the policemen or would it be the govt, definitely not the COI?

At the moment it looks like it is the police that is on trial. Or is it? Who else is also on trial? Looking from outside the fishbowl, it looks like everyone is a possible candidate on trial, from the right side to the left side, from those in front of the bench and those behind the bench, and those outside the bench.
This is truly a contest to prove who is the cleverest of them all on the basis of if? And which lamb will be offered on the Altar of Sacrifice? It is nice drama pitting the wits of the witnesses with those of the committee with accusations of all kinds thrown up in the air. Some say it is amusing, some capricious, some say it is conceit and egos and bundled into one.

What do you think?


  1. We all know what is the root cause of the riot.
    And that will never be addressed.

    It's like treating the fever of a cancer patient with Panadol.
    The cause of the fever is not fixed.
    fixing a broken MRT system with a General.

  2. The root cause is the open the gate wide wide immigration policy and the cheap cheap labour policy and the 6.9 million population target and the incompetent ministers and the .........

  3. It has become a whipping session for the men in blue. What an irony. It is their fault.....hahaha.


  4. I know, YOU don't know

    YOU know, I don't know

    I know, YOU know

    I don't know, YOU don't know


  5. Looks like the police will be shouldering the bulk of the blame. But the ministers will go Scott free as if it is none of his business. He will be sheltered behind the COI. How ironic as he spoke in praise of the police immediately after the incident "the police brought the situation under control while exercising self restraint. Not a single shot was fired". Now we know the police were terrified even to squeeze the trigger !!!

  6. // And which lamb will be offered on the Altar of Sacrifice? //

    From a bystander point of view, in this type of situation, likely anything can happen.

    Meaning damned you do and damned you don't. That's the price to pay. Nothing comes free.

    Likely there is no fixed way to handle. If another course of action was taken and it led to worst outcome, could the finger pointing be even worst .....

    Nothing comes free. After the early days success and all the low lying fruits harvested, scholar or no scholar likely have to prepare to "eat shit" and damned u do, damned u don't.

    Historically, after the easy and low hanging fruits being enjoyed by the early generations, future generation unlikely to have low hanging fruits to pluck.

    All the high hanging fruits come with costs! Some with beehives next to it. Those who still have wet dreams about past glories and easy low hanging plucking of fruits would be taken by surprise when partaking of the high hanging fruits come with high risks over time. No one can guarantee the next time there is no nasty surprise like a poisonous snake or beehives hidden next to the high hanging fruits .....

    Still very daft .....

    Think again

  7. In the Little India Riot Case, maybe the FT Auxiliary Police men are as good as tgeir commanders. And the Conmanders are as good as the Home Affair Ministry.
    Take the Riot as a lesson for All to learn. With hindsight and First Hand Experience now, the Ministry and Officers should have good ideas on how to handle contingency. As for the CEO Of Sin, he too should not be too fast in praising his civil servants and then the superiors of those servants he praised are found wanting in inquiry. That will not be nice for everyone involved as they will be very confused and lost. Even the average citizen is confused now as to whether the Riot was properly and appropriately handled.
    As can be seen, some blame the Police, others feel that Ministry and Ministers are not doing a good job especially when rioters were deported without been charged for committing crimes here.
    Fortunately there was minimum fatality.
    Post mortem the Incident, examine it thorough and extrapolate it to the possible conseqiences and draw up a more effective plan to contain future situation. Any lamb sacrificed will not result in any amend to the mistake(s) that had happened.

  8. The word investigation means finding the most vulnerable scapegoat and prosecute that person. It will never turn out to be the fault of the rulers even if it is VERY obvious.

  9. It looks like they have forgotten what the COI is for and the focus is now on how the police screwed it up.

  10. If only they could push the blame to the opposition. Maybe for not asking the hard questions. But certainly not for not slapping the driver hard enough.

    In the end, the blame will be on alcohol and maybe a low ranking policeman or two.

    And so, it ends happily over again, with the Government still as white as snow on Mt Everest.

  11. Was the driver slapped by the foreign workers? Or did he get more than a slap?

  12. After opening its door to anybody and everybody, our roads are no longer safe, some ft's together with some atuo repair shops have make it a living with accidents on the road, the auto shops are quoting ridiculous amount of money for repairs and personal claims, without cameras there is little you can do, as when an accident occur they move their vechicles, if you'll not fast enough to take videos or do not have witnesses, then beware cause fake witness can appear out of the Cracks for them.
