
Education - What kind of education are our young getting in schools?

Other than teaching the 3Rs, going to schools to get educated involves a lot of other things. The students are taught to be a wholesome person, to learn some good values, to be honest, caring and responsible persons, and more.

And there are more challenging agendas like telling the children to seize the moment, dare to be different, just do it, to stand up for what one thinks is right, to think critically, to challenge conventional thoughts, to be creative, to be caring, kind, compassionate and to help those who need a helping hand. Actually no, none of these if you know what I mean.

One thing I believe our education system should not teach is to make the students conformist, unthinking, follow the rule blindly, to be just another exact copy of many from a standard mould. The educators must not try to force all the different pegs into a square hole.

Educators are there to inspire the students to find themselves, to be themselves, to find their own ways in life, to light up a spark inside them. Educators must not be there to restrain and enforce stupidity for the sake of stupidity.

Foolish, idiotic and bureaucratic educators have no place in an education system that is preparing the young to meet the challenges of a brave new world that is ever changing in increasing speed. This is the 21st Century. Why are the youth of Korea so innovative and creative and taking the world by storm? Why are our students still sucking pacifiers, restrained, inhibited, and believing in follow the teachers or follow the leaders, without a mind of their own, dull, lacking in fresh ideas, and fearful of authority, and bullied by narrow minded old matrons or school masters that walked around with a cane on their backs?

No wonder our students are straight As but blank in everything. Did I hear that some girl students were punished for shaving their heads bald to support a cause for cancer patients because getting bald is unacceptable in the school? And did the MOE support the stand of the school or otherwise?

What kind of values are our young taught in schools, or what kind of products is our educational system supposed to produce? Little droids? R2D2 or C3PO?

The USA is what it is today because of a dare devil spirit of crossing the line, to do something when they believe in it and will break away with whatever rules and convention. That is the American free spirit. That is the greatest value of American education. Our education system, though we professed to be the best, to want our children to be innovative, creative and entrepreneurial, but in practice we are turning them into fearful conformists, fearful of authority, fearful of initiative and adventurism. And the authority will kill the fire in them before a little spark can light up.

They should duly all be replaced by the never say die attitude of the foreigners grown up in the wild and a free wheeling spirit to try and take the unbeaten road.


  1. {And the authority will kill the fire in them before a little spark can light up.}

    We are not interested in all these little sparks from poor families.
    These little sparks from poor families are only good for being cheap digits to serve the Singapore Leeconomy for the benefit of the rich familees.

    We want to stay in power and stay rich forever.
    We are not interested in helping your children.
    You have been reading too many Straits Times news articles.

  2. {but in practice we are turning them into fearful conformists, fearful of authority, fearful of initiative and adventurism.}

    This is a good education system.
    How else can we stay in power forever?
    You tell me lah?

  3. I think it would be foolish to just single out the education system.

    There are many pathways by which children learn. It use to be jut the schools, home family life, and some culture/ social interactions. There was TV, radio, the library and a few magazines.

    Nowadays the big elephant in the room is the internet, and instantaneous globalised popular culture. You try and BULLSHIT a kid, and she will immediately Google or Wikipedia your claim -- and you'd better hope you are right, because if you are not, your reputation as a "source" is doomed. Not only that, they will Tweet or FaceBook (use social networking) their experience and within seconds everyone around the world will know what a fraudulent twat you are.

    The internet and its increasing coverage and bandwidth makes traditional schooling more and more obsolete. Do we need to keep kids in school from 6-16, or 18? Not any more, IMO. Do we need an MoE? No, in fact the government has NO PLACE in education -- get the fuck out and go back to upholding the law -- the only "real job" for the government.

    To this very day , schools fail to teach scientific skepticism and critical thinking. What you get is sppon-fed knowledge, rote learning of "facts" and then an examination based on how well you have been "brainwashed" by the motherfuckers who designed the system. You are taught to read, but not encouraged to QUESTION what you read.

    And so the schools do what they do best: strip out all the individuality and spirit of the child and replace it with dogma, blind obedience to authority and a mirror that reflects the teacher/ school/ principal/ MoE biases -- like homosexuality and abortion are "bad", and only "bad people" do such things. Of course, the children are never encouraged to challenge such claims..in fact they are never encouraged to challenge ANYTHING.

    Do believe me? Try shaving your head -- a harmless, voluntary action on one self, not others -- and see what happens.

    The internet has changed and is changing things. One of the latest developments MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses, yes many have exams:

    MOCC List
    Open culture's List

    Even a thong-bikini luvin' beach bum like me has done found the time online courses in robotics and neuroscience, which only a few years ago were mere "interests" or "hobbies" for me. No one "forced" me to learn. The "motivation" was all my own.

    Sure, very young children need constant supervision, so schooling for the very young -- in whatever form that might be -- is still relevant.

    However, when the kid grows up to the point they can reason and apply logic to their argumentation, the need for schools -- as we know them now -- are quickly becoming OBSOLETE.

    Given the current thinking of the Elites who own and run the cuntree, they still need Sheeple to be compliant and obedient, because this accords with their plans for social engineering the society and culture of Singapore. Thankfully, rebelliousness is alive and kicking, as is the very nature of youth. Thus the MoE can "brainwash" many kids, but a few will buck the trend and develop themselves into real individuals with independent and critical minds.

    Fuck school. Get online!

  4. Hi Redbean,

    Heard of this before 高分低能! or high scores low capabilities! This fits the description of most of our scholars here occupying important leadership posts of the nation. Good job performance is not just about high marks in paper exams and it applies in all jobs! HOhoho!

  5. The only education you will ever need is to read books written by Lee Kuan Yew.
    And to join the People's Action Party.
    Then Singapore will be safe from group-think.

  6. In theory we should not teach to make the students conformist, unthinking, follow the rule blindly and be a standard mould of each other.

    But, say what we like, that is what the Government wants citizens to be. Just drum into them to conform and believe that the good life will be delivered to them from cradle to grave. Never mind that most never made it afterwards. The die has already been cast in stone 48 years ago. How will it be changed? Tell me!

  7. Send the students for orientations at Geylang and the casinos. Let them see the REAL WORLD and how global citizens all over the World come to Sin to eke out a living.
    Though many of the students have seen oldies collecting recyclables and cleaning toilets and food outlets, they got to see younger ones from hundreds and thousands of miles away making their livings in Sin.
    Let the students learn from the foreigners how working in Sin allow them to buy lands and build big houses in their homelands. How after working for a few years at Geylang, casinos, construction and cleaning, they go back to care for their families and their countries.
    Learning from our political leader while as a student and as a NS man will only turn our youths into robots.
    Fuck the education system or any system that is all except making our youths clever. Let the students and our youths learn from real survivors. Those that take their own initiatives and also make their own fate and not let others manipulate and exploit them.

  8. the truth is, this is the agenda of the higher-up. The objective and motive is getting clearer and clearer for all to see. Look at the majority of our students that our schools produced and everything become obvious.

    Just look at the school oral test: Give the students pictures. Pretty standard types and teach and drill them to say template statements, eg. 1) name the place shown in the picture; 2) describe the pictures from the left to the right or clockwise/anticlockwise; 3) when there is bad behaviour shown in picture, say it is bad, for good behaviour then say it is good bla bla bla. 4) conclude your feeling after everything.

    See, a human robot will be trained by the time he or she gets to PSLE.

  9. Monkey see, monkey do. Yep, that's my Singapore.

  10. I am very angry that the St Margaret girls who went to the cancer charity to shave their hair were punished. And the principal demanded they put on wigs if they were to shave their hair? The cause was exactly to show the bald heads of chemotherapy patients.

    What is so wrong and bad about being bald for a while, for a good cause?

  11. The dumb thing that adults in authority completely miss due to their arrogance, is that kids have long memories. They won't forget any "unfairness" that happened to them -- especially when some adult forced dogma on them when in fact these kids had the best of intention at heart.

    About one in three people will get cancer sometime in their lives -- this applies to the adults-in-charge who in this case I will call "bullies".

    I hope these girls bide their time, wait and grow up...only to see their bullies in a cancer ward sometime in the future.

    And then, I hope the girls take revenge. ;-)

  12. Our government, admin service and civil service are filled with products from this education system. What do you think? Have eyes can see.

  13. Shaving the hairs is a torture to many boys when they were enlisted. This is part of the sacrifice enforced by the State.

    For girls it is much more difficult to get their hairs shaved, some would even cry if their long hairs are forcefully cut short. This is natural and instinctive afterall they need to look attractive.

    And to put on a wig totally DEFEAT the purpose of this of personal sacrifice for a noble charity cause.

  14. When the people appointed to lead, to guide, failed to lead and misguided his charge, it is so defeating an exercise and process.

    This episode must have led the victimised girls to feel lost, in disbelief and confused as to what is the right or wrong to do, what is good or bad.

    What kind of education is this?

  15. Have eyes can see...
    Ya loh, monkey see, then monkey also do.

  16. Hi Hohoho, welcome to the blog. The piece of paper is just a piece of paper. Teachers must have the passion to want to teach, to educate and inspire children.

    Teachers that boss around with children and think of nothing but discipline and bullying children are unfit to be teachers, just like doctors that think of nothing but how much to fleece their patients are unfit to be doctors. This is applicable to all professions. Politicians are also included.
