
Stand up to be discounted!

In the National Day celebration, the same message, stand up and be counted is everywhere. Sinkies need to stand up for the country and be counted. But this is not always the case. Standing up for the wrong cause, for the wrong reasons, for the wrong party will get one discounted, not counted.

There are many concerned and serious Sinkies that have stood up but never will they be counted. The more committed and the doers have joined the political parties. Joining the wrong party means not be counted. You can only be counted if you joined the right political party. Why like that one?

And there are many concerned and responsible citizens who could not and would not keep quiet anymore, who put in effort and thoughts on the welfare of people and country and are standing up to stay their piece. They are doing it voluntarily, without compensation or any rewards or returns. They are selfless, passionate and committed to the good of the people and country. They are not only not counted but seen as insurgents and anti establishment. Despite their efforts, their comments, views and suggestions of what they see as wrong or undesirable and hoping that the Govt will lend them a listening ear were ignored, not heard.

These citizens are not even asking to be counted. They are prepared to be ostracised, to be labelled and branded as enemies, trouble makers, waiting to have a date with Sue. And all they are doing is hoping for the Govt to take note of their views and perhaps something be done to make life better for everyone, to create a fairer and more just society. That is all they are hoping for, to make things more right.

No need to be counted, no need to be recognised, definitely no National Day honours or be invited to the Istana, and no perks. Many Sinkies are standing up in their own ways to want to make this city a better place for all Sinkies. They have different views of things, wanting things to be done differently, but unfortunately everything they say or do will not be seen as the right thing and will be dismissed summarily.

We cannot be an inclusive society when alternative views or differences are never accepted by the Govt or people in authority. We cannot improve and progress when only one view, the right view, is seen as good and welcomed when even the Govt has acknowledged that they don’t have all the answers and solutions but will reject all the wrong views without even bother to give them a thought. The wrong views are not with us and will not be counted. Want to be counted, say the right thing and do the right thing. Thank you.


  1. RB, ya lar totally agreed with you. And for sure matilar will disagree. That motherfucher hiding in australia screwing kangaroo then open his foul mouth to talk nonsense lor. Knn tak boleh tahan him

  2. SomePeopleWayPassDOELiaoAugust 16, 2013 9:25 am

    @ RB: "Want to be counted, say the right thing and do the right thing."

    In the dying days of the Man Chu rule in China in the late 19th and early 20th century, isn't all the "useless" princes of the imperial court and the equally spineless and utterly hopeless imperial officials doing just that in front of the ultimate ruler, Empress Dowager? But did the "Right Things" save them? In a way, it was a blessing in disguise. Otherwise, a lot of people would still be wearing pigtails to work and school. Good riddance. So people should rejoice when more "Right Things" are dished out. Who knows people here can also cut off their "pigtails" sooner than they thought!

  3. When they let it known that there is only room for one (view, party, whatever), then we will make it so. They do not get to choose which one, they will not be the one.

  4. Hi SomePeopleWayPassDOELiao, welcome to the blog. The wind of change is blowing in another direction. When the seasons are changing, they just changed.

  5. Singapore is a changed society.

    Life is not the same like before.

    We are moving far too fast forward without life, inspirations and without a common national shared vision.

    We chase after GROWTH at all cost. We go after everything. We want to be number 1 in everything. We are busy with making money, more money, and more money.

    What is the use of high growth without life, without happiness, without soul.

    We must slow down and reorganise as a nation and inspire the whole nation forward with a common shared vision.

    That is when we will call Singapore our HOME!

  6. "Want to be counted, say the right thing and do the right thing."

    That's what smart Sinkies do in order to have a good life.

    No wonder the opposition don't have enough smart Sinkies so not ready to be govt lah. LOL

  7. @ anon 10.06 am: "That's what smart Sinkies do in order to have a good life."

    "Smart" or actually "SPINELESS, SHAMELESS SHITKIES"?

  8. @ anon 10.06 am: "That's what smart Sinkies do in order to have a good life."

    "Good life"?

    You mean "DEVIL LIFE"?

    "That's what smart Sinkies do in order" to "get a lot of $$$"but doing so just like a "DEMON WITHOUT ANY SOUL"!

    Beyond the physical shell, where there is no soul, there is only demon skeletons and lots of maggots inside!

    No difference from a "walking corpse"! LOL

  9. As usual, you are excellent, Redbean!

    Singaporeans are not cowed anymore by the PAP. Many are standing up for Singapore and Singaporeans to speak the truth. They are doing so at great personal sacrifices and risks. I wonder if the PAP has done some soul searching and wonder why so many good Singaporeans are speaking up against them?

  10. @Anon10.30am"They are doing so at great personal sacrifices and risks."

    Locking up 10,000 sinkie bloggers would lose 10,000x $5,000x14 months GDP and corresponding gst, income tax ......Also mean have to import another 10,000 13 points type fake talent with some fake certificates, fake experience ...... and worst than nursery toddlers english standard. Also mean need dig $$$ from budget feed 10,000 mouths every month plus hire another 1,000 to guard against 10,000. Plus need build a few more prisons house extra 10,000 people.

  11. ...wonder why so many good Singaporeans are speaking up against them?"
    Anon August 16, 2013 10:30 am

    Speaking up only what. What else? And did they join the opposition?

  12. Join opposition? Just look at those who joined and even got elected. But not ready to be govt.

    So got use or not?

  13. Join opposition to become alternative govt, then got use.

    But in order to become govt, must be strong as opposition first.

    For instance strong enough to contest 100% of the seats during elections. And the leader must have ambition to be PM.

    Otherwise no use. Might as well just concentrate on making money, or blog for some kopi money like RB. Kopi kau kau. LOL

  14. Kopi kau ching ho lim. Thick coffee good to drink.

    But drink with right buddy hor, not invited to drink with the u-no-who hor.

  15. Ha ha ha ha ha!

    @ anon 11.12am

    Dont b lame and childish. Suka suka lim u think no price to pay meh? Get people to drink just giving "ammunitions" to others to shoot at will at them. Not so simple lah!

  16. @11.12Am

    Next time take one whole platoon socks after 24 km road march then boiled salt fish soup let u and yr buddies drink for kopi kau kau ching ho limp hor!can eat rice also u no lanch tame liao! Ha ha ha ha ha!

  17. The first level of standing up:
    Vote Opposition.

    The 2nd level of standing up:
    Convert your wife/girlfriend to vote Opposition.

    The 3rd level of standing up:
    Convert your brothers & sisters to vote Opposition.

    The 4th level of standing up:
    Convert your friends to vote Opposition.

    The 5th level of standing up:
    Convert your parents to vote Opposition.

    The 6th level of standing up:
    Convert your relatives to vote Opposition.

    The 7th level of standing up:
    Convert your work colleagues to vote Opposition.

    The 8th level of standing up:
    Convert a complete stranger to vote Opposition.

  18. The 9th level of standing up:
    Convert pap members to vote Opposition.

  19. Stand up to be discounted is not too bad. One still got to keep one's head. In some regimes, you lose your head when you stand up.The exception is the shortie who was our Foreign Minister. You cannot tell whether he is standing up among other foreign dignitaries!

  20. Sorry, stand up for the rich or the migrants? God must be crazy if any were to stand up for Singapore...

  21. Standup and be counted?

    What the fuck for? What in jezus name do you hope to achieve? Ego stroking? Shared misery?

    Not me. I prefer to SIT DOWN -- legs spread, have hot chix KNEEL DOWN and blow me, whilst I drink margaritas and smoke cubans. At least when I finally stand up, I'll be happy...perhaps a little tired, but happy.

    You fuckers who are still standing waiting to be counted would have achieved NOTHING, except get sore feet.

    Best of fucking luck to you. Dumb asses :-)

  22. @71-yearold老马1.44pm,
    "The exception is the shortie who was our Foreign Minister. You cannot tell whether he is standing up among other foreign dignitaries!"

    Because last time Wong "can't Sing" but Chandra "Does" lah! Tio boh? Tiok gear lui! Bo tiok shu lui tiok chak! LOL

  23. @#1 853:

    >> That motherfucher hiding in australia screwing kangaroo then open his foul mouth to talk nonsense lor. Knn tak boleh tahan him

    I have to correct you on one point: I'm not hiding. If you want to find me, all you have to do is visit a few beach cafes. If you spot a botak Asian guy, tapping on a MacBook Pro, and leering at women's bottoms, chances are you've found me.

    I'm still trying to fuck a kangaroo. But I find them too fast to catch. Don't worry, when I do, I will post a "field report" of my experience.

  24. Knn MAGEELAH!

    Do post "field report" of your sodomisation by a KANGAROO.

    After finished, KANGAROO give MAGEELAH big KICK with its powerful legs. Send him into a pigsty to be further sodomised.

    Sounds GOOD? Ladies and gentlemen here!

  25. Matilah, you called that happy? You know what is happy or not? What you experienced is shiok, a sexual high and got nothing to do with happiness. It is just the satisfying of an animal lust.

    But animal will call that happiness. Go get your kangaroo and be real happy: )

  26. redbean:

    Happiness is in the cock of the ejaculator ;-)

    So far, no kangaroos. Luckily, there is no shortage of human females -- even though the "success rate" is around 2-3%.

  27. 2-3% = > 90 years old and inflated sex toys

  28. Stand up and be counted, surely you jest, look what happen to the cartoonist and that lady who went against the private school, were they not haul up and what about MDA.
    And for the girls that had their hair off, what was the initial rewards, even with your blog, why are there so many anonymous sender.
    Was not a Singaporean bus driver sack because he was snipping his nails while driving, even when no accidents occurred : he really stood out in that video didn't he?(I'm not saying he should not be reprimanded, but sacking??), while a FT drove and landed off the road and a young teen was killed....what was his verdict???

    One has to make sure the remarks are not slanderous, surely you are joking, stand up and be counted. LOL

  29. Only junior staff got the sack. Seniors got the transfer.

  30. In this age, 見風使舵 is the best policy. Honesty is never the best policy especially with regards to politics. Many ended up being punished, jailed, executed for being honest. Learn to be cunning, dishonest, manipulative, ruthless like the rulers and you will achieve great success just like them. Sad but this is what pap has achieved after 50 years of ruling - a society based on lies.

  31. So long as pap has 51% voters in all GRCs, they will rule this island whether they are fit to do the job or they are monkeys or not. However, since the party only bothers to attract the most greedy and ruthless people, they will kill among themselves once the old man dies.

  32. CaringSingaporeanAugust 16, 2013 5:33 pm

    Old man in his book wrote China would have been torn apart and go the way of Soviet Union had Mao Ze Tong lived slightly longer. In other words, China might have been so seriously set back it might take another 100 years to get back on its feet had Mao continued to rule. Wonder he thought about that in local context and how are things heading and why things must be that way.

  33. @533:

    Lim Yew Hock so far is the only Singaporean to have put PAP members is jail under "internal security" law. He was Singapore's 2nd Chief Minister after David Marshal's (#1) disastrous stint.

    At the time, Christmas Island was administered and under sovereignty of the Crown Colony of Singapore. The Brits handed it over to Australia, without so much as a wimper from Lim Yew Hock, a Singaporean who kissed so much English ass, jailing dissenters and tear-gassing protesters, the locals -- Chinese in particular -- got pissed off with him. The annexation to Australia of Christmas Island was probably the last straw for the voters. In 1959's GE, PAP got in by a landslide.

    What if David Marshal or Lim Yew Hock not fucked up so badly?

    How would Singapore have fared? Without the PAP, maybe we'd still be Malaysians :-)

  34. Same reasoning. PAP must fuck up the country so badly for the people to vote them out. If it continues to do a good job, the opposition will not have chance to bring the PAP down.

  35. @845:

    Actually, no. Not the same scenario now. In the Singapore of the mid to late 1950's -- remember, it was a British Crown Colony -- the locals could "compare" their elected Chief Minister to the British overlords.

    Marshall? Ah, rubbish, too compromising, too glib.

    Lim? Fucking asshole. Tin-pot dictator-wannabe, no compromise.

    PAP? Yeah bitches, landslide! Who's your daddy now?

    The PAP have held sway politically ever since, so much so that the locals don't have anyone else to compare them to.

    Plus as a government, they don't cock up too often. And when they do, it is limited to one department or ministry. There's no "systemic failure".. at least yet.

    Lee Kuan Yew & Son have perfected the model of the British Civil Service. Whatever the Brits left us -- English Common Law, the Westminister System, Treasury, a well-developed port, the PAP took, fine-tuned, hacked and tweaked them, elevating to levels the Brits could never even dream of, let alone achieve. The "secret ingredient" of the PAP's style of governance was (drum roll): CONFUCIANISM.

    Singaporeans are conditioned, but most are unaware. They are umbilically tied to the party which made them rich. They mumble and grumble. But nothing really changes.

    Chances are the PAP will be governing for sometime yet, even though sometimes their ministers cock up the show.
