
End Game around the corner

Lim Chow Kiat, the chief investment officer of GIC is talking about ‘end game’ in the financial market. He said GIC is now getting more cautious about seeking higher returns or yields. 5 or 10 years is about the time left before this end game scenario is going to rear its ugly head. What is he referring to?  He did mention about the good run over the last 30 year cycle and hinting that this is coming to and end.

The flood of liquidity, low interest rates and the flawed and fraudulent financial instruments that are being sold throughout the world are all pointing to something dreadful over the horizon. All the ominous signs are out there but no govt has the will to want to stop this mess that is waiting to blow up. It is like everyone is trying to have his last fling and seeing how many more flings before the curtain comes down.

The end game is coming, must come and will come. It is self conceived by the big boys in the US and Europe, playing a game of fire that will burn down everything in one go. Make merry while one can. Banana currencies will be flying everywhere.


  1. End game or not, foreign talents will still be coming to Sinkieland.

    And property prices will stay high and may even go higher.

    And WP will still remain the best opposition.

    These things here will never end, or end the way you or I want, or expected, or even until we are ended.

  2. If it is end game of the market place not too bad.
    It could be end game for one or two countries.


  3. Don't worry lah, they will print more and ore money to keep things afloat. To pay fr all that monetized debt, they will tax the hairs on your asshole and devise systems to tax every move you make.

    Debt has been the New Equity for decades. And it has been growing.

    There is definitely an end game coming. No one knows exactly when. The world is "leveraged" over 300% debt to GDP ratio. It is around 112-115 trillion, and expected to hit over 200 trillion by 2020...which means the debt is NOT being PAID BACK...which means the kids and probably their kids will have to pay it back.

    But with every crisis comes danger and opportunity. For the brave, they can go short. For those with patience: WAIT. Lots of "distressed" valuable assets will be up for grabs.

    I look forward to the end game. Everything is way too high now - definitely unsustainable only because it is not being paid forward by real saved-up money, but by using insane amounts of credit instead.

    Serves those fuckers right for living beyond their means, and borrowing money to do it. Fuck them. May their blood run through the streets!

    Got capitalism?

  4. He may be knowledgeable about the end-game while on taxpayers' salary.

    But do you think he will tell Singaporeans?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can just see it lah. When the bond holders start demanding their dough -- and thus imposing "discipline" on sovereign governments propensity for indebtedness, when hedge funds like Quantum start shorting over-burdened currencies, and there's a great sucking sound of liquidity disappearing into the void, there is rapid deflation like tyre punchet..pfffffffffft!

    Then you will see S'pore's property market collapse and drop like old woman's tetek.

    The same people shouting for "affordable prices" now will be screaming to the govt to "do something" as their property values fall and the banks start to foreclose.

    Same like 2001-2004: property prices low about HALF to ONE THIRD their 1996-1997 highs. Semi D in Bk Tima: 750k. Orchard Road apartment: $1500 per month. People complain to govt: "Oh why so low! I lose money leh. Tolong tolong! Please do something!!"

  7. No foresight and no fighting spirit.
    Should consult those talents like my idol Chuang Kwong Yong,or maybe Koh Beng Seng,Chua Phuay Hee,Mrs Foo Yap Siew Hong etc.
    Never say die,Kar Kar Lai.

  8. For the US to continue to pile up its deficit is not sustainable. For the US to continue to print money to stay afloat is also not sustainable. They know it and everyone else knows it.

    It is just a question of how much longer can they continue to fool everyone all the time.

    But it looks like there are still many waiting to be fooled, time and again.

  9. @342:

    >> For the US to continue to print money to stay afloat is also not sustainable

    It's not just the US any more. Central banks around the world have resorted to collective quantitative easing, each cuntree debasing its own currency to "be export competitive" and to offer low interest rates (the more money, the lower the scarcity, thus lower interest) to "stimulate" their economies and to pay back their sovereign debt (by using debased, cheaper money to pay back the people who have loaned the money...in good faith)

    India, China, Russia, the EU, Australia and even the Swiss are printing up money. The world has never been in this situation before where ALL the central banks are operating in CONCERT to INFLATE. As a result the systems are more chaotic than they usually are. These are uncharted waters and very dangerous ones at that. No one really knows what will happen or when such cataclysmic events will occur, if they will in the first place.

  10. Everyone can get it wrong including accountants. No one can stop gov from giving more votes to the rich just like no one can stop them from increasing the population to 6.9m. Papaya never really want to achieve democracy where people is the master (民主). In a pap planned 'meritocracy' system, the rich will have more votes. Every rich person has 5 votes and papaya will win forever even rich people works out to only 10% of the population. A third world war may be good for asians. Great wealth will change hands and the poor will be free from their rulers. Without Hitler, the colonisers (masters) will never have free the colonised (slaves).

  11. "Great wealth will change hands and the poor will be free from their rulers"

    The great irony of a total change after, say a world war that destroys evrything, is that the whole musical chair charade will start all over again. It will then be a question of who can consolidate power first, who gets to rule, who controls the wealth as the world goes along. Back to square one. It will be a never ending story.

  12. Holy Jumpin' Jesus Jew On A Stick....

    ...you guys should start writing Hollywood or Bollywood or Hong Kongwood thriller action movies lah.

    If you can think up such epic nonsense, why not make lots of money?

    Hey, you might even get to bang a few actresses, or actors...depending on where your sexual compass points.

  13. What has Lim Chow Kiat ever done for me?

    His end game is his problem.
    He die, his problem.
    Singapore got so many millionaires.
    He won't be missed.

  14. End game is around the corner for sure.

    Looks like all bubbles will burst during our lifetimes
