
Mass opposition rally in Kuala Lumpur

Hundreds of thousands of supporters turned out at the rally organised by Pakatan Rakyat alliance led by Anwar Ibrahim. It was the biggest political rally in recent time by an opposition party and approved by the police or UMNO led govt. Najib can take credit for this liberalisation of the political scene.

What was equally remarkable was that it was a very peaceful rally without violence. Credit must also go to Anwar and his supporters. Now the big question, why was there no violence? Why was there always violence when the police were around? Get the picture? Could it be a possibility that the cause of violence in mass rally is actually the police? Or could it be that the violence was initiated by outside forces that wanted to make the rally promoters and supporters look bad, as the cause of violence?

Who are the real provocateurs that caused violence in mass rallies? The truth is best explained why yesterday’s rally was all calm. The provocateurs were reigned in and not allowed to cause violence to give the police a chance to attack the peaceful demonstrators. This is a possible theory.


  1. Malaysia is the best place to be born and live in especially under the leadership of Najib.

    Credit must go to the Malaysian Police for their good work ,ability to assess the situation and efficiency in crowd control.

  2. Whoever is born in a richly endowed by nature land with little natural disasters and man made blunders is just plain lucky.


  3. The mats all smoked ganja before the rally. That's why the groovy feel-good peace.

    Got 420?
