
True blue Singaporeans are only early migrants

A letter by a Gavin Chay in the Today paper, posted earlier in Todayonline, took the view that true blue Singaporeans are only here earlier. That is the only difference and the new migrants are here a bit later. And between the two, both have equal rights to have his space to make a living in this island. And if early migrants are not competitive they have to make way for the more competitive new migrants. The early migrants have no right to ask for more privileges, to ‘demand for more pay, protected jobs, cheaper housing and COEs and freebies of all kinds, that the current debate is fuelled more by a sense of entitlement than who we are as Singaporeans’.

If I read it correctly, Gavin Chay’s position is that new and old migrants should have equal rights to a good life here in this island we called home. How many of you agree to this view? I respect Gavin Chay’s view. He is entitled to his view and hopefully this is not the media’s view or the govt’s view.

I also like his confidence that he and his type are competitive and will take on the world’s migrants who want to come here and compete on an equal basis, the 1.3b Chinese and 1.1b Indians and the rest of SE Asia and Europe and America. Personally, I don’t think Singaporeans will be good enough to take on even a country like India or China, not talking about the rest of the world. To be confident is one thing, to be foolhardy is another, to willingly give away one’s birth right as a citizen to a migrant is…I leave it to you to suggest. To ignore and give up the effort, contributions and sacrifices of our forefathers, our NS men, and say we should compete on an equal basis with foreigners and let them beat the shit out of every Singaporean is stupidity of the highest order.

I rest my case. Who says Singaporeans are not daft?


  1. If only the American, Australian or Canadian governments say the same thing, our worries over 6.9MM will be over.


  2. matilah thinking lah.maybe him

  3. in Singapore, if you want to read about stupid and shallow views, go read the official mass media.

    The views from the real and thinking people of singapore, which speak of truth and love for our nation and fellow people, that which is from the heart and with depth can only be read in the cyberspace.

    PAP policy is 愚民政策. (make the people stupid)

  4. There are only two reasons for the collapse of our society.

    The First is the Current Regime and the Second is the Sheeple(Citizenry).

    Both are selling the Country away.


  5. What rubbish is he sprouting? Which country isn't inhabited by immigrants ?
    Everyone is the descendant of someone who migrated there in the first place yet why when every other country is blocked must we open our doors

    Tao nao pai.

    Dumb piece of propaganda shit that only serves to stir emotions

  6. The wonderful thing about a free trading, market based society is that you have a right to buy whatever someone else is selling.

    So if you go to a new cuntree, buy some land or a dwelling, or a lease.

    Then you are well and truly "in", and no amount of bickering and jealous locals can faze you.

  7. redbean:

    >> we should compete on an equal basis with foreigners and let them beat the shit out of every Singaporean is stupidity of the highest order.

    I would argue that it eventually -- in the long run-- makes a better society. But it takes time to change the culture.

    Bottom line: your average "entitlement mentality" asshole local will have to buck the fuck up and compete toe-to-toe. If not right now, sometime in the future.

    It is a mistake to think of India and China as "cuntrees". If you think of them as CONTINENTS, you might see a different picture.

    1 in 3 people on the planet are either Indian or Chinese nationals. You are going to have to compete with them, no matter what, because they are are coming out SWINGING and will take you on, whether you are ready or not.

    The sooner you face up to the economic reality and personal impact of this, the better, more restful sleep you will have at night ;-)

  8. A fair competition will be for a Singaporean to compete with them in a foreign country like the US or Europe. You don't bring illegitimates to replace your children when your children are just as good except that they dunno how to cheap like they do.

  9. There is no such thing as "fair competition". Being "competitive" means that you have to fully exploit the fact that you have an "edge" over your competitor, which you use to your maximum benefit.

    If Singaporeans still haven't learnt that #1 Natural law, then they are in for some well-deserved suffering.

  10. Yes, it is BS to still call Singapore a country of migrants. If that is the case, then none other then the US of A is the BIGGEST country of migrants isn't it? And if you are prepared to go even earlier into history, the UK is also a country of migrants many of who originated from the present day countries of continental Europe, including Northern Europe when the Vikings came to invade and pillage the UK! And what about Australia and NZ? Were the white people of these two countries indigenous?

    Clearly, Chay's logic is therefore obviously naive and flawed.

    It is true that Singapore WAS a country of migrants, and so WERE the US and UK, Australia NZ and so many other countries. But, no more. They have been SETTLED by their respective pioneers who were migrants generations upon generations ago. And don't forget, when our early pioneers came what 'welcomed' them were virgin jungle and forest.

    The early Indians came as cheap labour imported by the colonial master. The Chinese

    came in quest for a better life to flee the hardship and tyranny of life under the Manchus,

    feudalism and warlordism prevalent then in China before the communist takeover. The Malays, Siamese and other indigenous people were among the earliest to come. These
    are the facts.

    The present PAP govt inspired immigrant tsunami into Singapore are basically 'economic'
    migrants. They have been shooed in by the govt chasing the GDP numbers and the riches that came with it. The govt has virtually NO wish to share with the citizens the huge accumulated reserves; reserves that the citizens who are the ones who have made it possible for the govt to accumulate. Remember those days when LKY is fond of saying the reserves is for the rainy days? Well, the rainy days have come for many many
    Singaporeans, but ironically the rainy days are brought to many a Singaporean doorstep by none other than the govt itself when it is supposed to, in theory at least, be the one protecting their interest, no sell it to the highest bidders (i.e. cheap imported labour). Take about biting the hand (of the citizen) that feed it (the govt)!

    The govt APPEARS to be doing something about it now. But there is every reason to
    doubt whether it is truly a changing of the leopard's spots or merely it is doing what is deemed necessary to save the party from defeat come GE 2016. When you look at the
    record of LKY's parliamentary speeches when he was in opposition to the govt of Singapore then, and compare them to what he has said in recent days, there is every reason to make sure that his party's majority in parliament is cut down to size by having many more opposition MPs in order to CHECK the EXCESSES of the govt.

    We have all seen how the govt has ABUSED its absolutely majority in parliament and in
    the way it chooses to govern.There is absolutely no doubts that absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is our duty as citizens not to allow this to continue unchecked. There is absolutely no doubts that absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is our duty as citizens not to allow this to continue unchecked.

  11. Hi Gary,

    A smoking gun is revealed.

    GDP Bonus is now replaced with National Bonus for top civil servants.

    But, what exactly are these bonuses is anyone's guess.


  12. Hi Gary, in real life, it is about about selective reasoning, selective rights and wrongs, selective truth but always vested interests first.

  13. Isn't this the same old PAP rhetoric. Remember some months back during a dialogue session with Singaporeans, DPM Teo Chee Hean reminded Singaporeans that we should all welcome immigrants as we are descendents of immigrants too.

  14. So true Red Bean.
    So it is for us citizens to selective in our choice of MP to vote. At bottom, it is really a simple matter of each voter SCRUTINIZING his/her MP now, everything that they say, do or don't do, and decide if he/she is worthy of our next vote some GE2016.

  15. Gavin Chay, is he an SAF scholar?
