
How the American govt wasted their taxpayers’ money

Edward Snowden’s report has revealed more than 35 countries were subject to American spying, including phone communications of their leaders, many of them were friends of the USA. Millions of ordinary citizens’ phones were tapped. In Spain alone, 60.5m phones were tracked in a single month. Multiply this by the number of months and the number of countries, the number is mind boggling. Asian and African countries are up in arms against this rude intrusion into the lives of their leaders and citizens. And they are welcoming the American pivot.

How much would all this cost? The listening stations and the equipment and the staff deployed to maintain the equipment and do the listening? The number of staff to translate and record the conversations, to analyse them and the equipment they used must have cost a lot of money to the American taxpayers.

And the money is being spent for years without the American public knowing. The best part, many of the American ordinary citizens are also subject to the same surveillance in home soil, including senators and congressmen.

American people, this is how your govt spent your money. This is the way of the Empire.


  1. After the sept 11 incident many americans and foreign arshes question, on why and what happen to the US intelligence and all that crab, now that they have done something the whole media goes crazy again on why they did it.

    What happen to all the condolences and tears?, the germans at their best, before the wall came down, they were all for it, the clapping and cheering, then they blame the east for slow downs..geeze.


  2. RB

    how about writing something on flooding.....lately everyday is a flooding day ......

  3. If the US govt didn't waste money, they would probably run balanced budgets and have little or no debt.

    Because the US govt wastes money like no one else on the planet, the US is constantly going broke and needs to keep printing dollars backed up by massively growing DEBT -- which every bloody fool cuntree in the world buys, and then backs their own worthless shit fiat paper currencies on it.

    If the US (and the rest of the world) didn't print money, an HDB 3-room wouldn't be touching anywhere near the SGD 500k they are now.

    Thank you US Govt and US Federal Reserve. You guys work well together ;-)


  4. this is just one way how the American get the world economy moving.....

    this also help to keep the unemployment rate lower.......

  5. Hi anon 2:23, why so interested in flooding? The only people need to worry are those with expensive cars parked in low lying area or basement. And those shops in basement level oso. For the rest, flood comes and goes.

  6. There are losers and winners in every policies. Many sinkies managed to sell their HDB and migrate to Aus for a cheaper and better houses, cars and future.

  7. Where got waste taxpayer's money? Just printing them is not much of a waste. It is just paper and ink plus a little bit of electricity. It can continue forever.

  8. The more they print, the more others will experience inflation that will bring down those economies in time to come. It is a plan to take them down.

  9. Just wait for the signal to dump the greenback and hell will break lose. All the big creditor countries are very edgy and watching the situation like a hawk. Once someone jumps the gun, everyone will want to get out as fast as they could.

    That will be the end of the greenback, of the Empire and the financial system.

  10. 3.58 pm, they now no need to print, it's just a digit in the computer system. So if the want to create 85 billion monthly, no need to print 85 billion of notes, just create a digit in the FED computer then buy the bonds fron the banks and credit the bank balance of the bank with the FED.

    On RB, problem is when the greenback becomes toilet papers, the whole world get drag into the shit not just the American. Example china holds two trillion of treasury bills and suddenly becoming worthless, then China is broke over night too and the two trillion took billion of Chinese to slave and save over years and goes into smoke. So will sinkie land as we also hold a lot of us$.

    For matilar, just bend forward and open your mouth, hehe knn

  11. @anon7:22, all the more reason that many people and countries would want to reduce the importance of the US Dollar and it is already happening.


  12. rb

    good morning sir,

    is Singapore a sampan 2.0 or a cruise ship ......do you want to write an article on it...

  13. I have commented on this before. Some are in sampans and some in cruise ships. We are in the same boat. Heheh.

    Depends on which boat you are in.

  14. Sinkies should be pleased that the PM humbled himself to move down from his cruise ship to join them in the sampan. This is humility.

  15. The Americans are not concern about bringing down the whole world economy. If so, they would not have acted the way they still do.

    Suffice to say, they have been enjoying several decades of lavishness spending other people's money by way of using toilet papers in exchange for imports and living it up. They are smarter than we think, while those who continue to buy their debts are really dumb. Hopefully, the creditor's realisation of their foolishness now is not too late.
