
Punggol East – What the voters want

All the candidates will be telling the voters that they are there to serve them. And this is likely to be the first and last time some candidates will be saying this. Once elected to the parliament, some may start to behave as masters and regard the voters as their servants. The master will tell the servants what is good for them, and if the servants don’t like it, just too bad. Wait for the next GE or by election and this lie will be repeated. Vote for me, I am here to serve you.

Even in my blog, often we blogged about asking the govt for help, to look into issues that affected the people badly. Some bloggers would be so cynical and obnoxiously frank to say it was a waste of time. The govt was there to serve themselves, not the people. Don’t waste time, don’t kpkb. The people deserve the govt they elected. I cannot disagree with such truism.

The people deserve the govt they elected. So the Punggol East voters would have to think very carefully who they are electing to represent them in parliament. There are many local and national issues that are affecting the people’s life adversely. Would the elected MP be there to speak up for the people or would they be defending the govt’s policies because they belong to the govt and the ruling party? Or would they be speaking against the opposition for raising the people’s concern and problems in parliament?

No matter what a candidate is promising now, that he is independent and has an independent mind, there is always a whip to make him or her toe the line. When the whip is in force, every MP of the particular party would be kuai kuai speaking for the party and vote for the party even if the bill or policy is not good for the people, even if they personally are not in favour of the bill or policy. They can only speak for the people, defend the people’s interests and vote for policies that favour the people if the policies so happen to be for the people.

How many of the candidates will be there in parliament, representing the people’s interests first and party interests second? How many will be in parliament to represent party interests first and people’s interests second?


  1. RP

    based on your sentiments, we should than vote for either SDA or RP who have no party whip.


  2. The Koh fellow said he will help residents at PE to solve their problems. Hello, did he know all these problems are mainly caused by his party in the first place. What a bull!

  3. The previous PAP MP did little to solve the PE problems. He was too busy enjoying the juicy mangoes.Would the new PAP MP if elected be any different?

  4. Hi theonions,

    Many new political powers started well as they were voted to power by the people for fighting for the people's interests. It is also a natural phenomenon that political powers that are entrenched for too long would take on a life of its own, and would be more interested in protecting their vested interests than the interests of the people. Think Animal Farm.

    A stage will reach when the party interests no longer coincide with the people's interests. And a new political force that are more in tune with the people's aspiration will emerge to fight for the people. In my view, we have reached this stage of political development.

  5. "Punggol East – What the voters want "

    If the PAP wins, it may means that Punggol voters want their asses check. Give it to them by another round of price hike in electricity, housing, property tax, transport, town council fee increase, constituency fee increase, etc ...

    Punggol Voters,
    Voting PAP is voting for their policies of PayAndPay. so you get what you vote.

  6. I fully agreed with you, RB, that we have now reached the stage that we need new leader/party to bring us forward as the current one no longer works for the people's interests.

  7. I will vote for the leader who listens to me.

    When I say no means no.

    When I say yes, means I want it.

    If the leader doesn't listen to me, I will not vote for him next time. I will keep changing until one listens to me.

    They always have we remember we are the masters. They are the servants. When they forget this, they are gone.

  8. The problem is every candidate listens and promises before an election but forgets what he/she said afterwards, the PAP included.

    The only difference is that the PAP candidate will not only forget what he said or promised, but turning around may screw your backside until it bleeds and help the party to shaft a big stick down your throat and then tell you it is the fault of the whip.

    The opposition candidates can forget what they said or promised because their voices are always drowned out in Parliament anyway, but they also cannot resort to screwing you up or help the PAP to shaft a big stick down your throat.
