
Is that why Trump is paranoid and wants to invade Mexico to prevent the building of a new canal?

 Is that a reason why Trump is paranoid and wants to invade Mexico to prevent the building of an alternative to the Panama Canal?

The construction of the Panama Canal may have taken three decades, without the modern-day machinery and using raw manpower alone. If China does step in to build alternatives, with all its expertise, experience and machinery at its disposal, three to five years should be enough for the idea to bear fruit.

Domestically, China had already proven its prowess in building canals over and across very difficult terrains, for thousands of miles, to divert rivers to drier and desert regions that lacks water. By the end of Trump's Presidency, there could even already be an alternative to the Panama Canal, and Trump can just sit beside the Panama Canal venting his frustration with China once again.

Whan a push becomes a shove; China may be forced to do what it is now less willing to do, when the USA takes control of the Panama Canal and places restrictions of Chinese ships navigating between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans or raise charges that makes such transit impossible for Chinese ships.

Never try to poke the dragon in the eye, as it is liable to breathe fire and brimstone.


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