
USA - Global policemen, global gangsters or global terrorists?

 The Americans claimed to be the global policemen. And their doggies also repeatedly called for the Americans to be the policemen in Asia, especially in Southeast Asia as if the region is like the war torn Europe and the Middle East, needing protection from the number one terrorist state of the world? Asians and Southeast Asians cannot look after themselves, cannot keep the region in peace, and need the American terrorists to police them? Who are the silly Asians that are calling for the American terrorists to police their region that has been living in peace without the Americans? Did they not know that all the wars and instability were created by the American terrorists, provoking wars and then telling the stupid countries that they are there to protect them from wars?

Who are the global policemen, who are the global gangsters, who are the global terrorists? The role of a policeman is generally about keeping peace, maintaining order under the rule of law. The role of gangsters is about terrorising the people, to threaten them in order to collect protection money. And they make threats and create disorder and then tell the people, pay up and there will be no threats and no disorder, no bullying. In the case of terrorists, their role is mainly to kill in wars or acts of violence.

Which state fits the bill to become global policemen, global gangsters or global terrorists?

Are the Americans maintaining law and order, keeping peace, or they and the CIA operatives are funding terrorist organisations and destabilisng law and order and peace? Was not all the wars and social unrests created by the Americans? Wherever the Americans are, there will be unrests and wars, invasion, toppling elected govts and assassinating their leaders.

Which country has been bullying the rest of the world, threatening them with violence and invasion, with regime change, fabricating threats and coercing countries to come under its protection by being members of the gang in so called military alliances? Which country is threatening wars everywhere, conducting wars everywhere, all kinds of wars to subdue and dominate over other countries?

Wars are terrorist acts by states in a larger scale. Wars did not kill one or two people at a time and happened once a while. Wars kill in the hundreds and thousands and over a continuous period of time, months, years, etc. Wars are acts of terrorism. Imperialism, colonialism are all acts of terrorism in big scale. The states are the terrorists terrorising victim states and doing the killing in the name of war, even calling it legal wars, so cannot punish them for crimes against another state and people.

Anyone still unable to see which country fits the bill of global gangsters, global terrorists, and which country is the least qualified to be global policemen?


  1. Delusional leaders think that the USA's role in using its military might is acting as a policeman keeping the peace around the world. How long has the USA existed compared to India and China among others. With a short history of a few hundred years and suddenly with them around, countries needed a policeman to keep the peace. The Anglo-Saxon Whites have been stealing land and continents from others and suddenly they say the world needs a policeman to maintain peace. What a load of rubbish!

    For thousands of years preceding the existence of the USA, does the world need a global policeman to protect them? The only protection they actually need today is ironically from the USA itself, with its war mongering threat and no one else.

    Of course, most countries are not buying into the policeman nonsense, but when the USA issued the threat - You are either with the US or against the US - many countries have little choice but to swallow their pride and allow itself to be colonized and controlled by the USA, the so-called Global Policeman.

    For me, the USA is a global terrorist, a rogue state, nothing less.

  2. Actually they were ordered by the Americans to say it. And they really said it to show how stupid they are. The Americans just want to give the impression that silly countries are begging them to be here to protect them.
    The Indonesians and Malaysians must be very angry with people making such silly statements.

    1. You are quite right. For countries saying that they need the USA to keep the peace around them, gives the USA the legitimacy to do what they are doing now, that is playing the role of a policeman. But that does not include allowing the USA to build military bases and station personnel in some of those countries.

      That, by the way, is why many people are saying that stupidity has no cure.

  3. What an irony if Trump wakes up one day and say he wants to take over those countries that were asking the Americans to be the policemen?
