
Another job offer – Sales Manager

[Company – European but told not to reveal name.
Salary – 18k to 20K rmb + sales commission
To setup new sales department
Accommodation + home trips given
Must have solid sales track record (preference given to those with China sales experience)
Technical and Product training will be provided.
Future potential – to handle Asia Pacific sales (means more money)
Anybody interested – ask them to write to me at:-
steven.sum@hotmail.com) and I’ll provide the link.

This post is open to Taiwanese, Malaysians and Singaporeans. (Expat position).
I know the Taiwanese won’t be interested because usually they get 4 home trips and they like to work for Taiwanese company.
Singaporeans and Malaysians will be able to compete on equal terms.
The company is looking for someone who has solid selling skills + China experience rather than looking for a cheap salesman.]

The above is put up by the same Steven that offered a job of Lab Assistant in his company. He said that job was given to a Malaysian whose qualifications are more suited for the job. Only one Singaporean applied but not only qualifications do not matched, the applicant already had a job paying much more in Sin. He has to reject him.

It seems that Steven must be talking to his contacts to help Singaporeans and is offering any job from another company. Overseas Singaporeans helping Singaporeans here. If only more Singaporeans can do that then things can be better for the PMETs here. The drawback is that more FTs will keep coming in to replace Singaporeans who have to find greener pastures overseas.


  1. "Only one Singaporean applied..."

    You see lah, in the first place, not many Sinkies are interested in overseas jobs.

    So even if there are more Stevens, how are things better for Sinkie PMETs, you say lah?

    More seriously, are things better with 7 opposition MPs in Parliament instead of 2, you say lah.

  2. Sure Sinkie PMETs need help but they also can afford to be choosy about the help. Why?

    Just like PAP govt can afford to get lots of foreign talents without worry being voted out by Sinkies. Why?

  3. @ anon 12.28 pm
    >>>>>> More seriously, are things better with 7 opposition MPs in Parliament instead of 2, you say lah.

    1 x CST > 6 x Co-Drivers
    1 x JBJ > 7 x Co-Drivers

    >>>>>> You see lah, in the first place, not many Sinkies are interested in overseas jobs.

    If Unemployment >10% in Lion City, then mb. Unemployment < 2% now you think Singaporeans gong arh. Problems here yes but every where also got problems. Problems big until must change drivers ..... hell ..... NO! Simple as that! Got gd life who doesn't want.Think Singaporeans so gong arh? Who want go China paid peanuts and get suffering? kee chiu ...... You see? Nobody! RedBean, how about you? You want take China job? You tell me lah?

  4. So you tell me ruling party more disconnected with realities or bloggers more disconnected with realities?

  5. 'Only one singaporean applied...'

    - Maybe many jobless people have other problems such as taking care of family (young, sick, old) etc?

    - Maybe not many people know about this job offer?

    - Maybe they do not have any china or lab experience?

    There can be many maybessss

  6. You know what Mr Bean, think only one thing you said today got some hard truth in it: Those kpkb on line slimed VB are those minority sympathisers and likely BB (blue brigade). Std DC (damage ctrl) lah. But damaged already done! In uncle sam political lingua, now all are lame ducks liao until next ge! I feel very sad for them lor but politics are very harsh. Especially when caught napping by a lightning fast formidable opponent. Singapore doesn't enjoy its reputation for no reason against all the big boys and nasty players sometimes. Only thing is a win-lose situation because now left Mrs Lina alone to chk & bal single-handedly. But she is only ncmp with abt $2000/= mthly allowance. Most taxi drivers also earn more than that each month. Rightfully, somebody else should be doing the heavy lifting of chk and balance. So Singaporeans are now probably back to sq one and have to perform the chk and bal duty until next GE. but only can kpkb on line lah & occasionally HLP picnic parties, courtesy of Princeling Loong :) The sooner netizens realised and accept the facts, the higher the chance of political maturity and plurality in Singapore. Remember the 5 stages of every setback: 1)Denial 2) Anguish 3) Depression 4) Acceptance 5) Renewal. The faster some netizens get over this saga, the faster they can regroup and put up a decent resistance when the next ge comes around against the well-oiled might of the lightning fast formidable opponent. As Princeling Loong mentioned before GE 2011 during a television programme, he is inclined to some chance of a contest so that credible opponents would participate. Thus, don't lose hope. Singapore ultimately still need credible and capable co-drivers to perform the chk and bal function. Anyway co-drivers are quite well paid, to the tune of about $1,000,000 per term. That also elevate any future co-driver into the the top 20% household monthly income bracket. Better than a lot of jobs in the market I suppose ..... but alas, $$$$$ often make people soft, so future co-drivers would do well to learn and not make same mistake. Meanwhile life goes on with another uncle sam way of life being introduced into Singapore land: the birth of lame ducks :(

  7. Good to see a Singaporean helping a fellow Singaporean.
    It's a good start.
    This way is cheaper, better and faster than waiting for PAPigs to "help" Singaporeans.

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  9. 18k rmb is equivalent to 3k+ sing kaching. Many sales manager posts here with small enterprises easily match or exceed that with a lot extras thrown in. If they are medium or big companies, can far exceed that. Many females in Sinkland earn far more than that every month. Gd luck to the recruiter.

  10. So many requirements.If only their requirement is primary 4,the above mentioned post is one which i have absolute confident in taking up.
    Give me half that salary and i will be happy.Not everyone is like that mp lim who think one need high salary to be competent or whats the word,dignity or something like dat.
    Only need S$450 per month to keep a mistress there.I can keep few.
    Those who qualified should not miss the opportunity.Dun be a daft here and ThanSee.

  11. Obviously there is such thing called structural mismatch or occupational immobility. PRC churned out more than 6 million graduates a year. Structural mismatch always exists in all economies, not unlike social mismatch of singles.

  12. Assuming there are 1,000 male and female singles each. Technically in a social equilibrium scenario, they should pair up with each other. But in reality, usually they belong to the opposite end of the social spectrum. The 1,000 single males could be post-secondary and diploma holders. The 1,000 single females usually are graduates and post-grad degree holders. Social realities likely would result in more than 90% of the females choosing to remain singles than giving "discounts" just to get hitched.

  13. Structural mismatch or occupational immobility would dictate that 1,000 middle level banking jobs would remain vacant even if there are 10,000 unemployed technician applicants.

  14. Another "invisible" but nonetheless crucial factor is exchange rate risks in the foreseeable future. It depends on what and how the few top economic czars such as the governor of PBOC and CCP Central Committee Standing Politburo members such as Wang Qi Shan view the current economic malaise in China and what major macro policy measures if any they might take.

  15. PBOC governor Zhou Xiao Chuan presumably is trying to curb easy credit excesses which had led to the current severe economic imbalances in the Chinese economy. Depending on the political will and the stomach of the new leadership installed early this year, economic reforms and restructuring could be earth-shaking to put the Chinese economy back to long term sustainable economy path.

  16. *Typo Correction*

    Should be --- long term sustainable economic growth path

  17. Hi Ching, welcome to the blog. You didn't tell us your blog url or blog name.

  18. The economic reforms and restructuring China currently needs are both urgent, pressing yet fraught with huge policy risks. Timing is obviously not in their favour. Social risk alone is a big headache. Add to it weak or non-existent economic recovery both in Europe and the US. Geo-political risk in South China Sea and East China Sea is another major factor coming into play. The 21 Jul 2013 Upper House mid term election in the Japanese Diet would be watched closely by the Zhong Nan Hai Chinese political leadership. The outcome would likely decide whether Japanese pre-WW2 militarism would rear its ugly head again in the Japanese political scene in the near future.

  19. Japanese militarism is already on the rise with Abe leading the charge. Their rhetoric is exactly the same as the pre world war days.
