
Cassandra’s article 0n 6.9m population in TRE

I pulled this comment out from Cassandra’s article on LKY’s comment on the 6.9m population posted in TRE. On page 223 of his latest book, ‘One Man’s View Of The World‘, LKY said “DPM Teo Chee Hean has put up a White Paper. Let’s wait a few years for it to be implemented, to see if the measures work”.

I feel very uncomfortable reading these two sentences. The govt is going to wait for a few years for it to be implemented. And the govt is not sure if it is going to work. The 6.9m population is still rolling ahead in full steam according to this comment. There is no change of heart and no change of direction. 6.9m is what Singapore is going to get in 2030.

The second part, the govt is not sure if it is going to work. How many in the cabinet or the MPs are convinced that this will work and what does it mean by work? This cannot be a one man idea, pushed through without the support of the team and everyone fiddling their thumbs hoping that it will work. This is a very big gamble on the future of the country and the lives of our people. What if it does not work? What are the grave consequences that the people will have to bear? One thing we need not have to worry is that most of us will not be around to see that day.

Why is there a need to take such an intractable risk of flooding the island with so many people when we are struggling with 5.35m or maybe now 5.6m or 5.7m oredy? Hey, this is no joke you know. This is not masak masak, tikam tikam.

The govt is casting the die, and die die the die must be cast in this way and hoping that the country and people will not die from it. I am beginng to be terrified. Can you blame me for feeling this way?


  1. RB, I feel the same way and I am scare too but then 60% thinks its ok. This is democracy, we have no choice but to accept it. As the 40% minority, we have to accept to be screwed by the 60% and I just hope that they they know what they are doing.

  2. Actually the 60% did not think, they are either walking corpses busily trying to make a living or happily enjoying the good times that they think will last forever.

  3. Now that the old man has exposed their lie about the 6.9 million figure not being a target, they should come clean. How can they now expect to regain the trust of the citizens? Tomorrow's ND Rally speech will be full of promises made in the same vein. Disgust is my feeling, not fear.

  4. Did you vote for these guys so that you can be guinea pigs? How do you get rid additional people if the experiment don't work..shoot them is it? It's never enough...the scariest part is that if the govt does not push this through then the entire cpf scheme will collapse..so it's inevitable..after 6.9, it will be 7.9...then 8.9 etc etc alternatively...wait for the hyperiest inflation to come when the govt prints bogey money to repay its citizens...hehe

  5. Spot on RB. They are ramping up infrastructures, not to ease current congestion, but to accomodate more people. That's what he means when he said to wait a few years to be implemented. They are already doing! KNN.

  6. More people will visit the reservoir.

  7. One man's mental faculty isn't what it used to be.

    On page 13, the population of China was stated as 1.3 billion. On page 237, the population of China was stated at 1.4 billion. Wow, an increase of 100 million people in the same book. How long did the book take? Months? A year?

    An increase of 100 million people according to one man's view, and you Redbean are worried about an increase of 1.9 million people (from 5 to 6.9 million).

  8. A dog chasing its own tail, will goes crazy and mad. What do you think, are we not inside the vicious circle?

  9. That is why I do not believe much in what this Governement says. Suffice to say, I already started losing confidence more than three decades ago, when I started voting opposition. Does that tell you where I live?

  10. The old man can say anything he wants he does not have to bear the consequences. He will not be around by then to see the problems. We do. So, who cares the fuck what he says nowadays?

    When the 'sai' hits the fan, he can always turn around and say the circumstances warrant that. Just like the population policy. Did he take the blame?

    Like the dialect policy. Our children are alien when it comes to knowing our heritage of the difference dialect groups. Our children lost the knowledge of what it means to be a Teochew, Hokien or Cantonese. All they know are the commercialised events like Father's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and anything westernised. Now, even the family surnames of father and son are different. How laughable! Their ancestors will probably be wriggling in their graves for their folly!

  11. No one can be 100% certain about future outcomes on the choices made in the present. Facts change, and there also will be new facts, as well as the facts you don't know about.

    However over the LONG TERM, free markets do indeed work. Open borders to allow the free flow of human talent, skills and labour is a free market idea. Sure, there'll be winners and lovers. But the lovers in this case can adapt to the changes and challenges. In the long run, the cuntree is better off.

    A young cuntree should go boldly and not fear "social experiments" like this. More freedom and more capitalism have always delivered SPECTACULAR RESULTS to those who dare try.

    In Australia, we arrest and detain "illegal" immigrants and condemn them to detention overseas. The government breaks it's own laws over due process and treats these desperate people like animals. These are HUMAN BEINGS. Does anyone give a shit? Apparently not. No boycott by tourists, no boycott of Australian goods, no protests in the streets over "human rights". People who think like me are condemned for our views. And so the "compassionate" and "enlightened" government of Australia - - the one always condemning other cuntrees for human rights abuses - - is now "right" for being the assholes who shit on people.

    Rest assured this has very bad outcomes in the future.

  12. Nothing will last forever.恐龙也会完旦

  13. Ah Teo should put up a white paper for 30m people including a plan to takeover msia and that will be perfect.

  14. Lousy cumtree should be taken over by better cumtree so the ordinary civilian lives can be better off.

  15. Matilar, based on your view, you are aligned with the pap policy. If that is the case then what the fuck do u migrate to australia? If u are interested only in the kangaroo pussy, they are also available in sinkie land so no need to migrate there lar. Knn. Knnbccb

  16. Matilah is a bitter and ungrateful dickhead and the oz gov should strip off his resident status. His bald head can be watered by the perspiration oozing out from the armpits of the ahnehs in the crowded, stinky public trains.

  17. Or is it first world country should be taken over by third world country and third world people?

  18. Greetings fanboys:

    @509 <== KNNCCB to you too!

    >>you are aligned with the pap policy

    In this case, yes. I am also "aligned" with "PAP policy" of anti-littering, anti-spitting, anti-graffiti, anti-killer litter and fumigation of dengue infested areas. I am not "aligned" with control of the press, National Service, Exit Permits, 3/4 tank rule at causeway, sodomy laws for homosexuals, curbs on freedom of expression and speech, registration of publications/ censorship, death penalty for drugs, COE, CPF...to name a few.

    I take each policy on a case-by-case basis. Essentially, I do not trust ANY government -- nor am I aligned to any political party or political ideology. Whatever makes sense, whatever is evidence-based I give provisional and cautious "support", and I reserve my individual and independent right to change my mind anytime.

    >> If that is the case then what the fuck do u migrate to australia?

    I've already explained this to you: I like western culture, the outdoors, science, engineering, creativity and the free expression and flow of ideas. Anyway I have never "migrated" in the strictest sense -- I spend about 60% of my time here. The other 40% is spent in other cuntrees -- most common is Singapore because it functions as a "hub" (HOTEL) to get to any other place -- like KL, Bangkok, USA, China etc. Anyway, I consider myself a Sovereign Individual which means my personal "sovereignty" is more important to me than any arbitrary "sovereignty" claimed by so-called "cuntrees" -- which to me are just areas on a map separated by imaginary lines called "borders".

    In a perfect world, we would have no cuntrees nor borders. We would have our own private properties. The only "borders" being the fence around our houses/ buildings/ parks/farms/ waterways etc separating us from our neighbours. Can you imagine a world like this? I can.

    Anyway, I am not the only one. Many people live in this "borderless" world now. There are 1million Aust living overseas. There are est. 100-200k Singaporeans living overseas. In the US -- 6 million Americans. In China, India, Africa and the Philippines, large contingents of their local populations now live and work overseas, returning to their cuntrees from time to time to enjoy their wealth made from their international sojourns.

    I am only one of the vast diaspora of human capital and labour, dispersed and moving all over our blue planet. You are getting the wrong picture by just singling me out :-)


    >> Matilah is a bitter and ungrateful dickhead and the oz gov should strip off his resident status

    As I said, I don't waste time wallowing in the emotion known as "bitterness". There is no "profit" to be gained. As a selfish capitalist, I am only interested in things that deliver a "profit", to me personally.

    It is unlikely the Oz govt will kacau me since I am much involved in many community activities and guan xi with Asia. Plus I don't break any laws -- ever. I have to maintain a clean police clearance at all times. Since I own firearms, I can expect a visit from the cops at anytime to check the security of my home and gun storage. Thus I have to be pro-active kiasu and clean, no exceptions.

    >> His bald head can be watered by the perspiration oozing out from the armpits of the ahnehs in the crowded, stinky public trains.

    I'll ignore your racist outburst. I must say that prefer a hot babe rubbing her wet, fragrant pussy on my botak head. Many girls love doing this, BTW. ;-)


  19. i think the so called "improvements" to be announced during the NDRally are meant to sweeten the ground for new citizens, not meant for us the natives singaporeans. pap govt is out to help these people to settle down and get their support in return. We the real citizens of singapore is not in the core of things. now we have to thank these aliens for "improvements" in things ??

  20. China and India are producing 10m grads annually and have problems providing jobs for them. We can help to solve their problems by taking in 1m a year. And when our population base is bigger, we may take in 2m a year. We can build more Towers of Babel, the sky's the limit.

    What about roads and transportation? Build heavenly roads across the island.
