
Gangsterism and aggressive behaviours are unacceptable for political leaders

Politicians are leaders or aspiring leaders of a nation. Their conduct and behaviour must be impeccable or at least decent, not behaving like gangsters and thugs, bullying and threatening their opponents with violence and intimidation. And worse, some are outright corrupt, criminals and with questionable conduct and behaviour. Because of their positions, they are above the law, untouchable.

The Americans, the number one terrorist state of the world, have been using gangster tactics and behaviour to bully and threaten countries around the world. They are attacking, accusing and alleging others of all kinds of silly things to justify an attack or invasion of so called enemy states, to impose sanctions, to target states and corporations using flimsy excuses, to ban them or criminalise them from trading. Such gangster behaviour is the norm for terrorist America. From the president to all his staff and all the hillbillies in the Senate and Congress, they all exhibit the same gangster traits and behaviour. They are all disgraceful and unfit to be political leaders.

Trump simply told Greenland and Panama that he wanted to take over Greenland and the Panama Canal in the interests of the evil American Empire, on grounds of national interests.  Greenland, Panama nor Mexico posed any threats to the evil American Empire. But gangster Trump in a mood swing just told them that he would take over their land and assets.

In the case of Venezuela, terrorist America has put up an order of arrest its President like Maduro is a criminal, an outlaw. The outlaw is the Americans, the international gangsters and terrorists, terrorising countries of the world.

'The US has increased its reward for information leading to the arrest of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to $25 million, up from the $15 million offered in 2020, the US Treasury announced on Friday. The move comes as part of a broader set of measures, including sanctions and travel restrictions, targeting officials associated with the Venezuelan government.' RT

No country poses a threat to the evil American Empire. No country is sending or capable of sending a military force to attack the American mainland. Only the evil American Empire is threatening every country with invasion and wars.

American gangsterism and terrorist acts around the world is a threat to every country. The evil Americans are lying that they are under threat, even from herdsmen in Afghanistan. The evil Americans are a dangerous threat to the whole world, a scourge that must be exterminated at all costs. This evil Empire must not be allowed to bully and take over the world.


  1. Robert Di Nero said that even gangsters have morals. Gangsters like Trump have no moral to speak off, croaking about invading other countries like the norm. And they are even passing laws to make such invasion and seizure legal. Whatever laws made in the USA seems applicable to the rest of the world, which must abide by them. How atrocious and immoral is the USA Mafia!

    Now, when is Putin going to enact a law to take back Alaska which was sold to the USA by Tsar Alexander ll in 1867 for US$7.2 million or about US$120 million in today's dollar rates. That is a miniscule sum to buy back Alaska, considering the resources like oil and gas which Alaska possesses.

    Of course, for the Native American Indians, it is a foregone conclusion trying to emulate Trump by asking for North America to be returned to them. The Anglo-Saxon Whites made sure of that by using genocide to kill off their numbers and keeping them inside concentration camps masquerading as reservations to keep them safe. Safe for the Anglo-Saxon Whites more likely.

    BRICS must succeed at all costs to get rid of the US toxic hegemony. That is what the rest of the world, outside of the Anglo-Saxon White clique, really and desperately need for a safer and more peaceful global existence.

  2. The age old saying that the only good politician is a dead politician rings so true, especially in the sickest country on earth.
