
Pinoys stunned by the strong reaction of the emotional Taiwanese

The Pinoys in Manila, the politicians and academics, are all stunned by the strong reaction of the Taiwanese Govt on the killing of a fisherman by the Filipino coast guard. They said the Taiwanese are emotional. The Govt of this ‘non nation’ is over reacting and trying to bully the Philippines.

How ridiculous can it be? Killing and robbing Taiwanese fishermen did not happen yesterday and there was no Taiwanese Govt standing up to say anything in the past. Why is the Ma Ying Jiu Govt behaving so outrageously? The only reason the Pinoys could think of is that this is a weak Govt and trying to bolster its popularity by making a show of force to protect its fisherman.

The disdain for Taiwan, a non nation, comes out quite clearly. And the Pinoys must be more shock to think that a non nation could threaten a nation like the Philippines. And they are hoping for the Taiwanese to cool down, to be less emotional before they talk to them. The Pinoys have been trying to tell the Taiwanese not to over react. Cool down, what is so big deal about killing a Taiwanese fisherman when they have been doing this for so many years.

And Taiwan better cool down, be polite and not make unnecessary demands for compensation and apologies. Ninoy has just approved several billion pesos or US$ to upgrade the Filipino Navy to take on China. What is Taiwan? If the Taiwanese still stupidly conduct war games near Pinoy seas, the Pinoys may send in a mightier flotilla to show who is bigger.


  1. Mr RB, Pinoy to whack PRC and Taiwan??

    Obe battalion of SWATs specialists
    cannot even handle a lone gunman.

    Want to have a war with the PRC and Taiwan??

    Wipe ou within seven hours.


  2. Sory, just to add,

    One company of Marines on UN duty instead of protecting the people, got kidnapped by the party and have to pay ransoms to be released.

    What a joke!!

  3. Taiwan being a non nation, does not mean it is not a strong or rich nation.

    And vice versa.

    A country can even be as tiny as Sinkieland (even smaller than a city in some countries) but yet no country dare to attack it.

    You can even be a 90 year old man but you can still be very powerful. Politically, of course.

  4. "The only reason the Pinoys could think of is that this is a weak Govt and trying to bolster its popularity by making a show of force to protect its fisherman."

    Same words can be used aptly in the Singapore context.

  5. Asians acting like tribal idiots. Very entertaining.

    Kung fu vs Kali. Putang ina mo! vs Kaninabu!

    It's like a Hokkein tai tai slapping her Pinoy maid -- comedy lah.

  6. I have told you there are many ways to skin a cat alive.
    The Tainan incident is just a normal incident, a fight probably over some starring incident between Taiwanese and Pinoy.Nothing to do with the ROC Garmen.
    President Ma has not and need not show his true colour yet.
    Luckily he is not an ex pilot,else his kaykhiang provocative attitude would only make situation worse and cause situation worse.
    Wise President Ma.I salute you here.
    Chong Hwa Ming Kuo Wan Shui.

  7. Fcuking idiot pinoy are at it again.Bloody nation full of shit. and clowns.
    Taiwan just need to sink a few of their shit-p to teach these clown a lesson.

  8. It will only get worse. Prepare for third world war - asians against asians.

  9. Matilar eats cuntang, so he will survive to provide undertaker service and becomes filthy rich to enjoy his life. Others death is his fortune. Great opportunity in bad time so says he.

  10. yayapapya Eat kantang and mati lah

  11. Matilah will die first don't worry. it's because every day in this blog many people call him matilah, matilah, matilah. matilah means go and die. he is cursed everyday. but i like matilah and don't want him to die so soon if not this blog will be so boring because all the cheena come here to compose masturbatory comments on cheena issues in this region. so i will call him Matilda instead.

  12. You guys waste so much of your time giving me far too much attention.

    Haven't you all got better things to do?

    Obviously not.

    In that case, welcome to my world of evil, greed, lust and awesome fun.

    Hail Satan, Supreme provider of everything awesome.

  13. The Cheena here not from china, they no write or read Chinese.
    They eat cuntang and speak Singlish and no know Chinese culture and history. They no eat rice, they eat bread, cheese and fries. And call 妈妈 mother, 再见 they say bye bye. 市场/market, they say parsak( 杷杀) . PRC Chinese no know what the Cheena talk, it is like cat and dog, how to together rock?

  14. @746:

    Sorry about the blog. Really, I have no time, but I am thinking of employing a couple of Indian virtual assistants to do some of my work.

    "Matilda Singapura"? Oh, sunshine, very clever. I like.

    But not as much as I like "Matilah".

    People in Asia are very superstitious -- especially about DEATH. It scares the fuckin shit out of them. No one jokes about DEATH in Asia -- it is in extreme bad taste, taboo and simply not condoned in polite society.

    In both the civilised and uncivilised western societies, people joke about death all the time. Breaking the boundaries of good taste and taboo is roundly supported -- although you might get a few boos and hisses, or those awkward pregnant pauses of uncomfortable silence. Whatever. The over arching idea of Individualism and free individual expression is still upheld, through gritted teeth and tightened sphincters if necessary.

    And so I think I'll keep Matilah Singapura, or "Die Singapore". I hoped to scare the shit out of superstitious Singaporeans by reminding them of the eventual DEATH OF THEIR NATION-CITY-STATE-PIECE-OF-SNOT-etc etc.and had hoped that this would galvanise the folks into at least giving a shit about their slowly dying cuntree.

    Well, it seems that didn't work.

    Anyway just a reminder to you motherfuckers: your cuntree is going to collapse and you all will be shitting blood until you die. And you will ultimately be to blame.

    I seriously doubt that Singaporeans have the character and integrity needed for DEFIANCE. Everyone is shuffling the feet and clearing the throat waiting for the next person to "start first".

    Anyone stepping up to the plate?

    Nope. Not yet.

    Then die lah!

  15. Yeah. Matilah to Matilda. I like that. Like Waltzing Matilda. Matilah is from downunder, right? Waltzing into this blog and out, in and out. What with swagman and coolibah tree and jolly jumbuck and tucker bag and billabong. How come Singapore doesn't have such a colourful national anthem? Majulah or Matilah Singapura. In the old days God Save the Queen was played after the last movie was played in the cinema. Everyone would stand to attention. When majulah was played, people just carried on chatting and walked out. Because of that they stopped that practice. Cuba's national anthem Guantanamera is also a shiok anthem.

  16. @958:

    Australia's national anthem is "Advance Australia Fair" -- an impossible to understand by lay people, wordy and boring song.

    "Waltzing Matilda" is the "unofficial anthem" chosen by fuck-the-government, we're the people, we'll damn well choose our own song! (One great thing about the Aussie spirit is the great tradition o being ant-authority)

    >> Cuba's national anthem Guantanamera is also a shiok anthem.

    No,it is probably best described as the most popular "national song". Again it is chosen by the people, not the government.

    "Cunt in a mirror
    I see a cunt in the mirror
    Cunt in a mirror,
    I see a cunt in a mirror"

    Sing along....Now you know why despite the lunacy of tin-pot dick-tator Fidel Castro, the Cubans are so happy ;-)
