
What has the A Team been doing?

In the last election, the PAP was touting that it had the best A Team and not enough to form a B Team. The A Team is the best, to solve all the problems for the country and people.

How many problems have they solved or how many problems have they created. Which is which? Have they solved the high population problem or created it? Have they solved the high property prices or created it? Have they solved the transportation problem or created it? Have they solved the high cost of living or created it? Have they solved the baby problem or created it? Have they solved the high medical fee problem and shortage of medical professionals or created it?

What do you think?


  1. The A Team is the present ruling party, whilst the B-Team is the WP lah...

    Where are the members of the WP from, the BS lah....And the BS party was from where....

  2. No need to ask what the A Team has been doing.
    Just show them what you think of them.


  3. A Team created the problems. Then we pay them millions to solve the problems. They create more problems. And we pay them more & more. A Team has made Spore the unhappiest place in the world. That's Number 1.

  4. The "A" in A Team stands for Arseholes.

  5. Mr Khaw said: "The Workers' Party needs to come clean with the people what information have they got about Mr Yaw and in particular, what did they know about him prior to the May election. And if they know, why did they field Mr Yaw. I think it is sad that the voters have been misled by the Workers Party."

    Hello, Michael, where are you? Rowing your boat?


  6. Hey Michael!
    Was it worth it?
    Selling your soul to the old devil?
    Was the million dollar salary and comfortable life a good trade
    versus doing the right thing?

    Do you still remember what it felt like to fight for what your heart truly desires?
    To be free to fight for what you truly believe in deep down in your heart.

    Do you even know or even remember what your heart truly wants right now?
    Or is your head just completely filled with duties & obligations?

  7. So, now it is a straight fight between Dr Koh Poh Koon and Mrs Koh Chee Koon.

  8. I think,

    Population too high, A Team's fault
    Population too low, A Team's fault
    Property price too high, cannot afford Penthouse EC, A Team's fault
    Property price too low, buy already cannot make money, A Team's fault
    MRT break down, A Team's fault
    Bus break down, A Team's fault
    Wife don't want to make love, A Team's fault
    Wife make too much love, A Team's fault
    Traffic jam, A Teams fault
    ÇOE too high, A Team's fault
    Didn't get promoted, A Team's fault

    Vote Ah Lian from Workers Party and kick A Team out !

  9. >> What do you think? <

    I think, scratch that, I KNOW :

    The People Get The Government They Deserve.

    Corrupt people gets them a corrupt government.

    Got laws-of-the-universe?

  10. Honestly, a real A team would be able to stand on its own merits and be re-elected time and again without depending on ludicrous election laws, rules, regulations and a compliant civil service and public institutions to carry out it's pro-party interest.

    What do you think?

  11. Let's drink to the by-election


  12. The A Team is indeed "creative"

  13. I think they are just a bunch of fascists who just expect their orders to be OBEYED without thought or question. The world has changed and they are still stucked in the wrong era.

  14. A team still sleeping lor and need co driver to slap them head

  15. If anyone should be the co-driver it is the Sporean.
