
Are we in the same boat?

My boat is a luxury cruise liner that can sail the high seas. And all the cabins are fitted up like a 5 star hotel room. And buffet is served round the clock for free. And if I am sick of the buffet spread, I can swagger into one of the fine dining restaurants to have the best of eastern or western cuisines. And if I am bored there are many entertainment outlets to amuse me to keep me happy or laughing the day and night away. And there will be plenty of waiters and waitresses running around to serve me with the snap of a finger. That is the boat I am travelling. Money is never an issue and in my boat, actually a huge ship, I can afford to pay for everything without a care. I just sign and sign away whatever that I want or amuses me.

Are you in the same boat? How many of you think you are in the same boat? How many of you are in a rickety sampan or a refurbished tongkang fitted with a 60 horsepower engine? How many of you are lucky enough to be in a small yacht or a two bedroom pleasure craft? How many of your boats can travel the high seas and visit all the best resorts in the world and be feasted every meal, without a worry or a care of where the next dollar is coming from?

Are we in the same boat? I will like to believe that we are in the same boat. Or even to dream, imagine or hallucinate, that we are in the same boat, living and enjoying life.


The said...

At least you are in a sampan.

I missed the boat altogether.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9.44

At least you are very lucky that you are not on the wrong boat. You can always wait for the next right boat.

Anonymous said...

Many people are in old sampans that are leaking. No money to buy motor so must use had power. How far can you go by rowing?

We are hoping for low tides so that the luxury yacht are unable to move out to sea and we can surround them and hope for their kindness to throw some leftovers to us.

It seems that the Spirit of these RICH are willing but their flesh is weak. Any and every "help" that is given must benefit them more than us. It is always, "We give you more, but you must pay and contribute the the profits of our privatized companies so that we get more bonuses and dividends. Taxes have to be low because you poor people do not pay taxes anyway, so why you complaining".

The river of no return!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There are many Sinkies that have no boats and finally decided that there are better places than this island. How could the govt drive the young Sinkies away by not letting them buy a boat?

Anonymous said...

Isn't the mantra of our esteemed meritocratic crop; you sink or you swim?
Try it, it's easy, trust us.

Anonymous said...

You can swim. But there are sharks in the water........

The said...

Maybe we should do the reverse of what our ancestors did when they came down to Nanyang in cargo boats, sleeping and shitting in the cargo holds.

I am taking a slow boat to China.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Different boat, same ocean.

Anonymous said...

Just remember, no free swimming lessons for poor buggers who can't swim.
User to pay in Stinkapoor.

Anonymous said...

Should that be Sink-a-poor?

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.41

..... no point know how to swim....... there are sharks in the water .......

Anonymous said...

Just sink the luxurious Cruise Liner come round 2016. Only then can we Singaporeans gain back our self-respect and dignity. All concerned Singaporeans must from today without fail go and talk to people in public places like the markets, coffee shops, restaurents, shopping centres , streets and alleys and explain how this government is dragging us down the precipice to danger and destruction. Convince all friends that we need to save Singapore for ourselves and for our future generations.
Eagles Eyes

jjj2usg said...

Wow, you dare to dream of that!? I won't even think about it. Perhaps learning how to swim is a better choice. sigh...

oldhorse42 said...

From the luxurous liner they are luxurianting, our leaders are dangling carrots to the lesser mortals perched precariously on the sampans billowing at its wake.Vote them in again come 2016 said our leaders with the carrots and you will emjoy affordable health care, cheaper HDB and enbloc for HDB flats in Paya Lebar and Telok Blangah!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if they sink enough poor folks, we will truly be a millionaire's paradise that the foreign press think we are.
Everything truly number one then.

Anonymous said...

We are in the same boat, but in the steerage class, while they are in their luxury cabins. However, would you still want to be in the same boat if it is piloted by a clueless captain? The "unsinkable" Titanic sank with almost all on board!

b said...

If you have been aboard a slave ship, you will know what he is talking about. He is on the lux captain deck while the rest is on the horrible cargo deck.

"Conditions aboard the slave ships were wretched. Men, women and children crammed into every available space, denied adequate room, food or breathing space. The stench was appalling - the atmosphere inhumane to say the least." (Aboard a Slave Ship, 1829, EyeWitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (2000).)

Sounds familiar?

Anonymous said...

It is your choice. Join the same boat and sink together, or sack the captain.

Anonymous said...

In this ship everyone get their turn in the barrel, except the cabin boy. He belongs to the captain.

b said...


'Choice' - do you really think there is? do u really think old man will allow another party to exist so easily? either you have underestimate the old man or you have overlooked some details.

Anonymous said...


Not everyone. Those that jumped ship may be able to survive.

Anonymous said...

Come 2016, you do have a choice. Maybe a limited one. You can always get a co-pilot to knock the head of the captain if he falls asleep. Hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Just remember.
60% of your family, friends and relatives voted for this PAPig gahmen.
So please convince them to vote Opposition in GE 2016.

AhKong65 said...

Million dollars boat and thousand dollars boat cannot be the same .

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

All boats can sink.

Any safety equipment used in emergency only extends the time to be alive, increasing the chances of being "rescued", but certainly doesn't guarantee being rescued.

If you reflect on the warship USS Cole, off the Yemen coast, you will understand how a small boat can truly fuck up a big boat.