
F18 down - More Foxy lies to cover the first lie

 A second Super Hornet found itself targeted by a missile from the Gettysburg as it was preparing to land aboard the Truman, a source told Fox News on Tuesday. The SM-2 missile came within 30 meters of the F/A-18, which had to take evasive maneuvers, according to Fox.

“The cruiser almost shot down two friendly jets,” the source was quoted as saying.

The US Navy confirmed that the Gettysburg had fired a second SM-2 missile and said it was investigating whether that missile had targeted the second jet.  RT

After the first lie that an F18 fighter jet was shot down by friendly fire, by missile from their own escort ship, and the lie being exposed when Houthis claimed they shot it down, it is damage control time. How to debunk the Houthis' claim, a rag tag resistance force knocking down a so called world best aircraft? This is like a boy using a catapult to shoot down a plane in the air. It was so embarrassing.

The American propaganda machine got into full swing to churn out more lies to cover the original lie. And who is the best candidate to push out such a lie? Fox News of course. When the truth is exposed, it got nothing to do with the American officials, it was Foxy to be blamed.

Can anyone imagine that after shooting down their own aircraft, that the missile controllers in Gettysburg still be allowed to fire another shot without careful scrutiny, to continue to fire as usual, and almost shoot down another F18? Very likely Gettysburg would be locked down, removed from the area for a thorough investigation before it shoots down more own aircraft. The whole system would be combed, the personnel operating the system would be investigated and vetted to check if they are enemies within.

The American liars have either run out of excuses and lies or going bonkers. And it was reported that Harry Truman the aircraft carrier was evacuated from the area instead. The fear of Harry Truman being hit and sunk is more real than anything else. If the Americans have not sensed real risk, high risk, they would happily go on bombing the Houthis. They are untouchable with their 100% effective defence system, until the Houthis shot down the F18. Their invincibility myth punctured. Better run for their lives.

Good job, Houthis! F for the American spin doctors.

PS. Merry Christmas to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Ukraine shot down more drones than Russia fired. Israel's Iron Dome defense system brought down most Iranian drones, but some hit the Israeli F35 airfield.

    Social media also shot down most USA lies, LOL.
