
Singaporeans are the smartest or dumbest nationals

When I say this, I am not referring to all Singaporeans but a certain select group of Singaporeans that really think they are the brightest people on planet earth. The things they believe in include an open door immigrant policy for the best and brightest to their island with no strings attached and no conditions. As long as the foreigners are good, they can take on any job or occupation, even replacing the Singaporeans if they can get rid of them by hook or by crook. In the eyes of these Singaporeans, when they lost out to the new arrivals, it is because of meritocracy, that the Singaporeans are less meritocratic.

These same Singaporeans are chiding and admonishing other Singaporeans for being soft and lazy, for wanting to be treated differently because they are citizens. Entitlement mentality, they screamed. They want Singaporeans to compete on equal footings with foreigners for all things, especially jobs. They also believe that Singaporeans are dispensable if they are not good enough. Move out if Singaporeans are not happy. They is a world oasis of people waiting to replace the unhappy Singaporeans. The Govt is full of choice on who and how many foreigners it wants to bring in, the whole wide world can come.

They want the best from the whole world to reside in the island and help the island to prosper, not Singaporeans to prosper. It is survival of the fittest, and they believe they are fit to take on the best in the world, on level playing field in their little island. They believe that they are really competing on equal footings with the foreigners without taking into consideration the cost of living of Singaporeans, with no consideration to the cost of living of foreigners, with no consideration if the foreigners are cheating on them, with fake qualifications, and ganging up against the Singaporeans without the Singaporeans knowing it.

And they believe that this is the only and right way forward, to progress and prosperity. The thinking of getting the best from the rest of the world is translated into official policies to import talents and do away with training own talents. They want table tennis players, they just import, footballers, badminton players and what else. They want IT and finance professionals, just import, everything can be imported and pay for as long as they are better than Singaporeans.

Is there a place left for Singaporeans with this kind of thinking? The genes of Singaporeans are degenerative I supposed, regressive genes taking over. Smart or plain stupid, ask Li Ao from Taiwan, he said it many years back. These Singaporeans will chase out their parents and children if they are simply not good enough, and call them lazy, and depending on the Govt for everything.


  1. Hsien Loong says "We want Singapore to do well, so Singaporeans can do well."

    We say ""We want Singaporeans to do well, so Singapore can do well."

    I'm not playing with words.
    Between the two positions lie a deep ideological chasm.

    Hsien Loong's position is called reification.
    When you reify something, it means that you take something that does not exist in nature and you make it real.
    But this is false reality because it only exists in the minds of humans and not nature.

    "Singapore" is a mental construct.
    Singapore only exists in the minds of human beings.
    "Singapore" does not exist in nature.

    A newly arrived Martian from Mars will simply ask Hsien Loong.
    "Where or what is this Singapore that you want to help do well?"
    And Hsien Loong will have no answer.

    But a Martian can easily understand what is a Singaporean.
    And can even help a Singaporean straight away.

  2. Lee Hsien Loong
    "… and we want Singapore to do well so Singaporeans can do well"


  3. Knn lor so lor soh for what

  4. @1019:

    >> We want Singaporeans to do well, so Singapore can do well.

    Oh fucking nonsense. LHL is correct: The cuntry is MORE IMPORTANT than the sheeple.

    >> "Singapore" is a mental construct.
    Singapore only exists in the minds of human beings.
    "Singapore" does not exist in nature.

    Agree 100%. In fact, there are no such things as "cuntrees" -- they are all arbitrary constructs.

    HOWEVER as long as people (sheeple + non-sheeple rational humans) believe and BASE THEIR THINKING AND ACTIONS on the belief that "Singapore is real", then it is just one more step to argue that the "illusion" of Singapore is more important than the assholes who cannot even think straight.

    Choose your beliefs, choose your consequences.

  5. Just fire a nuclear bomb in sentosa, singapore will do very well and so will singaporeans. All reporting to heaven or hell.

    Actually there is not much difference. Ah Long just wanna confused and claim credit and blame the sheeps when things go wrong.

    Back to the statement, is singapore (or singaporeans) really doing well? Having so many beings in a small land is well? is she sinking from having too many beings?

  6. Blame it on the people who keep on voting for the same ruling party. They are the main reason for all the misery - unaffordable housing, crowded transport, take over by foreigners etc.

  7. This group is a result of the education system where knowledge and skills development has rendered moral development void. Most of those in this group (not all) are of the younger generation whose pampered lifestyles have not exposed them to the difficulties of the fiscally deprived. They have succeeded through the education system boosted by parental support through tuitions, enrichment classes, daily chauffeuring and domestic workers picking up after them. They regard their "lesser" peers as being lazy or stupid, not taking into account the difference in childhood environment and upbringing. They measure their success by the amount of data they are able to stuff into their grey matter, and pat themselves on the back when it is affirmed by the number of As on a piece of paper. In their minds, they have worked very hard, while their lazy peers waste time taking up part-time jobs at fast-food joints and helping out with the family. Upon entering university, parents celebrate their achievement and independence by buying them cars so that they won't have to be chauffeured. Upon graduation cushy jobs await them based upon their credentials. Why would they think any higher of their "lesser" peers? After all, they deserve what they have worked so hard for. It is a meritocracy isn't it? Such is the values and beliefs held by this group.

  8. http://www.sharesinv.com/articles/2013/04/09/singapore-daily-bulletin-%E2%80%93-090413/

    'Land transport firm ComfortDelGro Corporation will be investing approximately $109 million to purchase a portion of FirstGroup plc’s London bus business and assets. The business that will be acquired under the transaction comprises 494 buses operating from five West London garages – Alperton, Greenford, Hayes, Uxbridge and Willesden Junction. Subjected to the necessary regulatory approvals, the transaction is expected to complete by mid-2013 and the newly-acquired assets will operate under the Metroline brand. The acquisition will increase ComfortDelGro’s fleet size in the London bus market to about 1,700. Chief executive officer of ComfortDelGro, Kua Hong Pak said that the company is naturally excited about the expansion of its business in London through the acquisition and will continue to work hard at providing a high quality of service to its customers.'

  9. Govt linked company is buying more buses, back on back of govt billions of dollars' bus enhancement programme ?

    Bus company got funds to buy buses outside Singapore YET the transport ministry has been cleared by the PAP led govt to allocate mammoth sums of money from the State coffers to buy buses.

    It was also reported in the local media last week. Very dusturbing indeed.

    Comfort delgro is controlled by Temasek, chaired by the former PAP cec minister, should clarify ?
