
Comparison of the Incompetence of the UAssA and China in their dealings with disasters and Catastrophes


Just see this video of the comparison of the Incompetence of the UAssA and China in their dealings with disasters and Catastrophes

The West been living in sloths and filths with their decandnece lifestyle of only as bums.

Likewise those who followed their lifestyles like the bananas and their BS DemoCRAZY.

They their so called Elites and Leaders are just putting on dramas and airs that they are doing wonderful jobs but are in fact lepak and are on blind. Pays and corrupted to their bones.

They have no Foresight unlike the Chinese PRCs who spend their time anticipations of all sorts of scenarios of survivals of their peoples and also disasters both natural and threats from within and out.

Their PLA Militaries are in readiness as a Real TOTAL DEFENCE force even with their Civilian Population to prepare for any eventuatity.

Unlike the Whites who spend their lifes whilst in Office just pursuing their lifes of leisure and filths.

Their lifes of travels and golfs and also pushing cigars and punting into the black Holes.

Soonest be their downfall.

Likewise Sinking Land with their sama sama Wayang Leaders.


1 comment:

  1. Trump will use the nuclear option if the Los Angeles fire does not die out after he assumes office, LOL. He will detonate a nuke inside the city to stop the fire from spreading, the same kind of nuke he wanted to fire into a hurricane to stop its destruction, LOL again because it is funny. Trump sometimes sounds like a kid too used to kidding others.

    Biden already tried using incarcerated people to become firefighters, paying them slave wages, said to be US$10.24 a day to do the job, which obviously did not succeed. Working for US$10.24 a day must be an insult to those incarcerated people. Now they are reported to be training more of them to be firefighters, upping their wages to US$30 a day. Wonder if they will call it 'slave wages', which I think it is. Anyway, this is what the Chinese call 'building a toilet when the urge to poo is intense'. If this is the USA formula of taking care of disasters and catastrophes, what happens when there is a hypersonic nuclear missile attack?

    Not to worry about no takers for free training to be firefighters though, as Biden has just pardoned about 2,500 of them to be trained as slaves to fight fires, LOL. USA has all the manpower to do great things.
