
Enemies of the State

The second major protest Rally against the Govt’s White Paper to increase the population to 6.9m went off smoothly on May Day. The international media were there to cover the event to brief the world of the kind of democracy and freedom of expression in this First World model city with a mixed of western democracy, Confucianist mandate of Heaven and a tinge of dictatorship. I hope I would not be called up to meet Sue for mentioning the taboo word like dictatorship. But that was on a placard during the Rally. It read, ‘We need a new dicktator’.

It is good that such irritating protest is gradually being accepted by the Govt without bringing in Sue into the picture though Sue was mentioned many times in the speeches of the speakers. Sue is a famous national icon and often sent a chill down the spine of unwary Singaporeans who talked too much, the opposition politicians, the comic writers and yes, the bloggers as well. One just does not know how far one has crossed the rubicon. They called it the OB markers.

Many things happened prior to the May Day event in Hong Lim with many fearing for the safety of Gilbert, the organiser, and the cancellation of the protest Rally for some unknown reasons. There were some correspondence between Gilbert and the authority in the innocuous guardians of Parks. Though the police did not ask for anything, Gilbert received a kind reminder by the Parks minder that it would be appropriate for him to apply for a Police permit to hold the rally. Somehow, this friendly gesture became a kind of nightmare and many people read many things into it. Of course it was silly of them to do so as it was just a formality for the Parks minder to do the necessary. And Gilbert did the necessary by politely replying to the Parks’ guardians that there was no requirement to do so. It all looked so polite and friendly, but there were great tension and trepidation coming out from the exchange, of course there was nothing to it really.

Why was there an element of fear being spread around with people saying that they would not attend the Rally to avoid being troubled? And there were many discussions in the social media with the pro rally activists trying to dismiss the fear element and the opponents playing it up. Gilbert and his team were somehow seen as enemies, being watched closely be unseen eyes, and as if something nasty could happen to them. Why should it be in a democracy for the people to fear the people they elected to be their Government, to look after them and protect their interests? It is a difficult contradiction, must be.

Recently many bloggers and activists had their encounters with Sue and were sweating cold sweat instead of thinking of having a good time with her. Are they also enemies of the State? Many bloggers were openly threatened and harassed in social media by forces that assumed that they had the right to do so and acting as if they were the law, or above the law. I too was harassed and attacked daily and threatened for acts of sedition, and may have the good fortune of meeting Sue. There appears that certain groups of people are seen as enemies of the state and are living life dangerously without having to commit any crime but just because they did not agree with policies of the authority, or have different viewpoints.

Are the citizens living in fear of the dark forces in a democracy? Is there really something out there, forces that will devour citizens in the name of the State, in the name of Sue? Who are the real enemies of the State?


  1. Ya lar few of my friends all chicken out attending lor

  2. Haha.....

    Good morning Chin Leng and All.

    The Fact that Hong Lim Park is a public park/place means it is open to all and sundry seen and cannot be seen or invisible. And if foreigners and aliens cannot be there; Gilbert Goh or any others do not have the authoriry to ban them and why should they anyway?

    Similarly, Cyberspace is free space that belongs to nobody and everybody. Who has the right to ban or restrain the use of freedom of space? United Nations or Interpol?

    By the way, the News that Gilbert was required to apply for permit did chicken out many Sinkies; read facebook and comments in blogs. The fear of the Darkside is really causing many to cower for no good reason except feeling threaten when UNREASONABLE conditions are imposed.

    Unreasonable, absurd and ridiculous tactics may work for some times, but, they will not work all the time.


  3. There are so many bullies in the net, acting like running dogs and giving the govt a really bad name.

    People or organisations that persecute citizens for fictitious or made up charges are the real enemies of the state.

  4. Q: What do Millionaires-In White name their daughters?
    A: Sue.

    Q: What do Millionaires-In-White never call their daughters?
    A: Penny.

  5. I prefer Cecilia and Monica to Sue.

  6. Q: What fruit do Millionaires-In-White hate most?
    A: Mangoes

    Q: Why are Millionaires-in-White so lousy with shooting a gun?
    A: Somehow AIMing a gun makes them extremely nervous.

  7. Q: What is the currency note that is being considered for withdrawal from circulation by the Millionaires-In-White?
    A: The $2 currency note.

  8. Good thinking. No more $2 notes.

  9. I am an enemy of the state -- all states.

    And I don't live in fear. Absolutely not, and I never will.

    Living well is the best revenge.

    Everyone relax lah.

    If you get arrested, as least have the character (aka balls) to stand up to the (arbitrary) authorities and tell them why you've become a rebel, and fucking STICK TO YOUR GUNS.

  10. 'It is times like this that Lee’s expressed desire for freer expression is put on the back burner.

    In 2006, the Prime Minister said: “I want to involve Singaporeans more in building our country, to create more room for you to express yourself and try out your own ideas. They are all making a better Singapore.”'

    Would the PM rein in the dogs in the net?

  11. @1102:

    The moment they merely HINT at any attempt to control you: to tell you how to live, where to live, how to express yourself, how to do this that and the other to "make a better Singapore" as opposed to "make yourself a better life so you can be wealthy, happy and live well"....

    ....then I think it is time YOU become an enemy of the state...unless of course you like someone else in-charge of your life, and telling you what's-what.

    Not me. I view any attempt to control me as a hostile action.

  12. 'Are the citizens living in fear of the dark forces in a democracy?'

    Democracy has already died long ago when MIWs paid themselves millions, collecting fees worth millions thru extending all kinds of favours, manipulating voters etc.

    Fear is the most basic reason for any protest. Why is 6.9 million so hated? The reason is due to fear of losing of jobs and security, of insufficient infrastruture, of high prices of food, housing etc.

