
No equipment to fight LA fire but lots of weapons for Israel and Ukraine

 The USA has no firefighting equipment left to fight fires, but lots of weapons for Israel and Ukraine. Are those people in Los Angeles, whose homes have been destroyed, beginning to have an interest in listening to the truth or still content to swallow all the lies?

USA citizens now have to be aware that their interest is inconsequential compared to Israel and Ukraine and all the pampering directed at the top 1%.
What is the use of their vote if they cannot elect a government that have their interest to take care of, instead of caring for more support for Israel and Ukraine and taking care of the top 1%?

What is the use of touting about having 'freedom' when they are not even have any choice to choose what they want to spend their money on, like buying cheap EVs made in China?

What is the use of touting about being able to criticize their own government, when all they get in return is a government turning a deaf ear to their cries, despite being given all the avenues to criticize. There is now a narrative being push out that the Chinese have no avenues to criticize the government. One commentator asked the question of why the Chinese people even need to criticize their government when that government is working all the while to improve their lives - providing great infrastructures like high-speed rails, bridges over difficult terrains, excellent roads for them to have an easier life, providing affordable healthcare and hospitalization, providing cheap education for its citizens, providing cheap groceries and keeping cost of living very low.



  1. Sinkieland G also a bit like the US, you can criticise them, but they just bo hui you. However the US G is more thick skin, where ours a little bit buay song, they will sue or pforma you.

  2. China has already started using its fire-fighting drones to good effect. The USA is still using scoop and dump helicopters to do the job. Perhaps the USA will ban those fire-fighting drones because they use Chinese technology and is a National Security Issue.

  3. While the Uyghur Muslim farmers in Xinjiang are using satellite-controlled machinery to run their cotton growing farms, the USA is still talking about 'slave labor' being employed in Xinjiang to grow cotton. Talk about the disinformation being spread by the USA propaganda machine being so persuasive. And why in God's name are they still sanctioning cotton from Xinjiang grown by the Muslim Uyghurs!

    Even cotton from sheep is becoming a reality. And stupid 'Cotton in the ear' is still blocking out the truth that the Tik Tok CEO is not a CCP member, but a true- blue Singapore Citizen.
