Dotard Trump and his cohort of savage warmongers are posing a renew threat and danger to world peace and security with their revival of Anglo-Saxon US colonialism and imperialism. Trump and his band of mindless brigands have indicated their intention to invade Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama under various illogical spurious reasons. They have also threatened to take hostile actions against other countries big or small claiming that they post existential threat to United States.
But the fact and the truth is that the existence of United States itself has always been a perennial threat and danger to other countries big or small. In its less than 250 years of its existence the United States had brutally invaded and destroyed all the many self-governing native American states and genocided all the native Americans before annexing their territories to US. It also attacked and invaded Mexico and now half of the present US territory comprise former Mexican lands. Then in 1898 to 1900 US invaded Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines.
Yet US psychopatic politicians have since time immemorial always falsely accuse other countries of posting threats to its existence. Following these false accusations and basing on this premise US would soon turn aggressive and mount an attack and invasion of the intended victim(s). In the present US government it is not just Trump alone but almost all US politicians are aggressively behind the bellicose governance of this toxic operandi. Thus with some spurious illogical and meaningless reasons the US administration under Trump is announcing to the world the basis of his intention to invade and annex Canada, Greenland, Mexico and Panama.
Is the world turning a blind eye to US evil intention? Why no one, no country and not even the so-called United Nations Organisation raise loud vociferous objections to the revival of US colonialism and imperialism.There is even not a whimper of objection from many so-called Western human rights and free democracies entities. And why is ASEAN keeping so dumb on this matter especially why do the red dot island minister of Home Affairs and the Foreign Minister not raising objection and protesting in accordance to their claim of fundermental principles in protesting and objecting to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Surely the barbaric United States strong arm influence must have a bearing on their political blindness in supporting Anglo-Saxon American and Western position on the Ukraine war. This resulted in the red dot island being treated as a pariah state in ASEAN and ostracized by Russia and China from joining the BRICS brotherhood of all countries of the South.
The sinister and demoniac deceptive Trump is trying to wind down the Ukraine war to curry favour with Russia to prempt Putin from opposing US evil diabolical plans. Trump even tries with some vague nuances with regard to Chinese Taiwan issues hoping to deceptively side step China's objections. But President Putin and President Xi are both well grounded and deeply seasoned politicians and patriots well versed in US treacheries and deceptions to fall for such US diabolical traps.
Dotard Trump and his cohort of unruly barbaric politicians want to make themselves and America great by resorting to the revival of the evil doctrines of America's Manifest Destiny and the sinister Monroe Doctrine. They have given notice that the evil US intends to bring the whole world under US hegemony at all cost.
The Anglo-Saxon United States is a barbaric state devoid of any morals , ethics, decency, responsibilities and humanity and is utterly cruel and ruthless. Since the end of the Second world War in 1945 it has ceaselessly carried out brutal wars for regime change against no less than eighty countries. In these wars for regime change US has shown no mercies for the victimised countries subjecting the people to mass bombings and mass killings and genociide. More than three million Indonesians including over a million Chinese Indonesians were ruthlessly slaughtered in 1965 when CIA plotted with General Suharto to overthrow President Sukarno.
The abominable CIA had since the 1950s plotted many times to sabotage and overthrow the socialist government of the People's Republic of China but to no avail becuse there is a natural strong solid cohesion among the inherently patriotic Chinese people with the socialist government of the CPC.
The Anglo-Saxon United States is now entangled with webs of myriads of unsolvable self created problems of internal strives, political divide, racial issues, poverty and homelessness with millions of Americans facing hunger and starvation, people by and large deprive of health and medical service and country with broken down dilapidated infrastructures. Also there is lawlessness everywhere with frequent fights and firearm shootings a regular daily occurrence in public places all over the country. The United States is so wantonly wicked that it is now even facing the wrath of heaven and an internal upheavel and revolution is not too far away. So Karma is real and the United States will soon face its own violent regime change of catastrophic proportions.
Thus the sooner the Anglo-Saxon USA is destroyed the better it is for the Free World and hopefully there will at last be peace and security on global earth.
Saturday, 1st March, 2025.