
Eng Hen – Speak up for the future Singapore

Eng Hen is asking the young Singaporeans to speak up for the kind of Singapore they want to live in when they grow up, or grow older. The young Singaporeans must join the Natcon and tell the Govt what they want. Older Singaporeans, please, not your call and don’t say anything. Only the voices of the young are important.

This seems to be the message coming from Eng Hen, that the young Singaporeans are not talking and the Govt does not know what they want. Speak up now for your future or it will be too late. The White Paper was passed without any feedback from the people, from the young. How come? Is it too much to ask the young for their views or it does not concern the young? Why were the young not consulted if their future is at stake? Why calling for them to speak up after the event is over?

All the kpkb in cyberspace have not been heard by the Govt. The Hong Lim Protest, what protest, was there a protest? Maybe the voices in cyberspace were those of old cocks and old hens. And those at the Hong Lim Protest were also oldies, don’t matter. Eng Hen is only concerned for the young who will be the owners of the future Singapore. The Govt wants to hear from them, not the ‘has been’ oldies. The oldies cannot be speaking for their children. Only the young know what they want and their views are important to the Govt.

Selective hearing? What do you think? No young people speaking and the Govt is being kept ignorant of their aspirations?


  1. The young are not talking because they all have the eyes, ears and mouths firmly glued to the smart phones.
    What a shame actually because when they unglue themselves from their phones or any latest gizmo, the little red dot would have been irreversibly changed for the worst

  2. our schools have taught them since they were little to shut up and sit down. if they dare to question or not follow instructions, they will be made a fool by the "authority"

    so how now ?? they can't speak up. this is a deliberate policy what. our ex-education minister should know best. oh, or maybe the "approved" ones and the "smart" ones can speak up, with the "authority" blessing you know.

  3. There is no need for our leaders to pretend to listen to anybody.
    Sg is no country, it is just a city to anybody, local born or otherwise.

    There is absolutely no need for NS as well; to defend what and protect who.

    In Sinland, everyone has only one duty. And that is to make money. In fact there is no need for citizenship.

    Citizenship for what? National Service?


  4. If they are mentally healthy, young people should have a healthy anti-authoritarian streak.

    It is healthy not to trust adults in power. By the time you are in your mid teens, you should have already observed what liars and assholes adults of power can be -- especially the ones who presume to have "authority" over you.

    Adults have to realise that respect and trust are EARNED VALUES, not automatically given just because adults can too easily bully/ threaten youngsters by telling them: "Listen to me because I'm older than you and if you don't, I'll make sure there are consequences for you".

    I fully encourage young people to be rebellious, distrustful of anyone who claims "authority", yes that includes your parents, older relatives, teachers, anyone in uniform, anyone in religion and EVERYONE working for the government -- they are all, for the most part, FULL OF SHIT.

    It's YOUR life...who the heck wants to be another Brick in the Wall?

    Live your life, Fuck Authority!

  5. Everyone should be a protestant (not rebel). The truth will set you free. This world is full of lies. Eng Hen - just another wayang wannabee from ruling party.

  6. Please, there is no selective hearing by the govt. Have you forgotten that the govt itself has said it is DEAF?

  7. Right Eng Hen, we SHALL speak up for Singapore in 2016 to get you and the rest of your comrades OUT of office
