
Atrocious and immoral is the USA Mafia!

Robert Di Nero said that even gangsters have morals. Gangsters like Trump have no moral to speak off, croaking about invading other countries like the norm. And they are even passing laws to make such invasion and seizure legal. Whatever laws made in the USA seems applicable to the rest of the world, which must abide by them. How atrocious and immoral is the USA Mafia!

Now, when is Putin going to enact a law to take back Alaska which was sold to the USA by Tsar Alexander ll in 1867 for US$7.2 million or about US$120 million in today's dollar rates. That is a miniscule sum to buy back Alaska, considering the resources like oil and gas which Alaska possesses.

Of course, for the Native American Indians, it is a foregone conclusion trying to emulate Trump by asking for North America to be returned to them. The Anglo-Saxon Whites made sure of that by using genocide to kill off their numbers and keeping them inside concentration camps masquerading as reservations to keep them safe. Safe for the Anglo-Saxon Whites more likely.

BRICS must succeed at all costs to get rid of the US toxic hegemony. That is what the rest of the world, outside of the Anglo-Saxon White clique, really and desperately need for a safer and more peaceful global existence.


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