
Great opportunities for Iskandar

Today’s ST is hinting that the Medisave, currently with a minimum sum of $41k will not be enough. What it means, very likely, is that Medisave will have to go up to $100k or more. An admission for a major operation would easily cost a few hundred thousands. So what is $41k?

The ridiculous cost of medical fees here is running out of control. The average Singaporeans will never have enough to pay for one admission to a hospital. Keep raising Medisave minimum sum is like raising COEs or ERP charges. It is a fictitious solution that Ah Long also knows. There must be a cheaper alternative.

The problems of Singapore present great opportunities for Malaysia in Iskandar Economic Zone. If only Iskandar can offer an equivalent medical facility and standard and charging in ringgits, a large portion of Singaporeans needing medical care and major ops will have no choice but be in Iskandar. And this is high skill services which the Malaysian govt will be most interested to set up to compete with Singapore. If Malaysia can capitalize on their comparative advantage, lay down the red carpet, make immigration and travelling efficient and smooth, there is no stopping Singaporeans going over, which means a sophisticated medical hub in the making.

But they must make their policies clear and not be confused and dragged down by parochial politickings. It is likely that political tension can be drummed up, like Singaporeans clogging up their roads, Singaporeans raising the cost of living, Singaporeans buying up the houses, Singaporeans taking advantage of cheaper medical services in Iskandar, etc etc.

When Iskandar is successful, there will be more foreign investments and presence in Iskandar and Johore and competing for goods and services. Is that something that the Malaysian govt wants and can live with? If that is what they want and will not be pressurized by domestic politics, a medical hub is the way to go.

The average Singaporeans will definitely welcome such an alternative. And there could be many alternatives that the Malaysian govt can provide, cheaper and even better than Singapore, if they are clear in what they want.


Anonymous said...

This is a good article,downgrade the Singaporean while praise Malaysia : )
only this country ppl will condemns it own Home.
Fortunate we don't choose to apply as citizen here

Anonymous said...

Agree with ANON 11.56am.

Look at Straits Times headlines:
"Don't discriminate against Singaporeans"

Confirm and double confirm that Singaporeans are probably 2nd class citizens in Singapore. All this happen under a PAP regime some more.

Vote Opposition to protect your ageing parents and young children.

Anonymous said...

Wow,so cheap way to ask for Vote to Opposition?
Really PIG

Anonymous said...

While i agree but Sorry,this pig confirm not worker party supporter.should belong to CHEE those uneducated side.
WP more high class.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Singaporeans are only discriminated by Singaporeans. That is their fate for being daft. It is time they create choices for themselves, and Malaysia can offer that if the conditions are favourable.

But daft Singaporeans will disgree and say there are plenty of choices. The govt just announced Medisave can be used for 2 more illnesses, two more choices. Who's money is Medisave?

And there are plenty of good hospitals, pte and public. And can choose whatever class of wards to pay within one's means, plus mean testing of course.

And going to JB is a free choice, just make sure the petrol tank is 3/4 full. See, no restriction.

And during GE or Presidential Election, so many candidates to choose from.

And their CPF savings can be used to buy so many types of annuity insurance. Did someone say anything about compulsory?

And as for housing, if one earns more than $12k household income, plenty of choices of private properties to choose from. Just stay away from public housing. Private properties are definitely better choices than public housing.

Singaporeans are really spoilt for choices, and all the choices are determined for their own good. And the foreigners are deprived of all the good choices.

Anonymous said...

Voting Opposition is the only way to get PAP to take care of Singaporeans.

PAP only understand votes.

Don't spoil your votes.
Vote Opposition.

Anonymous said...

What do you call a PAP GRC team that just lost its constituency?

A very good start.

Anonymous said...

Yes,it a good start. The MP who lost the GRC,had been earning more $$$ while working for foreign coy. We don't want them,they more then happy to leave completely for other interest. Vote Opp!!! So more MP can be free! Also can buy cheap cheap property at Opp GRC.

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly,the property value at that GRC will down forever,best buy other non Opposition area.History had proof so

Anonymous said...

"Don't discriminate against Singaporeans"?? Then can we complain such blog openly discriminate Singaporean too? Or just a dog which can't bite?

Anonymous said...

I dedicate this song to George Yeo & his GRC team in GE 2011


Anonymous said...

How many former MCYS Ministers does it take to change a light bulb?

It depends. Is the light bulb in a hawker center, a food court or a restaurant?

Anonymous said...

If the Maslaysian minister concerned has a good brain between his ears, he should make sure the infrastructural cost is properly controlled and building and rental cost well below the astronomic levels they are here. With this given, you bet the existing medical talents and facilities here would be drawn across the causeway, and with them the local and international patients. now throw in a high class airport and soon the medical tourists could fly direct to JB.

That should teach the Singapore govt a lesson or two about inflating the medicare costs of Singaporeans in tandem with the the private hospitals here.

Typically, when they lose the monopoly would they be humbled and revise their focus on its own people's needs!

The Iskanda project may yet prove to Singaporeans' (s opposed to PAP govt's ) salvation.

Anonymous said...

George Yeo said in Feb 1994:

“Remember your place in society before you engage in political debate…
Debate cannot degenerate into a free-for-all, where no distinction is made between the senior and junior party…
You must make distinctions -
What is high, what is low, what is above, what is below, and then within this, we can have a debate, we can have a discussion…
people should not take on those in authority as ‘equals”

Goodbye George Yeo.
Please stay in the private sector.
Do Singapore a favour and don't return.
With more public "servants" like you, dictators will be out of a job soon.

Anonymous said...

If the Malaysians are not too unduly wary of Singaporeans, it can very well be a win win situation for both Malaysians and Singaporeans.

All that the Malaysian Authority has to do is to trust that Singaporeans are there because they(Singaporeans) are not able to afford medical treatments in THEIR VERY OWN COUNTRY. There can never be any political or social motive for the average Singapore in Malaysia.

Not only the Iskandar Region will benefit from Singaporeans customers, Malacca, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, anywhere where the medical expertise is available will also benefit Singaporeans.

Singaporeans can be major and long term customers to Malaysia Businesses and Singapore can be the medical hub to the rich foreigners.

Malaysia is a country which most Singaporeans are familiar and comfortable with. Though some do have misgivings about safety and security, the Malaysian Authority can look into these aspects for the good of the Malaysians and their visitors.

Hope some sort of arrangement will materialized in the near future.


Anonymous said...

George Yeo made a right choose,although we all miss him. In future,this will happen,-"You don't vote me is ok,I got other higher calling : ) "
We need few GRC property value to crash,those vote Opp for sick of doing will still carry on,but future will be more bright with such case study. People need crises to learn lesson,give it to them please.
Tks Mr Yeo,u a great man!

Anonymous said...

Looks like ANON 3.32pm, 4.26pm and 9.17pm is blaming PAP for the cause of high property prices in Singapore.

If true, then PAP through high property prices, is making it difficult for young people to get married and buy their own homes.

Anonymous said...

Another Pig who does not know how to read between the line...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think Singaporeans all know that the high prices of properties are caused by Singaporeans themselves. This fact is reported in the media almost everyday.

This is TRUTH. Just believe it.

Anonymous said...

Dear ANON: 7.17am

This is no way to talk to your father.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

For those who are paid to come here to disrupt the blog, please put your hands on your heart and ask yourself if this is a respectable way to earn a living.

In communist and totalitarian states they have such units going after their own people.

Anonymous said...

You people are over suspicious!

Just a few here and so much suspicions.

Singapore will be doomed by
Singaporeans in a matter of years.

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