
PM, please give us peace and security and not danger.

PM Lee's statement, "We cannot take peace and security for granted" . That is a strong statement with serious implications and it cannot go unanswered. Singaporeans want peace and security . But does the PM and his government share the same view of what constitute peace and what constitute security for Singapore. The Pappie government has created enough uncalled for internal problems which give the Singaporeans no peace of mind and burden the people with a great load of insecurity. The government has yet to solve and clear the internal problems to provide the people with peace of mind and security. But instead of doing just that the PM like his father is adding external problemsto Singapore by persuading and supporting the American insidious stance in Asia. Everybody knows that the Evil Empire, USA  has been creating trouble, choas , instabilities and wars at all corners of the world every year for the last seventy years since the end of the Second World War just to maintain its satanic supreme super power status to hold hegemony and dominate over all countries big or small. As an excuse for a preamble to start wars US will always create incidents , troubles and instabilities and blame them on the country or countries it intend to attack either directly by itself or through unsuspecting selfish proxies. We know the Evil Empire hold debts both internal and external to the astronomical figures  of several hundreds or thousands of trillions dollars. US has no intention to honour these debts especially to China which it owes the most . Therefore it tries to abscond with the debts to China by trying to start wars against China through proxies like the Japs, Pinoys and Vietnamese which it has been instigating and inciting all the time. Yet theven moree PM and his father for no unknown reason or reasons have always encouraged and persuaded the Evil Empire to stay in Asia to balance and contain China's peaceful development. By openly siding with the Evil Empire isn't the PM adding external troubles to Singapore for it will arouse the suspicion of our neighbours and thus post  even more insecurity to Singapore. What if a desperate US initiates a war against China , won't Singapore be a target for a nuclear bomb since US operates its navy and airforce in and out of Singapore as a military base. This scenario portends great disaster for Singapore and we Singaporeans shudder at the thought of it. So PM please think before you open your mouth and think before you and your government act to side with the Americans. Give us peace of mind and security and that is all what we people want.


  1. Now with battleship FREEDOM in SIN, the Americanos servicemen and all their ho hia tees, SIN nightlife with those SIN businesses rubbing their hands with glee.

    IRAS also happy with the 7% GST, have to tell my children not to take part in marathon races anymore.

    Stay at home more.

    Be safe.

  2. The cleverest thing that Sin Leaders have ever done is to have the protection of the US Military Service. Who else will protect them? Gurkhas, but even Gurkhas themselves will not be safe if foreign elements are involved. Gurkhas are oy good for protection against locals.
    In any case, our taxi drivers, prostitutes and pimps will be overjoyed each time angmo chuns/Western ships arrive to Sin. And they will vote for more angmo chuns.

  3. At least this 'evil empire' bothered to do so whether or not they have other agendas. Anyway, if you cannot beat them then have to pretend to join them. Somtimes this is the only way to gain peace. If only everyone can pretend to be fexi and not so obviously stubborn, this world may be a better place.
