
6.9m, try feeling the weight

What is 6.9m going to be like in 2030? A 4 member family unit will mean 400,000 flats to house an increase of 1.6m people. This could mean two Tampines estates or equivalent land needed at least. And assuming 10% of these 400,000 households will be car owners that will be 40,000 cars on the road and more roads and parking spaces needed, and 40,000 more COEs.

If each household has a school going child, there will be 400,000 more school children running around, needing transport and schools. How many more polytechnic and university places are needed?

If each of these household is a two income family, 800,000 more jobs will need to be created.

If each family eat 4 eggs daily, 1.6m more eggs must be laid by the chickens, daily.

Just think about the consumables and multiply them by 1.6m, a lot more consumption will add on to the economic numbers.

And all this will be piled on to the already congested little islands we are living in.

Are these what we want, progress, growth, well being? Or it is all about congestion, inflation, competition, stress and strains, working and working and working for a little shoe box apartment? By then the size of flats will be determined by the hard realities around us, 6.9m will dictate your life and decide what kind of life you will be living.

Tomorrow is the Protest Rally at Hong Lim Park, 4pm. Will you be there?


  1. Over a 60 year period, the number of slaves in America (1800 to 1860) increased by a factor of 4.
    Over a 60 year period, the population of Singapore (1950 to 2010) increased by a factor of 5.

    When each human being is considered as a resource, as a piece of money producing machinery, the population will be multiplied.

  2. Just think about the consumables and multiply them by 1.6m, a lot more consumption will add on to the economic numbers.

    Just think of the shit, the litter, the angst, the diseases, the Great Singapore Sale, the ...

  3. Hi rb,

    Brace yourself. Looks like May is going to be the busiest month for you. Starting first thing tomorrow.


  4. Even the blind will feel the heat and shit.


  5. Yep, will be at Hong Lim to get some pictures and feel the mood of the people.

  6. Does 6.9 million population mean;

    -more competition for fewer places in Singapore Universities?

    - more competition in a stagnant job market?

    - classes of 60 students to 1 teacher in our schools?

    - more elderly foreigners accompanying their children who are emigrating to Singapore?

    - more crowded hospitals and polyclinics?

    - more crowded MRT trains and buses?

    Do you think the PAP government is able to plan effectively for such a sudden spike in demand on our infrastructure?

  7. The reason we so miserable is too many Chinese here converted to neo-Hindus to propagate caste system.

    The neo-Hindus tenet is to each his own, lies, neo-Dharma, neo-Karma, competition to kill your neigbors...etc.

    RB is among few who who have conscience.

    Recently prostitute Liu Thai Ker, is setting the tone for PAP, of 10 million population.

    When idiots like Liu Thai Ker open his chee bye mouth, one can be quite sure he is sending message from someone above. Liu Thai Ker is a fucking apostle of Neo-Hinduism, whose son is a criminal.

    To break free from this Dharma, we got to seek truth. The Dalits in India converted to Christianity and found life way better. I would urge all phoney Christian/true pharisee in SG to convert to Christianity.

    Many of our Chinese elites are Christian. I know singapore christian mindset as I use to go to church. They prove they have a lot of faith by doing many wicked things, and trust that Jesus forget them. The more wicked they are, the more faith they have in Jesus's salvation. Also their faith is so strong that they believe they can say "sorry" on deathbed and go to heaven.

    Jesus never told us to compete. He told us to love our brothers. He hate "money changer" aka bankers. Today everyone here act diametrically opposite to truth.

    I have a smart middle east Muslim friends who told me he do not want to work in bank because its against their religion.

    So my dear Christian brothers, how do you do?

    1. Veritas should desist from promoting Christianity or any religion here.
      Please keep your religion in your heart.

      I feel disturb by your preaching here. Please do it at your own site


  8. rb
    *Are these what we want, ?*

    the pros
    *progress, growth, well being?*

    as promised by the *experts*
    believe in *experts* at ur own peril !

    but more to the point
    does high growth => well being, happiness ?

    why do so many desperate jp housewifes troop to the beach of bali, etc
    paying beach bums to satiate their pent up desire ?
    coz when their workaholic hubbies come home at 11pm, sex is the last thing on their mind !

    * Or it is all about congestion, inflation, competition, stress and strains, *

    this is gauranteed

    2030 ?
    i already feel like im in some foreign land these days !

  9. Any virtue will do. Now just christianity.

    We need to go back to virtue, I do not care even if it is Hinduism.

    The levitical Judaism can be very violent. In old testament, we see verse like "Saul kill thousands and David kill 10 thousands".

    Islam and Hinduism have not gone true the purge of what Christianity and Judaism did. Today rabbinical judaism is very peaceful.

    In the heart of everyone, we know what is right and wrong.

    Making people Dalits is wrong. Putting 10 millions in a red dot to make it shithole is wrong.

    I do not mind converting to Hindus, so long it reform. I was from Buddhist school maha bodhi and till now I still like buddist scripture. Buddhism is reformed Hinduism under the unbrella Dharmic religion.

    We need to build a nation by on just and morality.

    Else it will not last.

  10. My two friends chicken out attending, they said they busy but I know they are scared

  11. Ha ha RB,

    For that kind of situation, a few Chinese idioms ( 成语 ) should aptly describe the potential scenario :

    人山人海, 水泄不通,人潮汹涌,成千上万,排山倒海

    在这样的背景下,我们社会的下一代将生活在阴霾弥漫的环境, 还是曙光灿烂的现实中?



  12. I think there are peopl elike me who think 6.9 million is 'just an arbitrary number'. I'm basing future scenarios in terms of 9 or 10 million.

    I think those figures of population would make Singapore a truly AWESOME plus plus place to live. Imagine the amount of 'activity' and partying which would be possible.

    I'm salivating.

    Support open borders. Don't be a pussy-wimp.

  13. I have been thinking for some time how a slower economy create jobs for 6.9M population.

    Eventually I come to conclusion that our government is making a "honest" mistake.

  14. @MS
    "support open borders"

    I support open borders with Australia.
    Australians and Singaporeans should have reciprocal open borders with each other.

    the Aussies can freely use our public hospitals.
    And Sinkies can freely use the Aussie public hospitals.

  15. I will be there

  16. @MS
    "support open borders"

    I support open borders with Australia.
    Australians and Singaporeans should have reciprocal open borders with each other.

    I against open borders
    without consider the impact.

    If one study Australia immigration laws, one would notice there are huge number of foreign born Australians.

    Such policy make no sense.
    Furthermore would we be treated equally seriously is a big question.

  17. TUBERCULOSIS is all time high here in Singapore. After the 2006 GE the big door is opened. More and more cases started to appear from 2007.

    In the rush to let in the migrants from mostly developing countries, somewhere went wrong. Health ministry at the time, under-estimated the influx numbers and the long percussion and the severity of the problem.

    The haste of their immigrants policy put Singaporeans at risk.

    Those who contracted the dreadful desease can cough up blood and suffer from extensive scarring of the lung lobes and undergo long expensive medication.

    The incumbent PM took over from his predecessor where TB is already contained for a decade after many years of hardwork.

  18. Perhaps there are already 7M residents (excluding tourists) in SG, yes, NOW. Thus, by 2030, there'll be 10M, anyone also think so?

    P.S. Matilah, fuck you too! No, I did NOT read your comments today or any other days, I just know a big motherfucking loser like you who thinks he is smarter than everyone else will write good-for-nothing, pathetic lowlife shit day in day! Yeah, I also know you can't help yourself - because you have shit for brains!

  19. What to do? 60% of daft Singaporeans believed in and were sold on the 'more good years' mantra. Now, wait for the pain. No use crying over spilt milk. They have ample time enough for regretting.

  20. @911:

    >> Australians and Singaporeans should have reciprocal open borders with each other.

    Why "reciprocal"? Not necessary. All cuntrees should have open borders -- period.

    There is only one race -- the human race, and we should be able to go to anywhere on this planet (our home) as long as we do so peacefully, and as long as we don't trespass on PRIVATE PROPERTY.

  21. Matilar, u motherfucker talking nonsense again. Go get your daly fixes of the cheap blowjob to relief the build up pressure that is affecting your brain. Knn

  22. Matilah, stop being an idiot for a day ok? Singapore is the only silly country that adopts an open door policy while others don't. We open our legs so wide that even TB is sneaking in.

    Any infectious disease will spread easily and quickly in our crowded buses and trains and we will get a health crisis any moment.

  23. Well, if Native Singaporeans cant stop the increase, let nature helps them.


  24. WOW! The angry mob responds with scorn and bile!

    redbean overreacts:

    >> Any infectious disease will spread easily and quickly in our crowded buses and trains and we will get a health crisis any moment.

    Most locals have been inoculated with Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG). Scared what?

    Anyway serves some people right: they never wash hands and have the disgusting habit of not covering their nose and mouth when they cough and sneeze.

    The trains and buses were crowded before. Now they are just more crowded.

    Anyway, the FACTS still remain:

    1. We are all humans -- same biologically

    2. Therefore differentiating on the basis of "origins" is false: f there is a job available, anyone foreign or local is entitled to apply -- may the "best" person win.

    3. You need boiling chaos to "upset" the tired and old natural order, and in time a new order will spontaneously emerge. Creative Destruction -- the tired, old and insignificant are terminated, new stuff emerges to replace that which has gone extinct.

    Please lah, don't leave the facts and your intelligence at home to become part of the zombie crowd just because you are "not happy".

    Misery loves company. :-))
