
Khaw Boon Wan discourages ITE and polytechnic graduates from pursuing university degree

Finally some wisdom and hard truths from Boon Wan. Our university education is anything but cheap, and 3 to 4 years to waste. So what if our universities are among the best, among the highest ranked, when the graduates have difficulties finding jobs or uncompetitive to third world graduates? The reality is that the piece of paper must be useful and wanted. There is no point even if one gets a degree from Harvard or Cambridge if the employers prefer one from Sungei Road University.

I still recommend that for those who want to secure a good job with a tertiary education to send their children overseas, to India as the top designation. For those who want an easier degree, maybe the Philippines. And for those who want a degree immediate, without have to go through the mills, there are degree mills to issue the degrees.

Singaporeans must act smart, street smart, not book smart. Go and get a degree from universities that are preferred by the employers, employers who believe that those universities are really good. Forget about all the claims and rankings. There are gimmicks, academic. And of course, a polytechnic diploma is much better. At least there is lesser competition with the FTs. The PMET level of jobs are the exclusive market for FTs. Singaporeans are better advised not to compete in those levels or are likely to end up as taxi drivers, with degrees.


  1. For the First time Khaw Boon Wan has impressed me immensely with a little cow sense.
    A Degree is no guarantee for success as many sre not even good for a job that does not even pay much.

    Anyone could probably be a good and maybe even very good cook, hair stylist, craftman/artisan or a great crane operator with 3 to 5 years as a trainee or intern. And possibly while under training received some allowances and incentives while learning.

    Truth be said, Degrees are as common as toilet papers. But, somehow many feel that having it is like a piece of jewellery that will make them look good.
    I beg to differ as I think toilet paper is more useful, it will clean off the shit stuck to the arse and rids one of the stench of shit.

    Pardon me for talking like a moron as I have no Degree.


  2. I think it's a great idea.

    Instead of sending our children to ITE.
    Why not send them to Indian Universities?
    PAP gahmen should provide free scholarships.
    Maybe get George Yeo to make a donation.

    With so many foreign Indian managers in Singapore.
    Our graduates from Indian Universities will be in great demand.

    I congratulate our gahmen for this great leap forward for Singaporeans.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Most degrees are BULLSHIT "QUALIFICATIONS". Unless you're studying the hard sciences, engineering, law, medicine, the degree you're taking is probably BULLSHIT and will not necessarily increase your chances of earning a nice salary.

    If taking a course and spending money doesn't result in equipping you with MARKETABLE SKILLS, then you've wasted your time, energy and money.

    Tens of millions of Americans have got WORTHLESS degrees and a heap of education debt they'll struggle to pay down their entire lives. They struggle because they will have periods of UNEMPLOYMENT, and under employment because in the real world, that degree is worthless or someone from another cuntree can do the job better and cheaper.

    So yes, pay attention to what this fucker is saying. He often doesn't make sense. This time however, he does.

    Stick to the facts of reality. Then your life might get better instead of you moaning like a bitch-victim all the time.

  5. I agree that it's a good idea for the govt to provide scholarships for Singapore students to study in India, in medicine, IT, finance, business. It will cost the govt less and the result will be spectacular.

  6. I asked Darkness what he thought about this. He wrote back. Why dont you go and invest abit to dig up on whether his daughter is working hard in her hand and body coordination to be a crane operator.

    Darkness went on to tell not to listen to that carpetbagger. btw, why does he like to use that term? What does it mean?

    He went on to say, if Singapore is not right, then migrate. But never allow anyone to sell you the idea that your destiny is ONLY in Singapore.

    I going to England next week to pursue my dream to be a hair stylist. After that I want to work in Milan and France for a couple of years. Maybe see the world.

    I thank Darkness. My wish now is to cut his hair one day. It is so sad that he looks so much like an Uncle these days, still hot. But I think, if he changes those lau piao square sunglasses, he would look better.

    1. Hi, may I know which school/unu/institute you are going to pursue to be a hair stylist? Cause i've the same dream as you! :)

  7. Darkness is spot on target with his use of the term "carpetbaggers".
    Describes our Foreign talents to a "T".

    Meaning of "carpetbaggers"

    The term carpetbagger was a derogatory term used by Southerners to refer to a Northerner (Yankee - whites from the north) who traveled to the South after the American Civil War during Reconstruction (1865-1877) to make money or to work as officials in the reconstruction process.
    They were disliked by the Southerners who saw all these outsiders as opportunistic and exploitative;
    whose only intentions were to seek power, wealth or success presumptuously by meddling in business or politics.


    The other gem from Darkness:
    "Never allow anyone to sell you the idea that your destiny is ONLY in Singapore."

    Darkness is new to me.
    I must say I sense a kindred spirit.

    Is his blog?

  8. Education up to a certain point is overrated and a product for some businesses to make lots of millions.

    Sing people should try to quit Sing before it is too late. The sea water is rising just like the food, housing and transport prices.


  9. Anon 2:36, yes that is Darkness' blog.

  10. Then why need so many universities? Now 3 and in future 5?

    PAP is not interest on those normal degree holder that's why they discourage them to study further. They only interested on the schoolar so that they can make them become minister or senior officer.

  11. What KBW meant is that even you go to the uni, there is no jobs for you.

    Going to the foreign talents.

    Got it so do not waste your time and monies.

  12. What he has said, I do agreed.
    However why is govt allow foreigners
    degree holders to come in without regulation.

    Does our market need a degree holder waiter?

    Mr. Khaw is slapping himself.

  13. After flooding the market with foreign graduates, and announce plan to double university intake by 2030.

    He then give a wayang talk!

  14. I dislike his manner of speech. His condemning speech was not helping the aspiring youths. There are many Ex-ITE students who became bankers, senior professional managers in MNC, GMs, even lawyers, some even had government scholarships to pursue a degree, etc. he is sleeping in his pride. He needs to watch his speech in public. He is losing respect from Singaporeans.

    He should have stayed in Malaysia to fight the wayang politics there if he is so smart.
