
Good news, 71 F35s on the way

According to My Paper today, an US Air Force Lieutenant General Christopher Bogdan has said Singapore is close to a deal to buy 71 pieces of the yet to be operational, yet to be combat tested leading edge multi role futuristic combat aircraft from the USA. It will cost only $11b or about $155 mil a piece. Now that is cheap. The US must have slashed the price to make it so attractive that we are going to get more than the earlier rumours. Or maybe we have gone there and drove a good bargain, for cash, 50% discount, take it of leave it.

The best part of this deal is that the aircraft is still on a developmental stage and would definitely be the most modern and fresh out of the oven aircraft that any country can hope to buy from the Americans. Often the Americans would sell only aircraft that have been in service for 20 or 30 years so that the buyer would not get the state of the art technology and aircraft. Singapore must be in a very enviable position to seal this deal.

With 71 of the finest and most advanced aircraft available in the future, no delivery date mentioned yet, may 10 or 20 years, we have positioned ourselves as the mightiest air force in Asia. North Korea and even China would not be a problem if they dare to launch an air attack on us.

Singaporeans can now sleep in peace. Our sky is safe. Good buy.


  1. Wow!
    Each tiny postal district in Sg will be protected by more than one F35 fighter jet. We will be invincible, so what is China and for the matter, any others.


  2. Should hv bought more...then we can control the American defense industry....can even ask them to start a war so that we can have real life experience of watching miws flying the coop...hehe

  3. Rb, indeed this is very good news as our neighbors will never dare to raise their voice when they talk to us to bully us. This is a small amount from a trillion reserve for peace of mind.

    Should any one try to bully us we can bomb them to Stone Age

  4. So cheap. A small fraction of the loss on foreign banks.

    You have to wonder why the country is so rich and half the citizen population so poor.

  5. It's just like a life insurance
    policy, you only get pay when you are already dead. Talking about war........

  6. foto op 1
    *fukus n sg relationship is extraorindary*

    *hey dude, what i like is ur deep pocket*

    foto op 2
    fukus ambassador
    *fukus n sg has a very special relatonship*

    fukus ambassador
    *what i really like is ur deep throat*

    for chrissake
    jp the no1 fukus poodle only *eng xiu* 2 pieces of this crap
    just goes to show how *special* the relationship between fukus n sg hahaha

  7. Would Goh Keng Swee buy these aircraft? What questions would he ask first before he is willing to commit so much money?

  8. RBI, at his time 11 billion is a lot but now we just need to sell 10 plots of land. No big deal lor

  9. Ya with the 71 plane providing further confidence, I think 5 plots of land is enough as prices rise

  10. Goh Keng Swee is the prettiest among the ugly. I have to admit.

    I do not like this man. But he still have heart for Singaporeans, on the very least.

  11. Buying an aircraft is not buying a car. I remember someone quoted an incident when a salesman wanted to sell him aircraft. His first question, has the aircraft been tested in battle or something like that. When the salesman said no, he said thank you and showed him the door.

  12. This is not about defending SG. It about propping up US defence industry.

    It look as if we are a colony of USA.

  13. God bless those whose sons are going to fly those jets. However, there will always be those who will volunteer for the job. A dead hero is also a hero hor!

  14. Property prices and the stock market are going to shoot up because Singapore will be the safest and most secure country in Asia, with the purchase of these state of the art toys.

    Huat ah!

  15. Nevermind lah, at least the money is not used to buy plane for personal or kept in or at unkown places.
    If it is used to protect the land and the people, be thankful lah. At least our rulers have our safety as their concern and priority.

    Though we live in a super rich land, we do not get to see or share the wealth. So, when the money is used to ensure our security and safety, we do get a little benefit out of it. Not too bad lah.

    I appreciate it.


    1. My apology.

      'for personal use', use missing in mu above post.


  16. /// Our sky is safe. Good buy. ///

    The Boston Marathon bombing wasn't done from the sky. Mat Selamat didn't Datang from the air. Good bye to your hard-earned money.

  17. Good thought. Why is our enemy likely to come from, to attack from?

  18. Every time I look at my CPF statement, I feel so rich.

    Every time I look at my F35 that is still on the drawing board, I feel so safe.

  19. We cant even give a decent life to our poor and yet boast about spending billions on some stupid projects. Tell me how can the aircraft defend our little red dot?

  20. 7135- top 4D prize?

    S$11b is peanut to them. They will spend any amount to pacify uncle sam. Welcome to the wild wild west. Come GE2016, just remember how you are treated and voted properly.

  21. -'We cant even give a decent life to our poor'

    Only the rich has more decent life, the rest are just scrapping by.

  22. This is an excellent deal. $11b for 71 F35s plus 4 littoral fighting ships for free, fully manned and armed. Where to find such a good deal?

  23. Crazy motherfuckers! Bat shit insane lah!

    71?1? F35????!! WTF.

    Errr...where's all this money coming from? Oh, silly me...from The Sheeple.

  24. My new blog entries on Chinese dialect.

    This is a topic I am passionate about. Sorry RB, use your space to advertise my work.

  25. what veritas said is true. weapon buying from america is actually vassal states paying tribute to america. the oil rich arab states with tiny populations are 'persuaded' by america to buy tens of billions of weapons every year. the military personnel of these states don't even know how to use the weapons. this issue is dealt with in the 2005 hollywood movie Syriana starring george clooney and matt damon. the recent visit by pinkie to pay homage at the white house & his telling of bad china jokes clearly shows he is keen to serve america.

  26. Matilah asked," Where is all the money coming from?" I think he is pretending to be stupid. He knows the Pappies collect easy money by the tens of billions every year from the defenseless Singaporeans via the COEs,ERPs and GSTs. One year collection of COEs and ERPs will be more than enough to pay for the 71 F35 fighter jets. The 11 billion dollars for 71 F35 jet fighters is nothing compare to as reported by Wall Street Journal the lost of 42 billion US Dollars or about 59 billion Sing Dollars in a fiasco investment by GIC on questionable or fraudulent American assets under the watch of Tony Tan Keng Yam in the year 2011 before he resigned to contest the Presidency. What an irony that he becomes the President of Singapore?
    The sad thing is that Singapore has so much money to gamble away in spurious American assets but does not want to pay our workers a more decent salary.
    Eagles Eyes

  27. These plane would be able evade radar detection should it be flown into malaysia and indonesia air space.

    Very lethal if radar cannot.

    Their air defence would be under alot pressure.

    What would be their counter response and reactions be politically, militarily speaking ?

    Would Indonesia approch Russia for similar plane like SU-50 to up the ante?

    Johor will in tremendous pressure to upgrade its air defence. Would Russia offer SAM400 ?

    Would US also dangle F-35 to malaysia to 'balance of power ' ?


  28. Sin is not buying 71 f35.

    The news was mis interprate. Usa expect to received up to 71 f35 order by june,including singapore.

  29. It will be crazy and nonsensical for a tiny barren rock to spend that amount of money to buy those fighters. Not to mention the maintenance. If the money is use for free healthcare for the citizens, the people will support and defend the country even if it means sacrificing themselves.

  30. Indonesia and Malysia not stupid to buy hi tech weapons. Better use the money to buy up Sg.
    Anyway, they they stop exporting their food stuff to Sg, Sinkies will have to leave Sg to survive.

  31. Yeah or be starved to death as oppose to eat to death now.

  32. This time I really lost4ever liao, these advance jets has tonnes of maintenance to look at, and SGP will probably have to outsource to where you know to do it..... ka na sia liao, perhaps also got to outsource our SAF due to lack of IT professional due to excessive outsourcing over the years that locals will not be able to do the work.... KNN....

  33. Neigbouring countries would have to counter any stealth combat jet threat right at its doorstep.

    Imagine the idea of many stealth bomber jet fighters operating in Sg, which will almost touch Malaysia airspace everytime taking off from Singapore airbase !

    They would have get help right.

    Wow China very steady everyday watching the sky for F-22,F-35,F-15,F-16CD, SU-30 at its doorstep.

    Is there no 'antidote' against for stealthy fighter?

  34. /// Sin is not buying 71 f35.
    The news was mis interprate. Usa expect to received up to 71 f35 order by june,including singapore.
    April 27, 2013 8:11 am ///

    So, SG is only buying 70 F35s?
