
Would Singaporeans behave as one like the Bostonians

Hsien Loong wrote in his facebook, “If ever Singapore encounters an incident like this, may we have the courage and the humanity to respond with the same grace and unity as the Bostonians.”

This is a big if. In America, other that then the rich elite feasting on the country’s wealth, the rest of the Americans are fairly equal as one people despite the myriads of nationals that made up the Americans. The stratification of the Americans is not institutionalised like what we have here. I am not just talking about the CMIO division, and I am also not talking about the citizens versus foreigners when the latter is now nearly 50% of the population. In any crisis, 50% of the population, or the foreigners, can be ruled out, they will say not their business, and scoot.

What about the Singaporeans? I think this is increasingly becoming a big issue with the Singaporeans being pigeoned hole into so many categories. Would the Singaporeans ask themselves, how much should I contribute in a crisis? I am the low income earner and expected to take public transport, so how much should I contribute compare to those who can afford expensive cars? I am the average Singaporean and this is how much I should contribute, with or without subsidies. Then the higher income earners may ask how much should they discount their contributions when they are being deprived of so many things, like housing, and made to pay more for more expensive hospital wards and higher tuition fees with no subsidies for their children. And what about the super rich that have so many good things in their way, would they say, sure we are the biggest beneficiary of the system and we will contribute the most?

The Govt has been dividing and subdividing the Singaporeans into so many categories with all kinds of subsidies and penalties, in monetary terms. Would the Singaporeans be just as calculative as the Govt and say, all the calls and pledges to defend and die for country are just nice sounding aspirations. Now if there is a real crisis, what and how the Govt pigeon holed and treated me will be how I repay and contribute to the country?

Those who are given lesser or no subsidies may say, let those with more subsidies be the first line of defence. And those who are not even allowed to buy public flats may say, those who are entitled go first?

Did I hear inclusiveness, inclusive society? Or did I hear a country and people divided along the lines of incomes, entitlements and subsidies? Compare this with the Bostonians who are not stratified into so many layers and classes, can our people react and unite as one in times of crisis, standing together as one people? Or would they be bickering, that fellow earns more, that one earns less and that one gets more subsidies? Or would they be competing with each other to be at the back line? Where are those who are angry that those who earn a few dollars more should not be allowed to compete with those who earn less in public housing and screaming unfair advantage?

In times like this, many would want to say all is equal and all contributes the same. Would it be too late to say so? Would someone earning millions contribute like someone earning a few hundred dollars? Is it all about how much one was given or what one can afford? Those who have to sell homes to finance children to study overseas, what would they say? Those with low or no priority in public housing, what would they think? Are we one people or many people in a country separated by the rich poor divide or entitlement divide?


  1. spot on.

    Have started to count cost and value everything.... never did this before.

    Even wondering if I should take up arms defending 50% of Foriegners in time of war. Also hoping I dont have a son, so no need to do NS.

    This calculative and arrogant govt made me change my mind. 6.9 mil cross my red line.

    When a crisis really hits, looks like massive trouble will occur as they will be no unity or support from the natives.

    1. So long as the Leaders dont run away whence there is trouble, Sinkies will will defend and protect them to the last drop of blood.

      I will do that, will You?

      Me patriot.

  2. I think with the 71 F35 fighter jets, a super efficient government comprised of the most elite and talented folks available, Sinkies will never have to fear about any act of terrorism.

    The enemies of Sg will never dare attempt destruction in our homeland. As for locals, many are even scared of going to Hong Lim Park this coming May Day. After all, we are called kiasu, kiasi and kiachenghu. I disagree with the branding though; I know my fellow Singaporeans are loyal and law-abiding and very respectful of those in authority

    Agree with me?


  3. No afraid of terrorists why afraid to go Hong Lim?

  4. Patriots u are kidding me. I want them to protect me not I protect them mah

  5. I patriot lah.
    Even if trouble happens when I am ninety years old and still stay in Sg, I will defend my country and defend my leaders till my last breath.

    I swear to it.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You patriot to which leader? you defend which leader?

  8. Any leader chosen and voted in by the people lah.
    Remember they must not run away at time of trouble. If and when they do, me will belittle them till my last breath.
    The Leaders must stay even if enemy is pointing weapons at them. No fleeing for personal safety, otherwise they will be called traitors and cowards. If the Leaders died facing the enemy, history will record them as patriots like me.


  9. HDB is the owner and landlord of my HDB flat.
    Shouldn't HDB defend its own property?
    We should not encourage a dependency mentality. Tio bo?

    If I get injured defending Singapore, who is going to pay for my hospitalization and medical fees?
    Will I have to undergo means testing?

    Will my insurance company honour my policy in the event of a war?

    Like my leaders, I also must be measured, balanced and calibrated in my response.
    Like regulation with a light touch.
    This is patriotism with a light touch.

    Patriotism with my eyes wide opened.

  10. We should not allow the gov to develop the entitlement mentality that we will stay and defend the country when most land are state- owned and can suka suka claimed by state and sell to foreigners. We also should not just let them anyhow entitled to their millions dollar pay without a real and fair fight with the opposition and improving people lives.

  11. F35 can only defend external invasion not internal invasion. F35 cannot prevent a virus attack on the bank system and atm machines. F35 cannot defend chemical weapons such as H9N7. F35 is just a mean to pacify uncle sam.

  12. Why do we need to pacify uncle sam? Becos we are so daft to achieve so much success in letting in all the tax fugitives and spend so little on improving the people lives and have such a huge reserves. Uncle sam will not target not-so-wealthy country. After uncle sam, i am sure others such as george or francis will come along.

  13. >>Sinkies will will defend and protect them to the last drop of blood.

    True or not? The Gahmen also never defend sinkies - they allow all the foreigners to replace sinkies; call sinkies daft and lazy and uselss; want sinkies to work till they die but pay themselves millions. Not worth defend this kind of gahmen lah.

  14. To spend $11b are we safer?

    To not spend $11b, are we not less safer?

  15. >> “If ever Singapore encounters an incident like this, may we have the courage and the humanity to respond with the same grace and unity as the Bostonians.”

    What a stupid, stupid thing to say.

  16. Matilar spot on knn to u
