
In celebration of longevity

I am 95 and still going strong. I decide to go a cruise around the world and tell my personal assistant to get 5 tickets. One for me of course. The second ticket is for my personal assistant as I need him to be with me all the time, telling me how my stocks are performing and how is my $50m doing. And I also need him to tell me how beautiful is the sunset. The third ticket is for my personal nurse. She needs to check that all my systems are functioning and to feed me with a battery of pills, drugs and supplements. How else can I keep on being alive at 95. Another ticket for a maid to push me around and to massage my near to lifeless body, to make it supple and to prevent blood clot, muscle atrophy, or to simply let me feel the goodness of being touched. And the 5th ticket is for another maid whose job is to feed me, queue for the food at the buffet spread and do my errants. While I will be enjoying my world cruise, my thought will go out to my good friend in his rental flat. His life is very well taken care of by the CPFLife that he had invested. Everytime I visited him, I am very contented just watching his calm and serene face, all at peace, staring at the ceiling. He is attached to some machine and being fed by social workers. He once told me he had two wishes. One is to be disconnected from the machine. His next big wish is to crawl around the estate, with the help of the beautiful handrails that have been erected for his needs. They were extremely useful. But he has not been able to touch them for more than 10 years. Life is great. Long life is greater. PS. Now you know when I need to have $100m for my retirement!


  1. "While I will be enjoying my world cruise, my thought will go out to my good friend in his rental flat. His life is very well taken care of by the CPFLife that he had invested. Everytime I visited him, I am very contented just watching his calm and serene face, all at peace, staring at the ceiling. He is attached to some machine and being fed by social workers."

    Hehe Redbean, the above sounds like it's me when we are both 95! Except the part in italics which I am taking steps to make sure that it will not happen. Hope you enjoy your cruise then and don't forget money can't buy you lots of things, health being one of them.

  2. The writer needs to go Phuket(Thailand) or the Riau Islands(Indonesia) to understand basic, simple rustic and satisfying livings.

    Redbean harps too much on material fulfillments, he talks very much like our leaders. Everytime it is cars, houses investments; everything that gots to do with money but nothing about cultures, arts and livings.

    You come naked and nor matter how much one hoards all the material trappings, it is not going to make one lives longer or happier.

    Go Man, there are plenty of happier livings elsewhere, why stop yourself ?

  3. That's the world today.

    Material fulfillments equals happinness.

    They forget they have to part with such things in the end.

    Lost Citizen
