
11 year old handcuffed

Below is a letter posted in 3in1kopitiam blog. I am not sure if this is true and if found untrue I will remove it immediately. I just felt that I am seeing a child being raped in broad daylight. And I hope this is not true. It must not happen in my country, when a little girl of 11 is being handcuffed for a petty crime.

My 11 year old daughter was arrested and handcuffed for 2 hours today.

Dear all,

I, a Singapore born and raised Chinese citizen would like to apologise to the Singapore Government and all tax paying fellow citizens for my failure to teach my children enough about the folly of stealing

I am a night shift worker so I sleep in the day.

At 5 pm today, I woke up and discovered my younger 11 year old daughter missing. I asked the older 13 year girl but got evasive answers. After a half hour later, I panicked and called the Police. Ten minutes after the call, they called back to inform me that my daughter had been arrested for shoplifting at a Guardian Pharmacy store and that I have to bring the elder along as well to the NPC as she was involved. My queries for answers as to the circumstances under which she was arrested were curtly declined.

When I reached the NPC, I was horrified to see my daughter slumped over a table sleeping with her right hand cuffed to a railing on the wall. Sitting opposite her and typing a statement into the computer was a female uniformed Malay officer. I ascertained later she was one of two Malay arresting officers. Having been an SC before, I understand police procedures but had never seen the lack of discretion when it comes to minors as I was witnessing in my daughter's case. That female Malay officer made no eye contact with me at all for the entire duration I was in the station. Not even when she in the report room where I was.

I vented my anger at the officers present about the necessity of handcuffing my daughter leaving her in such a torturous physical position to endure despite the fact that she was already in Police custody. I told them that as a minor, she is not going to be charged for her first offence. What purpose does it serve with regard to procedural safety? That she will snatch their revolvers and turn it against them? Why subject her to the same treatment for adults committing more serious crimes?

A Malay SSSgt led me into an adjoining interview room and gave me a summary account of my daughter's arrest. He told me he will get my elder daughter's statement expedited so that we can go home as soon as possible.

I went outside for a smoke to help calm myself down before returning. I saw then that the handcuffs on my daughter were removed. She was released for her elder sister's turn to be interviewed and for a police statement to be made. I checked her wrists and discovered abrasions on both her wrists and a contact burn mark in one. I took photographs on the spot. Earlier on, I had taken a photo while she was handcuffed to the wall railing. I want to have it printed, framed and mounted in our home so that they will never forget this episode.

I was allowed to bring my younger daughter out for a quick dinner. When we returned the elder daughter had just finished her statement. She was not handcuffed. We left the NPC after I had signed both their bail bonds. We have to return to the Police Div HQ at a later date.

I took my daughter to a hospital emergency department to have her wounds attended.

Back home, I interrogated my children and found that it was the elder sister who has a compulsive obsession with makeup products, instigated the younger to pilfer that $11.90 pair of lipstick. My younger daughter has a timid temperament and is very vulnerable to suggestions. She is still undergoing counselling in school after she slashed herself from elbow to wrist not too long ago when she was ten years old after constant bullying in school.

When they were spotted they ran and escaped but the younger, out of a sense of guilt returned to surrender the stolen item to the Malay shop assistant who detained her and called the Police.

I share this story with all because I fervently hope that parents will not have to undergo the same turmoil in my heart that I feel now and that they will use my children as an example on the consequences of stealing and getting caught eventually.

Once again, let me express the deep remorse I feel for the shame I had brought to the Singaporean Chinese community through my less than adequate nurturing of my children's absorption of good moral values.

I also like to thank the Malay shop assistant who detained my child when she tried to return the stolen item and Guardian Pharmacy's strict non-negotiable policy to deter shoplifting and the teaching of a good lesson.

Lastly, I would like to thank the Singapore Police Force and the Government for the benefit of the experience my child had gone through, that benevolence which I hope my child would repay with interest when she grows up into adulthood. She don't have a passport, she can't flee the country and not return. So please do not worry.

Peace be upon all.


Anonymous said...

Pls don't cry 'rape' when there's none.
Just say handcuff..no need for OTT exaggeration.
i'm rather offended.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Straight up police brutality at worst; the use of excessive force at the very least.

There is a principle in law and justice called "proportionality" i.e. the response of the law enforcers to an alleged "crime" should be proportional to the incident.

The cop/ cops in this matter are motherfucking brutal cunts, so here is my "proportional" response -- one of the most enduring protest anthems of our time.

wiki reference

Anonymous said...

Why, you expect a picnic in the police station coz she is 11 years old and a sweet little thing?

The earlier a child learns that when a serious wrong is committed in the community, he/she will not be accorded with respect, and offered a chocolate candy, while the police carried out their duties.

Better to strike fear in their young corrupted minds/hearts now then watch them grow into a monster later

Police station should be a very unfriendly place for law breakers. No need to apologize.

agongkia said...

Very sad to hear about this case if what the SC wrote is true.
All these while I thought children would not be subject to handcuff unless they are violent and nothing is an offence which is done by a child below 12 years old of age.

To say that they are either brutal,discrimination or got no brain,I worry they ask me to limkopi.Not to utter a word,I really feel sorry for the former SC,from the way he apologise.
Even adult kleptomaniac has difficulty to adjust to normal life after repeated confinement ,do you think treating a child this way will help.
But must ask Gintai whether he think this is the best way.

Anonymous said...

Some of the commentors are worst than the police. Got to be thankful they are not in the police.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon 1226

>> Why, you expect a picnic in the police station coz she is 11 years old and a sweet little thing?

No you seriously dumb motherfucking law-breaking asswipe. It is because she is A MINOR, and the idea of PROPORTIONALITY and CONTEXT of the situation.

Police use handcuffs to restrain arrested people -- i.e. if the person arrested poses a danger or displays the propensity to flee.

The little "criminal" was already in police custody, yet she was still restrained.

You know what? I hope the next time you go on holiday, bandits come and kindnap you and your family and ass rape your children ;-)

Anonymous said...

Khaw said in governance....you need a good and strong head and a good heart. If you just have a jello heart and no fukking brains, i think you better go sell your daughters backsides to the poor or offer her cunt away for free

Anonymous said...

Next time, they should sit the child next to a huge whip and wait for the parents to come and answer to the crime committed by the wayward child

Anonymous said...

Netizens are generally farking idiots :)

Anonymous said...


Gintai_昇泰 said...

Before I attempt to reply you, I goggle for Spore Police General Orders or PGO. I can't get the exact copy whereas others in the States (US), they do publish it in full. So much for transparency. US PGO can't apply to Sg. We can't based on their PGO.
From my experience and understanding, PGO clearly states that police WILL NOT use handcuff on the following persons who commit an offence be it seizable or non seizable. Some of these persons include current MPs, Ministers, Uniform Personnel such as Army or Police Officers in uniform, old people, children, Justice of Peace etc

As for children under the age of 16 yrs, they are usually charged in the Juvenile Courts. Most of the time they are not charged at all. Warning usually given. Parents will be called up and counseling preferred. Unless repeated offenders then they shall be sent to a home under the court's order.
This much I know. Thks for the mention.

Anonymous said...

Well, if they have not used or should not use handcuff on these people, maybe they should. I don't see any difference between that and wearing a CWO vest.

Anonymous said...

As usual, you have people like the kumars and the associate law prof who wrangles over the letters of the laws and unable to see the increasing so called petty crimes.

Anonymous said...

that's why he gong gong mah

Anonymous said...

tsk tsk tsk, why SPF so hard on the teens? There are worse people out there like that PRC who called singaporean derogatory language and other FTs beating up singaporeans and yet allowed to escape unpunished. What the heck is this? Double standard?

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story: you catch me with my pants down, I shall catch you with your handcuff on your clitoris

Anonymous said...

errr..on your daughter's clitoris or in the case of a priest..his hands on a child's penis

agongkia said...

I guess this got nothing to do with PGO lah.This is under pc or cpc I suppose.You may have miss it during lession.
Ah Muay those days if not violent and those escorted on vessels
oso not suitable to be handcuff.Sorry,just guessing only,cannot teach professional.

Anonymous said...

If this incident is true, the police must conduct an investigation. If any police officer abuses the law to the extend of applying excessive restraint on an 11 year old child, not even a teen, then disciplinary action must be taken.

Only inhumans will treat children like this.

Anonymous said...

Why just handcuff? Whip the ccb

Anonymous said...

you referring to your ah mah's or your mummy's?

Gintai_昇泰 said...

You are correct to say if the accused escorted on a vessel ie sampan or small boat, no handcuff shld be used.
However, I don't think CPC or Criminal Procedure Code has got anything to do with handcuff of accused. CPC mainly defines police powers in investigation or seizure of exhibits as evidence etc. Police Force Act I am not sure about it. Got to really check it out.
But definitely no handcuff shld be used on children unless it's life threatening or violent until you can't control the children then it is justified to use.
Hope that clears the air.

Anonymous said...

Old man, you think kids are like from your generation? Todays kids grow up faster than your lightning rod. In fact, some are far more cunning and smarter than adults. In Sg, kids are as spoilt as those born in china. We have seen how parents allow their kids to make a nuisance of themselves in public places. These kids can do no wrong. All they need to do when they damage public properties, or your neighbors properties, or commit crime, they just need to put out their puppy's dog eyes or show their birth cert - under age lah.

Fuck em kids. It is time we chain them, lock them and whip their asses like adults!

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Just to clarify further. The reason why no handcuff is used on all accused persons on board a small vessel ie sampan or small boat is that in case he falls into the water with his hands handcuffed behind his back, the accused will surely drown. The next of kin can then sue the police for negligent in ensuring his safety.
In the post where the 11 yr old girl was handcuff, the parents can always go to any police post to lodge a formal complt. It will definitely be investigated by another section known as "ISS" or Internal Investigation Section. Believe me, those fellows in IIS only answerable to Police HQ or CP! There will be no cover-ups. They are ruthless and go all out to get rid of errant officers. All serving police officers are very worried and afraid to be investigated by IIS !
My two cents here.

Anonymous said...

Time to teach the parents some manners. Your kids are not Gold...but pee sai, if they behave like one

Anonymous said...

Aiyah, the parents who wrote the sorry letter on one hand and on the other hand goreng goreng the police are scare to show face their faces because they too shameful to have such daughters lah

If they come out sliming the police, assuming the story is even true, they probably will be scolded by the public for raising hell for their precious princess over a piece of..accessory lol

Anonymous said...

If I ever meet some of the parents here with kids who behave with such disrespect for the laws ... I sure give them three type slap on their stupid faces

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is time the police design a handcuff for children....with a hello kitty face on the handcuff..and in pink for the girls.

But still handcuff them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If I ever meet some of the parents here with kids who behave with such disrespect for the laws ... I sure give them three type slap on their stupid faces

March 04, 2012 8:24 PM
Can I take the slap on that parent behalf?Will you appear before me ?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Make it sounds like the police has done something kinky with the handcuff haaaa

Anonymous said...

I have met too many parents who treat their children like "treasures". They have this delusion that their child is the brightest,the cutest and the most beautiful.

You may say it is an exaggeration, well perhaps but we all have met such parents here who are like that.

To these deluded parents, please wake up your idea and quickly grow some shame or we'll get the police to lock you up instead for breeding godzillas

agongkia said...

Siding with the officers on such situation will do more harm to the Organisation's image.Whether you all are writing for fun or are related to her in any way.

I guess likely they just pass out from Tracom recently or simply dun know the purpose of being a NPCO especially dealing with public without eye contact,if the allegation is true.
No one says that what the minor had done is right.Just that appropriate action to be taken on such minor who are still ignorant on the consequence .We should be more humane especially to a minor who is under counselling for slashing herself from elbow to wrist.
I also do not hope that the SC father really frame the photo at home just to remind them on the episode.Children are children.Most would understand.

agongkia said...

Siding with the officers on such situation will do more harm to the Organisation's image.Whether you all are writing for fun or are related to her in any way.

I guess likely they just pass out from Tracom recently or simply dun know the purpose of being a NPCO especially dealing with public without eye contact,if the allegation is true.
No one says that what the minor had done is right.Just that appropriate action to be taken on such minor who are still ignorant on the consequence .We should be more humane especially to a minor who is under counselling for slashing herself from elbow to wrist.
I also do not hope that the SC father really frame the photo at home just to remind them on the episode.Children are children.Most would understand.

Anonymous said...

Children are children? You must be joking. They have bern known to kill, rape,set private properties on fire and slap your head in the MRT while you are looking at cleavages.

Anonymous said...

More researchers believe that violent tendencies have a biological basis and that tests and brain imaging can pick them up in children.
They argue that, by predicting which children have the potential to be trouble, treatments could be introduced to keep them on the straight and narrow. If the tests are accurate enough then a form of screening could be introduced in the same way we test for some diseases.
The theories were put forward by two leading criminologists at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington.
Prof Adrian Raine, a British criminologist, argued that abnormal physical brain make-up could be a cause of criminality, as well as helping to predict it.
His studies have shown that psychopaths and criminals have smaller areas of the brain such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, both of which regulate and control emotion and behaviour. He also believes that a lack of conditioning to fear punishment, which can be measured in toddlers before disruptive behaviour is apparent, could also be a strong indicator.
Dr Nathalie Fontaine, who also spoke at the conference, argued that children as young as four exhibited “callous unemotional traits” such as lack of guilt and empathy that could also suggest future bad behaviour. Linking these features with “conduct problems” such as throwing tantrums could be a strong way to predict who could be anti-social in later life.
Both speakers said that identifying these issues earlier could be important in stopping children from becoming criminals.
Dr Raine, a former Home Office psychologist who works at the University of Pennsylvania, said therapy could include counselling to counteract innate behavioural problems and boosting the brain with drugs or foods rich in Omega 3.
Dr Fontaine, from Indiana University, said the work showed that punishment did not necessarily work and that reinforcing positive behaviour rather than punishing bad might be the solution.
“If we could identify those children early enough, we could help them as well as their families,” she said.
Dr Fontaine used data from more than 9,000 twins from the Twins Early Development Study, a survey of twins born in England and Wales between 1994 and 1996. Assessments of callous unemotional traits and conduct problems were based on teacher questionnaires when the children were seven, nine and 12. Information was taken from parents when the children were as young as four.
She found there was a correlation between risk factors at a young age and bad behaviour at an older age.
Dr Raine said he acknowledged the ethical implications of treating children before they had done anything wrong, but argued that “biological” causes of crime could not be ignored.
“We could be ostriches and stick our heads in the sand but I believe we have to pursue the causes of crime at a biological and genetic level as well as at a social,” he said.

agongkia said...

Kill,rape,arson,slap head.
Those offences committed by those girls below 13 years and 11 of age?In Singapore?How many such cases?You mean SPF sleeping?

Anonymous said...

More researchers believe that violent tendencies have a biological basis and that tests and brain imaging can pick them up in children.
They argue that, by predicting which children have the potential to be trouble, treatments could be introduced to keep them on the straight and narrow. If the tests are accurate enough then a form of screening could be introduced in the same way we test for some diseases.
The theories were put forward by two leading criminologists at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington.
Prof Adrian Raine, a British criminologist, argued that abnormal physical brain make-up could be a cause of criminality, as well as helping to predict it.
His studies have shown that psychopaths and criminals have smaller areas of the brain such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, both of which regulate and control emotion and behaviour. He also believes that a lack of conditioning to fear punishment, which can be measured in toddlers before disruptive behaviour is apparent, could also be a strong indicator.
Dr Nathalie Fontaine, who also spoke at the conference, argued that children as young as four exhibited “callous unemotional traits” such as lack of guilt and empathy that could also suggest future bad behaviour. Linking these features with “conduct problems” such as throwing tantrums could be a strong way to predict who could be anti-social in later life.
Both speakers said that identifying these issues earlier could be important in stopping children from becoming criminals.
Dr Raine, a former Home Office psychologist who works at the University of Pennsylvania, said therapy could include counselling to counteract innate behavioural problems and boosting the brain with drugs or foods rich in Omega 3.
Dr Fontaine, from Indiana University, said the work showed that punishment did not necessarily work and that reinforcing positive behaviour rather than punishing bad might be the solution.
“If we could identify those children early enough, we could help them as well as their families,” she said.
Dr Fontaine used data from more than 9,000 twins from the Twins Early Development Study, a survey of twins born in England and Wales between 1994 and 1996. Assessments of callous unemotional traits and conduct problems were based on teacher questionnaires when the children were seven, nine and 12. Information was taken from parents when the children were as young as four.
She found there was a correlation between risk factors at a young age and bad behaviour at an older age.
Dr Raine said he acknowledged the ethical implications of treating children before they had done anything wrong, but argued that “biological” causes of crime could not be ignored.
“We could be ostriches and stick our heads in the sand but I believe we have to pursue the causes of crime at a biological and genetic level as well as at a social,” he said.

Anonymous said...

Number of child criminals 'has jumped by 13% under Labour'
Last updated at 9:52 AM on 3rd March 2010
Comments (57)

Almost 160 children are convicted of crime every day, official figures show.
The young offenders even include ten-year-olds who have attacked police officers. A total of 57,635 under-16s were found guilty in court in 2008.
Shadow home secretary Chris Grayling, who unearthed the figures, said they showed Gordon Brown was wrong to dismiss the charge that Britain was 'broken'.

'Broken' Britain: Latest figures show 114 children of primary school age were convicted of violence and 176 of burglary in the last three years
In a speech this week, the Prime Minister had said: 'We don't tackle the fear of crime by cultivating it, by claiming our society is broken. Sometimes as damaging as the fear of crime is the crime of fear.'
Mr Grayling said the number of crimes being committed by children had risen 13 per cent since Labour took power in 1997.
'We'll set schools free in weeks': Tories promise grammar-style schools revolution
Revealed: The gang of teens that stalks the streets around 'arson death' home
In the last three years for which figures are available, 114 children of primary school age were convicted of violence and 176 of burglary. 
Nine children aged ten and 11 had assaulted a police officer.
A further 214 were convicted of criminal damage -  including 59 instances of arson. 
The Tories said the figure has crept up by a percentage point for every year Labour had been in Government. When Labour first came to power it was 13 per cent lower.
It comes after elderly couple were killed in a suspected arson attack after they challenged yobs terrorising their sheltered housing complex.
Albert and Kath Adams, both 77, dies after the gang set fire to a mobility scooter in their porch.
Mr Grayling said: 'How can Gordon Brown possibly claim that our society isn't broken when we have more and more children committing crimes in our society.'
'When you have ten and eleven year olds assaulting police officers - and committing other serious offences - it is a sign that things are going badly wrong. 
'In the past few weeks we have seen a whole series of brutal crimes that just underline how big a challenge we face.
'It will take deep-rooted social change if we are to get to grips with this problem - and that's just not going to happen under this tired Government.'

Anonymous said...

Society has changed, and we are no different. Children are not as innocent as you would like to believe.

Anonymous said...

How many kids are involved in gangsterism in Sg huh? Please lah.Slap the parents for making noise about handcuffs

Anonymous said...

spoilt parents that's why got spoilt children in SIN

Anonymous said...

phew! peace be to you too. what is this bean sir..stirring up a.. slow news day to trash the american govt and west...

Anonymous said...

Much has got to do with upbringing.

Just a question, what if the 11 year old kid cannot be kept in the station without being handcuffed?

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Looks like Redbean unwittingly stirred up a hornets' nest with this topic! So much robust debate on this issue! Really langgar terus!

agongkia said...

Never see Mr Bean appear here to give any comment.Possibly he could be one of the anon.who intentionally provoke here by blaming the parent.haha..

But how come we are talking about the crime rate of the States and Britain?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The more I read the comments the more frighten I am of Sinkies. The Sinkies have been programmed to think that if one monkey steals a banana, all the monkeys are equally guilty. This logic is applied to our CPF savings. If one irresponsible uncle spent all his savings in the casino or in Batam, the rest must also be like him. So all must be punished by having their CPF locked up for their own good.

This is a superbly brilliant argument that is good for daft Sinkies. And daft Sinkies will accept this kind of logic as decent logic.

There may be a few children that would be very difficult to handle or even committing crimes. Should we label all children as criminals and want to put handcuffs on them?

The police, I believe all police in most civilised countries, would not handcuff a child unnecesarily unless absolutely necessary. There are rules and regulations on the use of handcuffs.

If we allow the police to indiscriminatelly abuse their power to suka suka handcuff anyone, like handcuffing a photographer for his own safety, we are no better than the Soviet Unions or Communist countries of the early twentieth century.

Are we civilised yet? Or are we still as primitive as the apes of the past, no thinking animals?

Anonymous said...

If you are violent or dangerous, you should be handcuffed with your hands behind. The non violent criminals should be handcuffed with their hands in front of them.

People make so much noise about handcuff because it is a symbol of shame and restriction and even brutality.

But often, it is used to instill greater fear in the perpetuators and also reflect the gravity of the crimes or offences committed.

If you hate the handcuff, which you should, stay away from crime then. That should be the only solution for those who fear its stigmatism or psychological impact of being handcuffed.

Anonymous said...

Handcuff the fist, it will turn him on.

Anonymous said...

A people that advocate handcuffing little children do not deserve any human rights should they be locked away for the wrong reason.

People who steal must have their hands chopped off. People who lust at women must have their eyes dug out.

When righteousness turns to the extreme the people is as evil as the devil.

Anonymous said...

Ruthless people.

Anonymous said...

"Should we label all children as criminals and want to put handcuffs on them?"

Oh, your logic is - I teach, I may not be a teacher. I run I may not be a marathoner or I fix a pipe I may not be a plumber? So when I screw your wife, I may not be a rapist?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I am not sure how genuine are the comments here or were they the works of internet brigades. If Sinkies really think it is right to handcuff little children, woes shall before this island.

Where is the graciousness, compassion, empathy, protecting the weak and feeble, protecting the young...the human instinct to care for the child?

Where is the head and where is the heart?

Anonymous said...

The criminal act was committed by an OLD child. One who is capable of understanding that the act is culpable and punishable - that's why she stole isn't it?

Since the act is criminal in nature, she, as an old child, should be given a FORETASTE of hardcore criminal treatment.

Handcuff the OLD child!

Anonymous said...

Matilah would prefer the taste of foreskin.

Anonymous said...

"People who steal must have their hands chopped off. People who lust at women must have their eyes dug out."

Please don't get carried away. It is just handcuff, no blood involved or any form of mutilation.

Anonymous said...

Headline - Children will be handcuffed for shop lifting - and be made to walk the shopping malls hall of shame.

Do you think this will reduce the crime rate?

Anonymous said...

Lo behold, the great flood is coming.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we shall be compassionate. Half of the criminal face shall be covered leaving the eyes and nose exposed when she walks the hall of shame handcuffed.

Anonymous said...

Handcuffing is good for you is as Fisting is good for you.

Anonymous said...

Handcuff is passé. Chain her with a bowling ball

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ redbean

Yes sir. I concur. This is one of the most revealing posts of yours, and you are commended.

I am ready to discount the presence of "internet brigades" as I see no reason for their involvement. Those cunning no-lifers cocksuckers show up when the issue is not only controversial but political.

Although I am sure that there are many Singaporeans who are kind and gentle souls, there is a noticeable "kink" in Singapore culture when it comes to "justice". Singaporeans, in general like their "justice" to be "excessive". My hypothesis is that this evolves from the KIASU MENTALITY.

Excessive justice and corresponding punishment administered through the biases of a kiasu culture are thought to have "better outcomes" for the future.

After I've gotten over myself and my righteous indignation, I can observe these happenings as humourous entertainment.

Since Singaporeans prefer their jurisprudence based on the premise of KIASU, I therefore propose that forumers petition Shanmugamn Devil-Spawn Of Jayakumar to change the law so that The Rotan and The Hangman's Noose can be used to "discipline" children; who according to some self-important, self-anointed Singaporean spokespersons are "not the same today" suggesting that today's kids are more violent and cunning.

All excellent reasons to start caning and executing these little pieces of shit.

Come on, be a patriot.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Wow Matilah, aren't you going to give me a pingkat tak boleh tahan?

Your suggestion is fine with me. Give the children the rotan or hang them since they are so wise and cunning and evil like the adults. A crime is a crime.

Anonymous said...

Realized it was the father who was offended by the handcuff(he probably watched too many CSI episodes) and the daughter could be thinking....hmmm...should I add the handcuff to my Barbie doll's collection?

Anonymous said...

Still no answer to the question; what if the girl refused to stay in the station, obey legitimate/lawful instruction and or she tried hard to get away???

Anonymous said...

Then we shoot to kill...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Pingkat For Redbean

I hereby award the Lee Kuan Yew Medallion for internet free speech and expression to redbean, blog owner of MySingaporeNews.blogspot.com

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thank you Matilah. It is a great honour.

And anon 12:33. That is a good option since little children are so dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Handcuff is not enough to freak them out. Tatoo a moustache on the girl's face and that should send a strong signal to girls to walk the straight and narrow or suffer vanity lost.

agongkia said...

Anonymous said...
Still no answer to the question; what if the girl refused to stay in the station, obey legitimate/lawful instruction and or she tried hard to get away???

March 05, 2012 12:24 PM

The answer is:Return the uniform if one cannot handle a 11 year old girl in a NPC.Dun be a disgrace to the Force.

Anonymous said...

Why don't ask what to do if the little girl pulls out a M16?

Or what if the little girl pulls a hand grenade? Siao!

Anonymous said...

Or what if the girl remove her panties?

Anonymous said...

Matilah will fist her

Anonymous said...

you people are so mean.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 330

Fuck your mother's pus-filled chee bye with your dead grandfather's rotting cock :-0

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon 557

...wah so original...

Anonymous said...

'but the younger, out of a sense of guilt returned to surrender the stolen item'

Pardon me but did anyone mention this? For those who advocate strict discipline and find it justifiable to cuff or even whip the errant child, have you read this part? Should we not give her the benefit of doubt? Should we not give her a second chance?

Anonymous said...

Yes, she will get a second chance with Matilah's Fist

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Some of the comments are simply wicked. Believe in karma. Be very frighten.

Anonymous said...

The First sad thing about the Human World is that there is no Science to help the two legged animal to satay happy and crime free.

Another sad thing is; when unhappiness arises, it leads to more anger, more disappointment, dispute and frustration.

What is clearly needed is suggestions on how best the 11 year old girl could be made to behave and obey. She probably could be corrected by nurture, education with or punishment.

Some are very educated, enlighten and even well versed in Laws and some are technically and scientifically inclined here. It will be great satisfaction to find some justifiable good ideas on how to to go about dealing with the case.

Many parents, schools and even disciplinary forces have to resort to physical punishment due to lack of better measure. The mentioned case does not look simple for the police officer and the reasons are the age of the offender, her voluntary return of the loot. But, how did she behave after she was handed over to the Police and in the police station?

Much information is needed to form a fair impression.

Anonymous said...

Then go over to Asiaone forum's Just talk folder where the post originates.

Anonymous said...

Redhead. Karma will be kind to those who read but can't see. Your thread had already stated the father found hid daughter sleeping in the police station still chain up.

Anonymous said...

Is this case real? Why no reports in the main media and no response from MHA or discussion in parliament?

Anonymous said...

so what? she was handcuffed!she had to suffer the taste of being handcuffed.you pathetic people only how to put your asshole to the govermnet.... are you the police who arrested her.....do you KNOW the law ?.. don't make such illlogical comment.. if you have some views about it .KEEP TO YOURSELF.

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kelly said...

Neglected cos daughter is asleep when parent is awake and vice versa.

A big judge said...

Damn the police to handcuff minor children

A big judge said...

It is an offence to handcuff minors. Parents of the habdcuffed child can & should go make a police report then the police who handcuffed your daughter will be charged. Lousy 👮 should be charged