
Japan, the international thug shouting ‘robbery!’

Japan is accusing China of not playing by international law and becoming more aggressive in its actions in the Diaoyu Islands dispute. The Japanese Defence Ministry said, ‘China has attempted to change the status quo by force based on its own assertion, which is incompatible with the existing order of international law.’ The Japanese are also infuriating the Koreans by blaming them for heighten tension in the Korean Peninsula.

How far from the truth is this Japanese lie? In the first place China has not resorted to force to retake the islands seized by Japan in violation of international law in the late 19th Century. They took the islands from China by force. China could retake the islands by force too but refused to do so and sought to settle the issue by diplomatic means. It is the Japanese that have been resorting to the use of force, ramming Chinese civilian ships, arresting Chinese fishing boats and scrambling fighter aircraft against Chinese surveillance ships and aircraft in the area. More than 300 such missions were flown against 41 times when Chinese surveillance ships were in the area, including Chinese aircraft. Such acts of provocation could easily lead to a breakout of warfare.
The Japanese even mocked the Chinese by enacting a bogus sale of the islands from one Japanese to another when the the islands are Chinese territory. The provocations and aggressive show of force by the Japanese were hostile in all counts and they are blaming the Chinese for raising tension in the area.

Did the Japanese obey international law and international norms when it aggressively took advantage of Korea and China in the 19th and 20th Centuries leading to its seizure of the Chinese islands? After it has violated Chinese territories, taken Chinese islands, it is demanding that the Chinese must accept the fait accompli and observe international norms.

And it is rattling its sabre daily, even siding with the Philippines in the latter’s dispute with China, promising military assistance against China. It is rearming itself by increasing its military expenditure using the Chinese as the strawman.
Who is the aggressive country and who is not following international laws and norms in international relations? The Japanese under PM Abe is on a war path, raising tensions and provoking the Chinese to retaliate militarily.

Japan is following the path of the Americans. After seizing the North American continent from the Red Indians and committing the biggest genocide in the history of human kind, it preaches human rights and rule of law. Not forgetting the scale of slavery against the African blacks, it called itself the protector of human rights.

Japan had violated all the international laws and human rights against Asians and Southeast Asians but is accusing the Chinese and Koreans for not observing international law. Why should they when their territories are still in the hands of the Japanese. But the Japanese and the Americans will keep shouting China is bad, Korea is bad. And you have unthinking media willingly printing such news on the front page, to support the claim, to make the unthinking readers to believe a white lie.


  1. This is going to turn out as "judgement by media and international opinion".

    Actually most people don't give a shit whether the Japs, Koreans and Chinese start fighting. Most people actually expect one of them to throw down first, and then it is "game on".

    Abe -- obviously delirious from sniffing too many schoogirls' panties -- fancies himself as the premier Bushido knight (aka "samurai") of the region. It will eventually turn out to be karate vs kungfu vs tae kwon do.

  2. The call for China to not disrupt the so called order imposed by US after the war means US Japan wish for US-Japan dominated status quo.

    Okinawa Islands were once and should be Ryukyu Kingdom ( 琉球国; pinyin: Liúqiú Guó; historical English name: Lewchew, Luchu) was an independent kingdom which ruled most of the Ryukyu Islands from the 15th century to the 19th century.

    Despite its small size, the kingdom played a central role in the maritime trade networks of medieval East and Southeast Asia.

  3. Around 1590, Toyotomi Hideyoshi asked the Ryukyu Kingdom to aid in his campaign to conquer Korea. If successful, Hideyoshi intended to then move against China. As the Ryukyu Kingdom was a tributary state of the Ming Dynasty, the request was refused. The Tokugawa shogunate that emerged following Hideyoshi's fall authorized the Shimazu family—feudal lords of the Satsuma domain (present-day Kagoshima prefecture)—to send an expeditionary force to conquer the Ryukyus. The subsequent invasion took place in 1609. wiki

  4. Ii is getting exciting. Vietnamese Prez just visited China some say it is to 'touch base' 摸底, to find out what was discussed between US -China Presidents summit.

    President Obama - Xi meetings probably made Japan nervous also .

  5. Americunt has double standards and so does many others. One big flaw of democracy system is the capability of the putting the best double standards and liar to the top position instead of someone with honesty and kindness. Having said that, there is no perfect system. Any system comes with some big flaws. People must vote with their eyes and ears and brains opened. The west will have a lot to gain if the east is in trouble. There are too many people in the east and the elites in the west are getting uncomfortable. Peace not war is the ultimate solution.

  6. Peace allows the hardworking Asians to build their economies and grow.

    War will stop them from growing, and send them back to stone age while the Americans will prosper by stirring more wars and selling them weapons to kill each other.

  7. While the elites in americunt can give the people freehold houses, the elites in asia only give their people some shabby 99 or 60 years flats. WHo is the lesser of two evils?

  8. 'Hardworking Asians to build their economies'

    - In this unfair world, the elites in asia are the ones reaping the big profits from the hardworking asians. The asia people just get poorer. Hardworking is a half truth. It only helps the elites in asia in building up their empires. Sometimes, a war is the only way to restore some balance in equality.

  9. Actually China doesn't have to fire one shot to cripple Japan nicely.

    The Nip government now borrow around 50¢ for every $ it spends -- they are in very deep financial shit.

    All china has to do is to remove (some more) liquidity from the system. OK, everyone else will kena whack too, but Japan will DIE. They will be pleading the US Fed to "help them out with liquidity".

    By doing so China would have achieved:

    1. A serious depression in Japan by sending interest rates through the roof (Japan bonds -- mati!)

    2. Cause the US to print more money to bail out Japan, thus upsetting their growth.

    2 birds, 1 stone.

  10. That's why the Sinkie elite will destroy themselves by their own greed. The Sinkies will be happy if their HDB flats are really affordable, their CPF can be withdrawn for retirement, and medical cost will not kill them. And they would not mind the elite living in $100m landed properties.

    Unfortunately the elite want to have 100 landed properties and made the sinkies pay for them. Soon the Sinkies will get wiser and kick out the elite, lock, stock and barrel.

  11. The Jepun kia is one step closer to amending its so called peaceful consitituion, their upper house elections is coming.

    Supporters say Abe will use his renewed political clout to force changes on cosseted and inefficient industries such as agriculture, and to cut a swathe through labour laws that businesses say make it too difficult to hire and fire workers.

    He can also get back on his hobby horse -- revising the constitution, boosting the military and re-assessing Japan's wartime history.

  12. With US concurrence, what would the Japs do with its new found power when its self-defence forces is changed to Japan Armed Forces.

    First big reactions would come fast from KOREAN Peninsula and CHINA.

  13. Older Asians have tasted Japanese occupation nightmares. I am sure they are not going to ask for more.

    China may have treated some of its citizens in less desirable manner, and so does every other country, including the most peaceloving country in the world. The only difference is how the hypocritical world media interpret each country's misgivings as either good or evil, when it is in fact the same kind of treatment meted out.
