
Obituary for the Korean people

I think it is not premature to write an obituary for the Korean people today so that they can still read it before they wipe themselves off the face of planet earth. It is unthinkable today for any sensible person or leader to think of going to war with an equally heavily armed opponents and when the firepower of both countries could flatten the countries in a matter of hours. And then to think that there other opportunists waiting on the side line egging them on to kill each other.

The Koreans are proud and very intelligent people if one is to think of Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, Ssangyong etc etc. And even the North Koreans are able to send their own satellites to space and is a nuclear power in their own right. They have mastered modern technology and are rich in their own right. Don’t listen to the foolish western media that the North Koreans are starving and living in poverty. The measurement of their wealth using western terms of reference is totally irrelevant and meaningless. And don’t be suckers and idiots to think that the young Kim Jung Un and his colleagues are mad and they want war to prove they are good. This kind of naïve thinking coming from supposedly western academics and scholars are simply insulting to those they meant to impress upon to think in this way. But many unthinking people will simply believe and regurgitate these thoughts that are planted into them daily by the western media.

Despite their economic and technological prowess, something tells me that the Koreans are still stupid in a way. For no good reasons, except the encouragement and provocation of the Americans and the Japanese, they think it is fun and a tea party to want to go to war with their brothers, and to kill each other because other people want them to do so. And a miscalculation is all it takes to ignite the Korean peninsula into a fireball and the Korean people as fuel for the fire. There will be no Samsung, Hyundai, Kia and what not left for the world to enjoy. It will be a pity that a major race, an innovative and talented people that worked so hard to be a rich and respectable people, will callousless and carelessly embark on a journey of self destruction.

Once the war starts, the world will be saying RIP to the Koreans and the Korean race. What a pity. It is so silly really, so unnecessary and senseless.


  1. No more K-Pops...Ka-Boom

  2. Both Korea will be places for visit for those who wanted to experience Stone Age living condition


  3. South Korea well runned country with beahtiful sceneries and hard working people.

    Right Mr Redbean Sir, it's a pity that they be reduced to rubbles by all people their own people.

    Instigated, manipulated by the white devils. Both sides had own relatives, friends and so much unnecessary sufferings.

  4. What Singapore need is an analogy of a powerful team of relay cyclists in a group match, not continues flow of foreigners?

    A powerful cyclists team, are each individuals take turn to lead to face the head wind, as the leader got tired, another come forward to lead, the previous tired leaders go to behind the pack?

  5. Oh come on. Both Koreas have been technically still at war since 1953. Hostilities ceased only by an armistice.

    Bring it on!

    Shoot To Thrill!

  6. How can Koreans be intelligent if they are so easily manipulated by the Americans?

  7. Everyone just help to buy more F35 and uncle sam will go away and peace will return to asia.

  8. "The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated" - Mark Twain

  9. The Americans and the West could have extended their rule over the Afro Asians for another 1000years if they have not mismanaged their own economies. Now they are marking time while destroying themselves.

    The Afro Asians are still too dumb and lack the confidence to rule the Europeans. Only the Indians could do it and they are aggressively taking over the western financial institutions and MNCs.
