
A poser, what can be worse?

Heard of the saying, the blind leading the blind? This statement has often been quoted to denote a bad situation, a lost cause when nobody knows what is happening, and the blind is being led by an equally blind towards the cliff. Actually it is not that bad as the blind has no bad intention and if luck is on his side, he could lead them to paradise of plenty, by accident.

Then there is another situation where the blind are led by the crooks. This is about sums up the situation in the USA. The whole banking and finance industry, including the stock exchange, are led by the crooks. The bankers are selling fraudulent and gambling chits as sophisticated financial products to their clients. The stock exchange has been redesigned and turned into a gambling den, with trading system that is worse than a computer game or a real casino. At least computer games and casino have rules to regulate some level of fair play with the odds known. The stock exchange is designed to cheat the innocent investors by using computers to trade against them.
Here the blind congressmen and women could do nothing as they did not know enough of the game to press the right button. And for those who knew, they were simply bought over. So they have very little regulations under the guise that deregulation and little regulation are good for the market and the finance industry. So the crooks rule the day and run the industry and stock market the way they want it.

The third situation is slightly different. Here we have a bunch of very clever and self serving talents running the show, leading the blind by telling them that they are there to serve them. Instead the super talents are serving themselves and laughing to the banks and the blind did not know what is happening. Can’t blame them as they are blind. So the blind are happy and the super talents are happier.

The three scenarios are just generalization. They are not applicable to Singapore. We have a fourth version where the super talented are leading an intelligent population, not blind. The super talented are there to serve the intelligent and highly educated populace. They are honest, upright, incorruptible and selfless, only thinking of serving the people whom they have acknowledged as their masters. Just look at how well regulated is our banking and finance system and the stock exchange, unshakable and in the pink of health. No gambling chits being sold and the exchange is running a system that is fair, and a level playing field for all investors. Soon other govts will be sending their delegates here to learn from us, world best banking and finance system and world best stock exchange. And rightly our Finance Minister is voted the best finance minister in the world. Just a bit puzzling is the rating for our MAS boss. How could they give him a B rating, worse than the USA and Malaysia and many other countries.

The USA and the rest of the world would be in better shape if they have adopted our banking and finance system or have a situation where their leaders are selfless serving servants of the people, and very talented as well.


  1. Just a bit puzzling is the rating for our MAS boss. How could they give him a B rating, worse than the USA and Malaysia and many other countries.

    Does it really matter? Our MAS boss is definitely paid much, much better than the USA Fed Chief and Malaysian central bank boss, tio bo?

    And despite the B grading, did he lose his job like the train driver Gintai? No also, tio bo?

    So what's your point that really matters, RB?

  2. If the WP is voted in as govt, then maybe our MAS boss may lose his job.

    And maybe a lot of other bosses also, for that matter.

  3. Rest assured that not just the WP, but also all the other parties except PAP, is not ready to be govt by 2016.

    And 60% will be the judge and they will vote accordingly.


  4. in hockkein a B grading means "Beh Pai".....

    getting a A grading means "A Size"

    getting a C grading means "Chin Hoe"

    so getting a B grading is chin chia "beh pai" .....


  5. "... all the other parties except PAP, is not ready to be govt by 2016. "
    October 31, 2013 8:55 am

    Sure or not?
    PAP is ready to be gahmen now meh?
    LHL doing a very good job as Prime Minister meh?
    Is it so difficult to better these types of standards?

  6. RB, I like the joke u posted very funny. It's a joke right? If u tell me it's not a joke, I would then be confused

  7. Heheh. I am turning the pyramid upside down.

  8. Seriously.
    Can anybody tell me what real work does the PAP gahmen do?

    Affordable housing?
    - No
    Reliable public transport?
    - No
    Creating good jobs for Singaporeans?
    - No

    Cost effective government?
    - No
    Good social services for elderly & poor?
    - No
    Strengthening the Singaporean community

    Strengthening the alien community
    - Yes
    Strengthening the PAP community
    - ha ha. What do you think?


  9. Anonymous 10.18 am....pls note....

    Yes! I can tell you the real work that the pap govt has done......

    upgrade singaporeans from the old Sampan to the latest model of Sampan 2.0......


  10. most if not all of the regulators (in my opinion) involved in the intl financial industry are manipulators/ crooks


  11. "Singapore is small, and while it is no longer as poor and defenseless as it used to be, it must continue to work hard to improve," said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday.

    My question is:
    Who must continue to work hard to improve?
    Singaporeans or the PAP government?

  12. But Mr Lee warned: "Once you think you are in a cruise ship and you are on a holiday and everything must go swimmingly well and will be attended to for you, I think you are in trouble."

    My question to Mr Lee is:
    Do you and your cabinet Ministers think you are in a cruise ship?
    My salary tells me I am in a sampan.
    How about your salary?
    The salary that you are paying yourself because you, the government says that is how much you are worth.
    It it a sampan salary or a cruise ship salary?
    If you are on a sampan, then pay yourself a sampan salary.

  13. Please lah. Don't be too hasty to blame the crooks.

    In order for the crooks to keep doing what they are doing, they need support -- which is coming from The Sheeple themselves.

    Endless cycle of suffering and entertainment. Like Maya. Have to admit, I do enjoy the entertainment ;-)

  14. Also, the US crooks can get away with more stuff than their fellow crooks in other cuntrees because the US Dollar is the world's reserve currency.

    You have control on the printing press of the world. And you have Wall Street and the world's largest super-duper techo crazy financial system, and the most liquid markets, where you can fuck with the liquidity itself.

    Take away US Dollar hegemony, and it will be a different story.

    Cannot compare Chairman Tharman to Chairman Bernanke or Yellen lah. Many times people have ask for the Singapore Dollar to be a reserve currency. Everytime the govt turned it down. Reason: they don't want people speculating on SGD in large numbers.

  15. 'Heard of the saying, the blind leading the blind?'

    - it takes two hands to clap. cannot all blame it on the blind leaders. half of the problem lies with the blind followers.
