
Vivian Balakrishnan replies to Low Thia Khiang

From affordable housing to affordable medicare and affordable water bills. Singaporeans are so lucky. All the ministers are working so hard to make housing, medical and water for bathing affordable. Why are they still complaining? Ingrates or unthinking? Please go down on your knees and show your gratitude.

There was a bundle of data on water fees and water bills shown in Parliament by Vivian in reply to Low Thia Khiang. The total cost ‘to operate Singapore’s water treatment and reclamation plants and sewerage system’ is $1.3b annually. The revenue collected, $674m in water tariffs and $327m in waterborne and sanitary appliances fees. Immediately I notice the huge subsidy that the govt is providing for water usage. If not, then the whole operation is a big loss. Better to privatise it to make it more efficient. I got no details to put under the microscope to read further about how 3c per cubic meter water can cost so much and still operating at such a loss. Someone please correct me if it is no longer 3c. I know this has been going on for donkey years.

Whatever the data say, the most important statement by Vivian is that ‘the Govt will ensure that water remains affordable for everyone.’ This is the most pleasant message, like music to the ears.


Anonymous said...

I thought you are going to slam Vivian as usual. At least you got some sanity here today.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Actually, I'm quite pleased. Gotta keep the riff-raff rabble happy or else there might be social unrest in S'pore.

I quite enjoy a peaceful, prosperous and exotically stimulating Hotel for my numerous orgasmic visits.

Please don't litter. For killer litter I propose the death penalty. Keep the Hotel orderly and in good stead.

Anonymous said...

Sure he got his numbers right? Tax so much still running at a loss. Water conservation tax, GST....

Anonymous said...

Wah! So good ah.

I'm paying for my water at a subsidized price.
Just like my HDB falt.
And my subsidized hospitals.

theonion said...


only some comes from the 3cts.

Is not your question as narrow as what you had claimed from others

no need to pump water?
no need maintenance
no need security
no need to change and lay new pipes
no need to dig roads and acquire land to lay
no need to have R&D on water filtration

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

A creative accountant can write your books from profit to loss and loss to profit.

I can faintly remember there was a year when HDB recorded something like a $2b in losses. That is brilliant accounting.

Anonymous said...

Land was allocated for Chiam See Tong to build flats in the 1980s but he couldn't do it, much less, to make a profit as alleged.

Anonymous said...

If I were the gahment I would abolish HDB and let these ingrate sinkies fend for themselves in the oepn market. Why bother give subsidies etc etc and get accused of profiteering ?

Gintai_昇泰 said...

It's not simple. U need the infra structure to ie water, electricity, sewerage, ready architect, planners etc etc. Just to build few blocks of flats on a vacant is not that easy and cost effective cuz u don't have the economies of scale and strong support of govt depts. Whereas HDB got all these support and economies of scale.
By asking Chian to do the impossible smacks of putting him down and tantamount to bullying him into submission. To tell him to shut up ! We shld not be misled by such cheap propaganda ! We got to be clear of what it entails. Got it?

Gintai_昇泰 said...

In the same vein, we could also change the govt and let another party to see who does a better job. Isn't the job of the govt to provide basic amenities to the citizens?

Anonymous said...

Vivien is the best minister so far, he good at talking, has a regal look and always explain with facts and figures.

Anonymous said...

You think change the govt as often as you change your maid? My goodness ! So you admre those democracies where they change gahment like change underwear and where they promise you the sky so that you will vote for them? Like in Indonesia, Malaysia, even US ? Wow, they are so much better than us. Let's be like them.

Anonymous said...

Our underwear never change for 45 years.

Getting very smelly with the smell of old and dead ideas.

Anonymous said...

Mark Twain said:
Figures don't lie,
Liars lie figures

Anonymous said...

>>Our underwear never change for 45 years.

Be grateful it's still white...or is it?

Anonymous said...

As it is under, the dirt
and filth are hidden.
However, the stench floats
So, nothing dirty seen, it
is actually rotting badly.

Anonymous said...

I prefer my old trusty underwear anytime. Although it may stench a little but it is not rotten. You change a new underwear, it may look clean and you bought it because it is on clearance sale, what you get is not only a ugly underwear, but one that is infected rotten and give you STDs silently when you dont even know. YET, the new underwear professes to save you money and give you good health .

Victor said...

white is a shade of grey like so

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

White underwear if don't change, after a while will turn grey also: )

Anonymous said...

"White underwear if don't change, after a while will turn grey also: )"

Grey ? I thought the underwear already turn black decades ago when the old guards are kicked out in early 1990s.

We heard about black heart but now SinCity has black underwear.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I am talking about my underwear lah.