
Another gang rape in India

While the sensational brutal rape and murder trial is still going on, another 6 men gang rapists were caught in the act. And this is definitely not the only case as many were not reported. How many of these women have fallen victims to such heinous crime by animals walking on two legs whose animal lust cannot be restrained?

What were more disgusting were the comments by religious leaders and politicians that it was all the fault of the women. They were blaming the women for their dressing, short skirts, and their flirtation with the men. The women were bringing rape upon themselves. It seemed that it was perfectly alright for the men to rape the women, to release their lust on them. This is only natural if one is to know that a few hundred politicians have been charged for similar offences and still being voted into parliament.

The sexual urge is not limited to the poor and hungry but also to the rich and powerful. India needs a revolution to rid such medieval thinking and primate instinct. But it is easier said than done. The men will keep on lusting after the women as objects of desire, to be taken and even beaten to death.

Would this kind of thinking take root in Sin City with so many foreigners here? I know that this is a touchy subject.

PS: The mother of the dead victim wanted all the rapist to be hanged.


  1. I doubt anything will change.
    Until a prominent elite's wife or daughter kena langgar.

    Equivalent question:
    Q: What do you call the rape of financial assets?
    A: Disclosure based regulation? Regulating with a light touch?

    You can easily read and understand a 200 page prospectus written in legal language and fine print can't you?



  2. no lah, i don't think that kind of thinking will take root in s'pore. people from china has been coming over here for quite a few generations and still eating dogs or cats haven't taken root here. so there is hope still, redbean.

  3. Yep. As long as our cats and dogs are alive and well, our women are still safe.

  4. Wait for WP go Multi National.

    When WP is voted into Parliament in India, that constituency will have zero gang rape. Men suddenly become not interested in women anymore. Income shoot up. No more beggars on the streets, all got cars and cheap cheap, no jams.

    WP can solve all your problems.

  5. Copy cat lah, in Sin if one jumped onto the mrt track, many will be very jumpy and worry. They think others will follow, so up come the barriers. When are the reservoirs' turns to be fenced up?

    No measure can prevent the rapes on the citizenry lah, they are defence lah because they are meek and powerless.

    What to do?

    1. Sorry,

      'they defence lah......,' should read 'they are defenceLESS lah......'.


  6. No, once WP go India, there will be this magical aura, that bad men will want to be good men, like them. They are like angels descending from the heavens to save them from rape and poverty.

    No barriers and no new laws need enacted.

  7. Gang rape is rare here.Many got rape and rob in other way but dun know they are being rape.I am more concern on those who intentionally seduce our super talent and cry rape .I am a potential victim.

  8. It is said that in India, rape victims often ended up married to the ones that raped them.

    In Singapore, it is best described by Agongkia, people got raped and seduced but will not cry foul until they are accused. Otherwise, they will enjoy the tryst very much.

    Is rape enjoyable for the victims too?

  9. Those who are super talent kanna seduced by lesser talent are not super talent. Maybe they deserve to be raped lor.

  10. Equivalent question:
    Q: What do you call the rape of financial assets?
    A: Disclosure based regulation? Regulating with a light touch?

    You can easily read and understand a 200 page prospectus written in legal language and fine print can't you?

    If one is to be raped, it is better to be raped in Singapore than in India.

    If one is to be raped in Singapore, it is better to be raped by a rich person than by a poor person, for a poor person will definitely rape you even more.

    The best is prepare yourself not to be raped.

  11. redbean:

    The main "motivation" is not sex, as many (especially men) would believe. The main emotional driver is the need for power, domination and conquest of another human being.

    The religious leaders are the worst of all.All religions are male-centric and treat women like chattel. Why any woman would want to join a religion is beyond me.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. India needs more powerful female leaders, tough laws and proper judicial system against people who break the law. We do not want to see another Mao or whatever or more innocent people suffered. This world will not be better so long as it is ruled by a bunch of money worshipping, anti-families people.

  14. "Unfortunately, the maggots Brahmins are welcome in open arms by PAP to screw us."

    I agree. Some condos are full of such maggots so I decided to buy HDB. But HDB has so much restrictions so I decided to leave the stupid country.

  15. veritas will be reborn in india. whether as a brahmin or a dalit, we won't know for sure. lol!

  16. Mao is as good as Hitler. The worst part, Mao did that to his own kind. Do you just think he went around killing landlords? He also killed many innocent people. He can do a lot of things without much killings.

    Hitler actually only hated the upper class Jews who controlled the fed reserves these days who also wanted to convert this world into something LGBT related. But the matter went out of hand and many innocent Jews were killed. But still, I have great admiration for this class of Jews except their LGBT part.

    I think with the right laws and judicial system, even the Brahmins can be conditioned to behave properly. The authorities just need to act.

  17. Btw, I am not so sure whether Buddha reformed or mislead. Whenever I see the gold statues of Buddha in some poor villages, I just feel very sad.

  18. Rapists should be castrated.
