
Singapore leaders not in the same calibre as first generation leaders

 When Lee Kuan Yew talks people more or less listen as he commands international respect whether East or West. Also Lee Kuan Yew's cabinet of ministers are all of his calibre for example like DR Goh Keng Swee, Mr Rajaratnam, Dr Toh Chin Chye and Hon Sui Xian just to name a few. Where is the standing of our present politicians - no comparison but just pale in significance . 

Just a silly remark to support the barbaric warmongering rogue state US against Russia in the Ukraine war engulf the anger of Russia and all countries of the South. Now Russia and China have stated that Singapore is not allowed to join as a member of BRICS . Singapore will have to swim in the wilderness of international politics and face an uncertain future. 

It is no good for Singaporeans when their so-called leaders say things without proactive thinking. It's time for Singapore politicians to retrospect and amend their behaviour especially on international affairs. Singapore is so small not bigger than the size of nose snort and so it should know its place and not opening its mouth freely to offend other countries unnecessarily. The best thing is to shut up and not be a smart Alex.

Lee Tai Chong SG


  1. Not only is Singapore banned from joining BRICS, it is also placed on Russia's list of enemy nations with thanks from the red dot's mini-LKYs !

  2. They are also very SMART ALEC when it comes to warnings on Vaccine program. They are in denial, not wanting to recognise even peer-reviewed findings, various sources emerging worldwide on its danger. My concern is, are they more focused on Economic agenda over people's health and lifes?

    1. I have come accross many international reports on World Excess Deaths especially highly vaccinated countries and SG and Japan seems to on top of the chart. But mainstream media here reports that SG is the lowest in excess deaths!

  3. I honestly do agree with Anon 9.49 about deaths from COVID vaccinations. This is through having seen so many relatives, friends and neighbors passing away one after another. Death happens all the time, but the number of deaths occurring during the past two years is beyond explanation. Too difficult to reconcile.

    Singapore's excess death toll is low because there is the readily available perennial excuse of death being attributed to inherent illnesses to fall back on, not on the vaccines.

    1. Apparently they have removed the compulsory autopsy rule only recently to "at the discretion of the coroner" not too long ago. We can only guess why. Most Singaporeans don't deliberate or asked questions.

  4. Do you believe that some doctors are aware of the danger of those vaccines but do not dare to voice their shortcomings to patients? My daughter-in-law took by grandchildren to a doctor to be vaccinated during COVID and she asked the doctor whether it is necessary. That doctor told my Daughter-in-law that his own kids have not be vaccinated. He cannot discourage or have his license suspended. He was just saying the obvious.

  5. In capability, not in the same calibre. In salary way, above the calibre. What say you?

  6. Even accounting for inflation, LOL.
