
What makes a citizen Singaporean?

This has never been an issue, but it is now. The amount of privileges and public money given to new citizens as subsidies and national bonuses, the priority in housing when some true blue Sinkies are not even allowed to buy, is becoming a big pain in the neck for the real citizens of the country they built and they sacrificed for. What the fuck is happening to my country? Why are citizens, the original citizens being treated as second class citizens, being disadvantaged by new citizens and even PRs and foreigners? Does the Govt know this, or does the Govt know that it is the cause of all these unfair treatments against its very own citizens it is supposed to look after?

The facetious remarks made by some MPs and Tan Chuan Jin are rude and offensive to Singaporeans, I mean the true blue Singaporeans. The examples raised of Amy Khor, Chen Show Mao and some ministers were selective examples that evade the angst and anger of the people. Don’t evade the main issue, the real pain the people are feeling. It is the new citizens that the people are fed up with when they are given so many privileges at the expense of the true blue Singaporeans.

You are not a citizen like one of us if you don’t serve NS when you could. You are not a citizen when you evade NS. Don’t come up with craps that you are saving babies and helping the economies by working in your profession. NS is the rite of passage to citizenship for male citizens. NS is the badge of honour, the common path that all male citizens will have to take as their contribution to nationhood. Do not degrade and abuse NS as something else when you have not donned the uniform, to train, to defend and to be maimed or die for this country.

All new citizens, using an arbitrary figure of 5 or 10 years, must not receive the same subsidies and handouts as true blue Singaporeans. All male citizens that are eligible to do NS but did not is not deserving to be a citizen and must not be allowed to hold senior positions in public office, especially to be seated in Parliament.

Our little island is now flooded with millions of new citizens and the number is going up. If we do not make a difference between the new citizens and true blue citizens, we will be short changing ourselves, selling our rights away.


  1. Time and tide waits for no man.

    The only way is to quickly breed talented local born local bred Singaporeans, like in a dog house. Make them go through NS and the select few with leadership qualities, who wants to serve as servants to fellow sinkies, can be promoted to serve us. Else, no choice but to top up with talented new citizens.

  2. Eh working in lab counted or not?

  3. Eh working in lab counted or not?

  4. redbean:

    >> If we do not make a difference between the new citizens and true blue citizens, we will be short changing ourselves, selling our rights away.

    There should be no difference. People can and will define their identities for themselves. In other words, their identity is their business, it is none of yours.

    What makes a Singapore citizen is holding a pink NRIC -- that is the objective standard -- you fulfill the constitutional requirements. End of story.

    Then you are free to consider -- for yourself and yourself only -- Singapore as your permanent home, temporary home, home away from home or awesome rocking hotel...it's up to you and no one else.

    In fact, it would be a good idea to tell those kay-poh kias to mind their own business and shut the fuck up -- as long as you are of course, a bona fide LEGAL citizen of the cuntree, and that you didn't buy your NRIC from some backlane in Geylang.

    Welcome foreigners: white trash, loud Indians, uncouth PRC's, musical and horny Pinoys, hard working Thais and Malaysians...welcome all of you. Please enjoy our cuntree, and send your daughters (must be over 18) to Uncle Matilah for "initiation" into Singapore society :-)

  5. When foreigners are small in number and in lower positions, we are in control. When they are in big numbers, even in lower positions, they could manipulate the system to serve their own interests.

    And when they are in top management positions, as CEOs or HR, they could do as they pleased even to the detriment of Sinkies.

  6. Citizenship in Singapore has always link to NS, for the guys. Maybe we should look into the a short novel written by Robert A. Heinlein, called Starship Soldier (Nov 1959)[later made into a movie called Starship Trooper].
    In the book, the rights of a full Citizen (to vote, and hold public office) must be earned through some form of volunteer Federal service. Those residents who have not exercised their right to perform this Federal Service retain all other rights generally associated with a modern democracy (free speech, assembly, etc.), but they cannot vote or hold public office.
    In our context, all Singaporeans (male and female)must service NS. No NS, no citizenship. No citizenship, no vote, no rights of citizenship etc.

    1. No NS, cannot be MP! it needs to be a rite of passage for all male singaporeans

  7. The problem is we are not breeding enough of the higher order sinkies. Mostly the lower levels ones come out.

    So what do you expect? No nothing?

  8. Matilah, the situation here is quite different as citizenship comes with many monetary incentives. There is no need to give new citizens the same monetary incentives as the full fledge local citizens.

    Try to count the amount of money that new citizens could make just be being new citizens and at times at the expense of original citizens.

  9. My husband (born and bred in Spore) served NS-Police some 45 yrs ago after graduating from the then Singapore University.

    You know what? Surprise, surprise, suddenly, he received a letter from the Home Team (Police) celebratig 45th anniversary of NS, and will be giving him a voucher of $80 and PAssion membership card worth $50 for only $20.

    Wow, "Don't know what to say"

    True citizens are those who served the NS and staying put in Singapore, through thick or thin, for a life time and having sons serving the NS 20years down the road.

  10. /// The factitious remarks made by some MPs and Tan Chuan Jin are rude and offensive to Singaporeans, I mean the true blue Singaporeans. ///

    Yo, RB, make up your mind - do you mean facetious or fictitious? Or is this a new word - meaning, factual fiction?


  11. What makes a citizen Singaporean? RB is firm in his opinion that he must have gone through NS, full time or part time (mata kia). The PAP obviously did not follow this line of argument when it recruited a newly minted citizen who did not serve NS to stand in the last GE and he is now our MP, the leader of our country even though he is a citizen but not a Singaporean.
    This episode reveal what PAP really think of the sacrifice singaporean have gone through serving NS!

  12. All must serve NS and behave like me, kwai kwai take every order and policy my commanders and leader tell me to do.
    How come those who did their NS here all so kwai lan and dare even accused a two star general?.
    NS never taught them discipline meh?
    Must not teach Sinkies how to handle fire arms, very dangerous, they may mount rebellion.

  13. Being a Singaporean has nothing to do with NS lah. People can do NS, do reservist, become a general, and yet are more pro-$ than pro-Singaporeans. No land for old folks home but got lots of land for expensive foreigner mansions.

    The important thing is the heart. See Lee Li Lian never do NS, but Singaporeans choose her over that reservist high level commandant.

  14. It's a good point about "heart".

    When Singaporeans want to improve Singapore; the starting point is improving the lives of Singaporeans.

    When PAPig Traitors talk about improving Singapore; the starting point is the GDP and their salaries.

  15. RB, do not fall into the trap. They may just abolish mandatory ns and import 10m or 20m people or just outsource the ns.

  16. RB, you mean LKY got served NS? How come he was PM for so long?

  17. Check out the drone strikes. Anyone can start a war so long he can operate a remote control. NS is just a brainwashing exercise.

  18. "When they are in big numbers, even in lower positions, they could manipulate the system to serve their own interests." - Many of the rulers here are malaysians borned. THats the reason why native singaporeans are at a huge disadvantage and risked being eliminated from the surface of this earth.

  19. "the situation here is quite different as citizenship comes with many monetary incentives"

    and so it is all about money just like the gahmen. not pride or identity.

  20. Voices, TODAYonline

    {Not kind to say 'silver tsunami']

    "From William Wan, General Secretary, Singapore Kindness Movement

    It creates a vision of impending disaster.

    It contributes to the perception that the elderly population is bad news.

    Besides being a language of ageism, it does no justice to the significant contributions our seniors have made and are still making to the positive business of nation building."


  21. Sinkies must always remember that this is their country and not to allow foreigners in the guise of new citizens and PRs to take over their country.

    Don't go to sleep or by the time you wake up your country is gone.

    The White Paper targeted a Sinkie population of 55%. In reality, if one includes the new citizens, the true blue Sinkies could be less than 40% by than.

  22. Our rulers have never been grateful or appreciative of the elderly singaporeans, except for the super rich sycophants. They have places, institutions and organizations named after them for fame and posterity. Someof these names maybe shame rather than fame in history.

    There are many daft senior citizens that cannot see the glaring flaws of their rulers as they are too blind in their loyalty. And it is very unfortunate that the more educated and enlightened ones are not able to change the dafties.

    Luckily, Fellow Singsporeans at Hougang, Aljunied and Punggol East are showing us the Way.
    hopefully, the rest can learn and emulate.

  23. You guys are so negative, you can't see the true story lah.

    Oldies have it good in Singapore. Those who need to work are all working, and dare I say, are doing good jobs.

  24. @anon 648:

    >> so it is all about money just like the gahmen.

    Correct. The govt IS the people. The people choose the govt they deserve. There's no escape from this nor is there a dichotomy.

    The govt is materialistic BECAUSE Singaporeans are materialistic.

    Still confused?

    >> not pride or identity

    Not your definition of pride or identity, but the definition of pride and identity WE ALL CREATE ABOUT OURSELVES as INDIVIDUALS.

    Singaporeans are materialistic. Get over it, or fuck off out of here -- you're not welcome ;-)

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