
SGX designates Asiason, Blumont and LionGold as designated stocks

The 3 stocks that were suspended from trading for irregularities will resume trading today but as designated stocks. What it means is that trading is restricted. Sellers can only sell the stocks if they already owned the stocks, or no short selling. Buyers must pay cash out front.

SGX is viewing this episode seriously and would not hesitate to introduce more control measures to prevent it from happening again. SGX has a responsibility to regulate the market, to prevent big syndicates/funds to manipulate the market to their advantage. A fair trading system and a level playing field are two of the fundamental principles that SGX has to guard zealously. Failing to do so is not only irresponsible but will kill the market in the long run. A stock market cannot be rigged to favour any party, big or small. No one is to be allowed special advantage like hooking their computers into the SGX system to have pre knowledge or advanced information that other traders did not have. This is cheating and allowing it is to condone cheating.

Churning, cornering of stocks, buying and selling without change of ownership, this could be done with a few parties swapping the stocks to deceive the regulators, creating a false market like ramping up stocks or selling down a stock, etc etc are offences under the SGX regulations for fair trading. Violating any of these is a serious offence. SGX is always on the look out to ensure that no such malpractices take place in the market.

There are bound to be incidents of such nature in the market. The question is how prevalent and what the SGX is doing about them? How fair and level is the playing field to the small investors? If the market is unfair, if there is no level playing field, if all the above is violated and taking place, who should be responsible?

The events surrounding the 3 suspended stocks, and many stocks would have led to many red flags being raised. Was anyone watching or anyone noticing that the red flags were raised?


  1. How fair and level is the playing field to the small investors?

    Small investors should go in with their eyes opened.

    And indeed they should. Or not go in at all, like me.

  2. small and retail investors should always stay clear of these type of stocks......

    in fact we must be beware when a stock moves up too quickly in a short span of time....

    never get involved .....stay out..... and watch the drama .....

  3. @ RB: "SGX is viewing this episode seriously and would not hesitate to introduce more control measures to prevent it from happening again. SGX has a responsibility to regulate the market, to prevent big syndicates/funds to manipulate the market to their advantage. A fair trading system and a level playing field are two of the fundamental principles that SGX has to guard zealously. Failing to do so is not only irresponsible but will kill the market in the long run."

    Kin Lian! Kin Lian! Where are you?

    "Lemon Blooders" MiniBond --- Some Sinkie including many retirees kanna about S$500,000,000

    About a few billion was wiped out last week in minutes.

    Arguably 10 times more than "Lemon Blooders" MiniBond

    Kin Lian! Kin Lian! Wu Eng Bor?

    Care to organise HLP event for any aggrieved angtee/ ounker?

    Many sinkies may full force sappork you if you care run in next GE. Remember you have about 100,000 supporters in PE 2011. That is no mean feat. You only need a fraction of that to win a single ward constituency. Then you can join Teochew uncle Liu and his "merry men and women" to fight for the old and poor in parliament for helpless Sinkies. Loong chong can ask probing questions to uphold accountability and transparency in Sinkiepore.

    But now maybe some "helpless angtee/ ounker" need you again in HLP! You expert mah! So they look for you!

    Kin Lian! Kin Lian! Can help calculate S$5,000,000,000 if divide by 1,000 hou much huh?

    Oh about S$500,000 only I see, smaller peanut than S$600,00. Tiok Bor?

    Kin Lian, I think hor sinkiepoor may be better off if u in parliament cos u can help advise loong chong the million dollars men and women about financial matters, so no need every time trouble need have party at HLP. Very hot and also very kah syn standing so loong, old liao cannot stand 3, 4 hours tak boleh tahan.

  4. @ anon 11.21 am typo error:

    "Oh about S$500,000 only I see, smaller peanut than S$600,00. Tiok Bor?"

    should be

    Oh about S$500,000 only I see, smaller peanut than S$600,000. Tiok Bor, Mrs Peanut?

  5. @ anon 11.21 am typo error again:

    "Very hot and also very kah syn standing so loong"

    Should be

    Very hot and also very kah syn standing so looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong

    Standing 3 to 4 hours! uncle RB, how many "o" should I put hah? Enuf aledi?

  6. there are many stocks in the same category .... why no actions? any actions to be taken in the near future????

    "all are born equal"

    but some are more equal than others?????
