
My enemy’s enemy is my friend

Tamerlan Tsamaev, one of the two Boston bombers was under investigation by the FBI. House of Representatives Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul asked the FBI why Tamerland did not raise any suspicion after the Russians asked the FBI to investigate him two years ago? The Russian security service wanted Tamerlan to be investigated as possible Islamic radical.

The FBI said it had no further comment after saying it ‘did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign, after speaking to Tsamaev and checking his travel records and internet activity’. And less than a year after being interviewed by FBI, Tsamaev did make a trip to Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region where Islamist militants were active.

Now the American House of Representatives are asking a lot of questions and kicking themselves crazy for FBI not following up on this vital lead from the Russians. And the FBI is under the spotlight for its handling of this case. Why was the FBI so cavalier in its handling of this Chechen immigrant that was tipped off as potential Muslim radical? Is it because my enemy’s enemy is my friend and that this guy has potential to give the Russians more trouble in the future, an American asset to give problems to the Russians or to support the Muslim insurgency in Russia or elsewhere? Or is it that this supposedly top notch intelligence agency is slip shod and its professionalism in question.

The FBI has a lot to answer as the House of Representative is unlikely to let this matter rests. They are asking for all information the US Govt had on Tamerlan Tsamaev before April 15.


  1. For all books I read, I come to have a lot of respect for Iranians.

    If you look at my comments, I clearly hate North Korea. I do not like Saddam either.

    Iran is a different story. Iranians are very noble people.

  2. I believe in human rights. I do not like any government who trample human right.

    Maybe I should say I hate North Korea government.

    Iranian government is feudalistic and reactionary. At least Iran still have a "election".

    In Iran, you have internet and FB.

    Iran and N Korea are different league.

  3. It is a matter of time before the North Koreans open up like Myanmar. The country is undersiege at the moment and I think, trying to figure out how to open up. It is like China before opening to the world.

  4. Agree.

    I think we also need to hate evilness. I believe in just and human virtue.

  5. There is nothing the FBI has to answer for. First, you said it was a failure of intelligence. Now, you say they have a lot to answer for. Do you know how many hundreds of thousands of such cases they have to process a year? And how about asking the FBI to answer for 911 as well - they were aware of those kamikazi pilots too.

    Well, well, well. We all have 20/20 perfect hindsight, don't we? Or, should I say perfect backside?

  6. /// In a post on his Facebook page on Saturday, PM Lee also said he hoped Singaporeans would react with the same grace and compassion as residents in Boston if such a similar disaster were to ever strike the island republic. ///

    Yahoo News carried the above, and some wise cracks are saying that the lesson that should be learned is that we should not be importing foreigners by the millions. These imports, have nothing to lose and certainly no loyalty to Singapore. We should have already learned the lesson from the SMRT strikes. And climbing up the tower cranes to protest.

  7. USA stupid go and import islamic nut head from Chechen. One of the reason of such stupid act is USA wanted to weaken Russia.

    These crackpot Islamic not only do not feel grateful to USA of saving them from their shit hole, they listen to fucking Mullah firebrand sermon.

    USA is a benefitor of Chechen. And fucking nuts Mullah told them USA is bad to Islam, and these low IQ chechen shithead believe.

    They forget or choose not to remember USA is good to them. They did not did their studies. They do not know that USA provision weapons and supplies through Georgia to support Al Qaeda job in Chechen.

    Fucking hell, instead of killing Russians, they kill Americans.

    Actually USA import FT to screw its people deliberately. Many in tech forum already fuck FT Indians big time for kicking out white man.

    The USA elites turn a blind eye. Only when the relative or elites themselves got hit, then they will think otherwise.

  8. http://www.prisonplanet.com/u-s-supported-chechen-terrorists.html



    See all these. Russian has actually WARN USA about these fucking chechen FT scums.

  9. Anon 2:13,

    Why are you apologising for the FBI?

    And you think the FTs are good and you not another wisecrack?

  10. /// Anonymous said...
    Anon 2:13,

    Why are you apologising for the FBI?

    And you think the FTs are good and you not another wisecrack? ///

    Do you understand English? Read what I wrote, understand it first before you shoot your mouth off.

    We should not import foreigners - what does that mean to you?

  11. You nuts. When you add wisecracks to that statement it meant totally different meaning. You want to bluff who?

  12. Read the rest of the post - you ignoramus

  13. What do you think this site is for?
    Intellectual discourse?
    University research level of writing?

    Tell you what is flippant - that it is an intelligence failure; that FBI has to answer to you.

    I am sure there will be more fans from the US......

  14. another fbi production, coming to a cinema near u ?

  15. Sure many unthinking Asians on the side of the Americans, inviting the Americans to come and screw their asses and to say thank you.

  16. Walau eh, bomd USA wrong.
    Bomb Russia okay!
    What logic is that?

    CIA failed, FBI failed and what is the big deal. Anyone think CIA and FBI can prevent violence, can stop Americans from killing Americans?
    And Obama, Bushes and Clinton can walk and travel around USA unprotected?

    Let the Americans show You what is Cowboy Culture or You can read Shane and or the Lone Ranger. Watch NYPD will do too.

    You aint see enough.

  17. In reality, most islamic people are not extremists and are peaceful people. They are also victims of extremists. Extremists may not be islamic but they are hidding behind the cover of islam. Just like in the middle ages, the extremists were hidding behind the cover of a certain type of christianity. They do that to gain power and con people to fight their war under cover of certain silly noble cause. They are in fact everywhere.

  18. Extremist fights extremist.
    Religious fight religious.
    Human fights human.
    Same race fights among themselves are all as natural as Siamese fighting fish fighting each other.
    So blame the creator if You believe in it.

  19. When and if pap is gone, the opposition supporters will be fighting each other to the end.

  20. We are like living in a small fish tank; when food runs out in the tank, no one, not even so-called gods, can stop anyone from fighting. Whoever rules have to ensure food is always available for Sinkies.

    Pray hard that Sg will not run out of food supply.

  21. who'd interrogate the interrogators ?
