
Support for the Arab world fading due to their indifference and division


Good morning All

Here a speech by the Current Indon President Prabowo who chastised the Arab League Leaders for been indifferent and their selfish self interests.

That Turkey Erdgoan simply walked off.

Saudi Arabia, being their Holy Land of Mecca should be a BEACON to All her Arab Bros and Sisters but kept silent and mum of their Sufferings.

If the Arab Nations still diverse, they shall one by one be torn and conquered by the Americunts and the Israelis.

As the Chinese saying One chopstick broke easily.

A Bunch of them could hold and NOT break at all.

If the Muslim World still do NOT want to unite, the White Savages shall ravage and destroy them.

So many Supporters gave up on them.

George Galloway's heart had turned COLD.

Likewise Russia and China.

Leave them to their Fates.



  1. https://youtu.be/tdieSSQQvws?si=ZHErps13Dht62MJR

    Here's again as usual the White Scums shall always asked any Asian Leaders their opinions of Russia's Aggressions against Urukiane.

    Why they did not support Urukiane.

    Listen to Whats Prabowo had answered them.

    You created more chaos in Asia than what's happening now in Urukiane.

    So shut the fark up.

  2. Some silly twits in Asean wanted the American terrorists to police South East Asia ie to rule over South East Asia as part of the evil American Empire.

    1. Who are the twits and who are not is now quite clearly defined. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam have joined BRICS. Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia are on the side of China. Brunei is more or less neutral.

      So, who are the twits is not too difficult to guess.

  3. Sinkieland no choice.

    Their Bananas Leaders as below

    The Whites Pricks into their Arses too deep in.

    Already sanctioned Russia, unfriendly country.

    Hypocritical facade to China.

    Now really died cocks standing.

    No way to turn to.

    Shall squeeze by all Rocks and Walls to mincemeat.

    Not even between Rocks and Hard Places.

  4. When is Trump going to declare taking over of the Malacca Strait to protect American interests?
