

Please send this article to all peace loving people round the world. Let the world know that USA, the Evil Empire is a satanic country creating all wars, troubles and terrorists acts in every corner of the earth. Ever since its independence from Imperial Britain in 1775, the Evil Empire has been run and control by evil politicians who believe in military might to carry out permanent wars of aggressioin against other countries so as to preserve and maintain supreme power and hegemony over every country in the world.

 North Korea’s Justifiable Anger 
April 10, 2013
Does Obama Want More War?

North Korea’s Justifiable Anger

The corporate media reduces the DPRK (North Korea) to the Kim family and prefaces their names with the terms “madman”, “evil” and “brutal”. Such vilifications of foreign leaders are used here not only to signify they are target for US overthrow. They are meant to intimidate and isolate anti-war activists as being out in left field for ever wanting to oppose a war against countries ruled by “madmen” – be they Saddam, Fidel, Hugo Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Qaddaffi.
Yet to a sensible person, it is crazy that the US, with nuclear weapons thousands of miles from home, in South Korea, denies North Korea has a right to have its own nuclear weapons on its own land – particularly when the North says it is developing nuclear weapons only as a deterrent because the US won’t take its own weapons out of the Korean peninsula.
Missing in what passes for discourse on the DPRK in the corporate media is that the US was conducting month-long war maneuvers last March in Korea, now extended into April, using stealth bombers, undetectable by radar, capable of carrying nuclear weapons. And this year these are not “deterrent” war maneuvers, but “pre-emptive war” maneuvers.
Would the US government and people get a little “irrational” if a foreign country that previously had killed millions of our people, sent nuclear capable stealth bombers off the coasts of New York City, Washington DC, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, there to fly around for a month in preparation for a possible nuclear attack on us? For what is called, in warped US language, war “games”?
The US may have killed 20% of the population of Korea, said General Curtis Lemay, who was involved in the US air war on Korea. If so, that is a higher rate of genocidal slaughter than what the Nazis inflicted on Poland or the Soviet Union. The Korean War may be unknown ancient history to us, but it is no more ancient history to Koreans than the Nakba is to Palestinians.
North Korea knows that history, and it is warning the US they know what to expect and are arming themselves to prevent it. Are the DPRK leaders “paranoid” or taking justifiable precautions?
What kind of deranged people call war preparations a “war game”? North Korea doesn’t think it’s a “game.” Over 4 million died in the last war to reunify their country that the US divided. If men had an annual rite called “group rape games” wouldn’t we think it a criminal misogynist pathology, and wouldn’t women be justified in being outraged and arming themselves in self-defense?
An accurate reading of the events leading up to the present situation shows that North Korea is responding to US military escalation, and in particular to US refusal to negotiate. This includes a peace treaty to end the Korean War, any steps towards reunifying Korea, the end to the US occupation of South Korea and ending the annual month-long US-South Korean war maneuvers. Even today, it includes US refusal to talk in order to lower the tensions.
North Korea was hit with US/UN Security Council sanctions for a missile launch last year. South Korea sent off a missile this year; were there any sanctions?
Since World War II there have been 9000 missile launches. 4 were by the DPRK. There have been 2000 atomic bomb tests. 3 were by DPRK. No country was sanctioned by the UN Security Council for this. No country except the DPRK. Why wouldn’t the North Koreans be incensed by this double standard, especially when the US has nuclear weapons in South Korea?
The US kill rate in the 1950-53 Korean War equaled more than one 9-11 every day, day after day, for the whole 1100 day war. US people had a scar from one 9-11.  So what kind of war scars do Koreans have?
Korea is divided because our country invaded and divided it after the Japanese surrender. The leaders of the DPRK had been fighting the Japanese since the early 1930s, and 200,000 had lost their lives. When Korean liberation was at hand in 1945, the US intervened and blocked it.
The US was supposed to leave in 1948, along with the Soviet Union, but because Kim Il Sung was likely to win planned nation-wide elections, the US made the division permanent and blocked national elections, just as it did later in Vietnam. This lead to the Korean War, the cause of the present militarization: A foreign country divided and occupied their country against their will.
We should play our part to improve the human rights situation in Korea, not only in the North but in the South as well. Both societies are more closed and controlled than our own. Whether being occupied by foreign troops, threatened with war and war maneuvers, or subjected to harsh economic sanctions, this does not facilitate free and open societies.
If we really want more rights for the people of the DPRK then we should stop pointing a gun at their head. If we listened to Kim Jong Un’s message delivered a month ago, ignored by President Obama, “We don’t want war. Let’s talk,” that would only foster a more open society there – and in South Korea, just as we know it would  here in the US.
Stansfield Smith is an anti-war and Latin America solidarity activist in Chicago who recently returned from a trip to North Korea [Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK)], with Koryo Tours. He can be reached at: stansfieldsmith@yahoo.com


  1. *What kind of deranged people call war preparations a “war game”? *

    the same assholes who'r now itching to do another iraq ....

    +You have to admit it. The Americans and British do make a formidable double-act - of deception and criminality. Where one party has the firepower, the other has the liar-power.

    The diabolic duo is at it again. This time the criminal magic show is to sell the lie to the world that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons of mass destruction. Weeks of political choreography have set up the issue of chemical weapons as a convenient “red line”.

    Now, hey presto, the threshold has been reached for the Americans and the British to justify ramping up their criminal interference in Syria from covert proxy terrorism to overt state terrorism


  2. The male members of the Kim family have the "anger gene" (I'm taking liberties by assuming one exists) and are therefore BORN ANGRY. They just 'tak boleh tahan', must kwai-lan one.

    It's easy to accept such people exist -- since I'm a little that way inclined myself.

    Also, if you want to be an effective Dick-taster, you must create or choose 'enemies' to demonise and focus on obliterating forever, in fact you don't stop until your enemies are totally destroyed -- which could take decades...if ever. As for the Kims: being born angry bastards equips them with the necessary natural talents to become really effective and hilariously entertaining Tin Pot Dick-Tasters

    Thanks to their unique genome, their anger is definitely 'justified'. Any alleged 'provocation' is merely incidental and is only a convenient excuse to threaten or become VIOLENT.

    IMO, it's ok to be angry. Without anger, there is no progress.. or regress ;-)

    Anger is always entertaining. Always. No exceptions. The entertainment value of anger is an irrefutable fact of the universe.

    Bring it on, Kims. Make us laugh you hilarious clowns!

  3. redbean - I am sure your pageviews from the US, especially from all those alphabet-soup agencies and organizations, will increase dramatically. ;)

  4. I welcome them here to generate more interests in the blog. I used to have on in redbeanforum trying to post all the anti China but pro US articles till we exposed him. Subsequently he left.

  5. lets do a status report on pnac, the fukus world domination blueprint set in 2002

    every other objective listed in that manifesto has been realised
    i think syria is a foregone conclusion

    pnac, a stock taking

    what about
    advanced form of bio weapon targeting specific geno type ?

  6. Hi denk, 'pnac, a stock taking' is a good link to read. Below is an extract from the link.

    Three reads on Korea.
    1. War games are a violation of the 1953 Armistice Agreement. The United Nations and North Korea are still in a state of war. The 1953 Armistice Agreement was supposed to presage a peaceful settlement and the withdrawal of all foreign troops.
    agreement extract:
    ** with the objective of establishing an armistice which will insure a complete cessation of hostilities and of all acts of armed force in Korea until a final peaceful settlement is achieved**
    2. from the Wall Street Journal: The U.S. is putting a pause to what several officials described as a step-by-step plan the Obama administration approved earlier this year, dubbed "the playbook," that laid out the sequence and publicity plans for U.S. shows of force during annual war games with South Korea.
    3. Is the US Deliberately Thwarting Korean Reconciliation?
    According to the Radio New Zealand website Dr Tim Beal, a retired lecturer in Asian studies at Victoria University, the US may be using its current military exercises in South Korea to deliberately thwart that country’s efforts to strengthen political and economic ties with North Korea.

    Posted by: Don Bacon | Apr 4, 2013 3:24:07 PM | 2

    Media in west once again fool us on statements by North Korea.


    Posted by: Anoynmous | Apr 4, 2013 3:27:07 PM | 3

    As for Syria, it will depend on how serious are the Russians. If they take the same stand as China on Iran and NK, that an attack by the Americans would be war, Obama would stop in his war path. If the Russians soften, the crazy Americans will take it as appeasement and would march in to flatten Syria. The fate of Syria is in the hands of the Russians.

  7. hello rb

    so far fukus, have been getting away with whatever they set out to achieve.

    like u say
    the only hope is for russia to step in to thwart the march of diabolical duo.

  8. rb

    i heard u've many readers from the *land of the free* ?

    hey anybody from dallas ?
    time to do the world a favor, execute a citizens' arrest on the five criminals !
    these gents are having a good time in ur city right now !

  9. The American people have been misled by their evil leaders to commit mass murder across the world. And they love it. They only complain when they lost the war or body bags come home to line the streets.

  10. @1203:

    >> And they love it.

    Not only them. Every mainstream, revenue-centered media enterprise too. And me. I love it. The USA always puts on a spectacular show.

    >> They only complain when they lost the war or body bags come home to line the streets.

    Sure, they're entitles to. But they also glorify and honour their war dead like no other culture.
