
Leslie Fong’s no anonymity in forums

Leslie Fong, the ST’s former editor and current senior executive VP gave his reasons for no anonymity in ST forum. All writers must identify themselves. He wanted this to extend to bloggers as well for the same reasons. I could agree with the reasons but not with the reality of its relevance at this point in time.

He argued that there must be openness, transparency and accountability. He even brushed aside the fear by employees that their employers would not find their writing to forums acceptable. In his ideal state, the openness, transparency and accountability is applicable to all sides, including those in authority. He also assumed that the employers are all fair and well informed and are secured individuals who can distinguish rights from wrongs and would stand by them. He also assumed that the govt and political climate then and now are conducive to openness and transparency. Or is it a case of demanding every critic to be open while the executioner has all the right and power to remain anonymous and to wield the axe when it deems fit?

I also encourage openness and for all bloggers to identify themselves and take their stand without fear. But this is a good aspiration at this point in time. There are a hundred and one reasons why bloggers would not and could not and must not reveal their identities. That is the reality I feel should be seriously recognized. Too much cock and bull will just be cock and bull and no one would believe in cock and bull when the truth says don’t believe in them.

I would celebrate the day all bloggers are confident enough to use their real names. It will be a sign of progress and maturity, not in the bloggers, but in the authority. Till such a day, anonymity is still needed for people to express freely and confidently.

While anonymity is still an acceptable practice in mysingaporenews, I hope bloggers would not abuse this state of affair and allow it do go down in disrepute. So far the bloggers have been quite discipline and hardly abuse this privilege of remaining in anonymity and speaking the truth without getting too wild to discredit their credibility and the quality of their posts.

All, including the govt, should work towards openness, transparency and accountability other than state secrets. And it is no good hiding under state secrets to be non transparent and not accountable. And the govt needs a lot of confidence building measures, not in words but in deeds to be transparent and to respect contrarian views. There is some progress in this area but it is still too early to tell whether the Hundred Flowers Bloom campaign is what it is.

When the people are confident that being open, transparent and accountable are the new ethos, the new normal, there is no need for anonymity anymore. The ball is in the court of the authority and employers.


Anonymous said...

Anonymity is more meritocratic.
An argument is solely judged on its merits.
Not by who said it.

Facts, logic, deduction and experiment.
This is the way of science and progress.

Anonymous said...

"He argued that there must be openness, transparency and accountability."

In that case, Singaporeans will need to vote in more Opposition MPs to represent the bloggers in parliament.
Then Leslie Fong will be in no doubt as to who said what and when.

Anonymous said...

"He also assumed that the employers are all fair and well informed and are secured individuals who can distinguish rights from wrongs and would stand by them. "

Please review the above. Anyone who makes the above statement cannot be credible or trusted.

Anonymous said...

Like the govt calling for transparency and come clean but would they do the same?

There are so many shadows lurking in the darkside doing the shameful things. Till these dark forces are removed totally, who dares to stand up in the open as target practices?

Anonymous said...

Red bean, put in this way, if I have to disclose my identity I would rather not post any comment just like I don't write to the forum page.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

It is always easy for a cock to perch on the roof and crow good morning. It knows it would not be shot at.

Anonymous said...

It is always easy for the cock to fuck a moist cunt in the morning. It knows it would be most welcome.

Anonymous said...

Leslie Fong serves the establishment. No wonder he is so cocksure.

Anonymous said...

[Can bloggers be journalists? Leslie Fong: "Emphatically not!"]

Published by The Online Citizen on September 24, 2007


Anonymous said...

“No! Emphatically not! Whether in writing news stories or features, properly trained journalists check and double-check their facts, set these in context, work in relevant background information, insist on objectivity and balance, organise their material so their account flows smoothly and logically, and use temperate language unless there is a powerful reason to resort to strong words. " .....the first part is reasonable....the hook...the opening...

"Even in offering views, they ensure that the opinions expressed are based on fact, failing which, as any libel lawyer would tell you, what they write cannot be defended as fair comment." ....the second part is the conditional...the line....the agenda...the doctrines of scribes...

"Bloggers, on the other hand, just sound off as they please. They are not bound by professional standards and ethics, and are responsible to no one but themselves. So you read them at your own risk, or peril. Newspaper editors who give bloggers space, or even prominence, in their pages, in the hope that this will attract younger readers, are doing damage to their calling.”...the third part is the accusation....the sinker...the excommunication....and the gospel!

Veritas said...

Why not be transparent on the books of Temasek and GIC?

Anonymous said...

Cock a doodle do, you must all follow the rules. Do as you are told but not what I do.

Anonymous said...

.... you must all follow the...laws

Anonymous said...

.....as any libel LAWYER would tell you....

Anonymous said...

....but the good pastor will tell...you don't live by laws...but by grace bullshit...and totally missing where it was meant to target!

Anonymous said...

if the pastors know the hard truths...they won't be pastors at all!

Anonymous said...

Fuck the church and fuck the pastors! Tell me I am wrong

Anonymous said...

u r wrong...muhaha

Anonymous said...


it is a known case that editors of SPH will edit the articles of reporters and journalists before publish to the press, which result in distorted truth and pro-pap nonsense, may I ask why the anonymity of the editor which play in part in twisting logic and fact ? Why didn't the editor's name being published alongside the writer in the ShittyTimes ?

patriot said...

Sounds like substance is less important than name(sake) to some folks.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 1:04. Spot on. Why is it that editors have the special right to be anonymous? They not proud of their views and shy afterwards people said they talk rojak or rubbish?

Are the editors trying to hide under anonymity?

Anonymous said...

Leslie Fong knows well that he is wasting his breath,but to earn that million dollars a year,he is duty bound to say his,we should understand.

Anonymous said...

Hey Leslie, what do you call an independent Singapore journalist who dares to speak her mind?

What?... Yes, that's right! UNEMPLOYED!!!

Show me an uncensored mainstream journalist and I'll show you an honest politician. In fact, if you think bloggers can never be journalists then journalism is a profession no human should aspire to.

Also, Leslie, anonymity is a corollary of freedom of speech. The founders of the US used it extensively to publish words in support of their crazy ideal of a self-governing republic of the people that would otherwise have earned them an Abu Ghraib-style holiday stay at the British Colonial Gaol Resort.

Nobody here wishes to replicate the experience of freedom fighters in the former Soviet Union, where they said "you have freedom of speech, but not freedom AFTER speech". However, we don't suppose you could ever understand this, not having any use for freedom yourself. (History lesson, by the way: the Soviet Union no longer exists.)

What we see in your words is fear. Fear that the eyeballs which previously had no choice of what to read will turn the page on your state-sponsored terrible drivel for good. And then your real customers will leave. After all, they will reason, there's no point wasting precious money on advertising for property, furniture or bust enhancements in a platform with no readers.

Enjoy your turkey before it fades into stale obscurity, taking with it decades of tasteless meaningless bland factory-produced fibrous sterile "meat" and artificially- flavoured unpalatable seasoning wrapped in a lovely, perfectly printed four-colour offset roll of trees that contrasts so vividly with the soul-crushing, obsequiously fawning mediocrity of the articles. Two words: Sumiko Tan.

Hell, you don't even have the guts to run the Bizarro cartoon. Instead you switch it with the Sumiko-esque Insanity Streak.


Here's a thought. Get your masters to forswear their knuckle dusters and repeal their undemocratic laws, and then we might consider not using anonymity. Not before that.

Anonymous said...

"Ms Lim said: "All of us know that the public is concerned with this case. I did not make any allegations that the AG's Chambers has acted mala fedi in any way. I am just asking whether that statement issued by the AG's Chambers has addressed public concerns. Unless the Minister said there is no public concerns on this matter, which I would be very surprised to hear. I just want the Minister to confirm whether he is questioning my motive on filing the question. Is he alleging bad faith on my part to cast aspersions on the legal system?""

Did she chicken out?

Anonymous said...

She seems to be satisfied with Shan's inferences and made no resistance when he drew the finishing boundaries around her?

Anonymous said...

Shanmugam insists to turn Parliament into Taiwan type to prove that opposition will make it a laughing stock,Worker Party is wise not to fall for their dirty trick.

patriot said...

She was wise to leave it there and then.
The fair-minded will know what is crafty and what is integrity.



Anonymous said...

I am proud of Sylvia. She stood her ground and could have been more forceful and don't take let herself be intimidated.

Fellow MPs must chip in to support her. Only then can the flashes of sharpened knives be seen and unsheathed. Then we can see who are the real gangsters.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Below is extracted from TRE about the erroneous report against Tan Jee Say.

'It all started from the Straits Times (ST) publishing an article on 21 Jul 2012 about the company, Chanson F&B Pte Ltd, which was renting from the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) unable to pay rent owed to SLA.

However, in its eagerness to run the ex-Presidential candidate Mr Tan Jee Say down, ST decided to use the following title on the article – “Tan Jee Say faces eviction from Orchard Road base“'

How much of professionalism, factual accuracy, double checking to be correct, and how much of transparency, openness and accountability?

Leslie, what do you think?

Anonymous said...

My cronies, my pals, my buddies all identify themselves. It is true man. And they say things that we like to hear.

WTF is Leslie trying to prove?

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with Anon 8.59.

It is the truth and fact of the argument, not who said so and who he is.

That is why ST forumm never progress beyond its 'kampong spirit' feedback.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Leslie Fong is impressing on everyone that Sinkieland is open, transparent and full of accountability and no one needs to fear anything by coming out in the open to praise the govt.

Anonymous said...

Straits Times Forum - August 18

"Banning pseudonyms online"

[YES: Be fair, identify yourself]


[NO: It's wrong and ineffective]


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