
Virgo's rumbling or morning bread

 Good morning All

Many FOOLS are living in this delusional and make believe World not accepting their true worth.

Still thought that they are the BEST whereas theu are NOT.

Especially their Leaders who only marked time as they knew only when to strike whilst the iron is HOT.

M.O.T. in their so called Democratic Free a World they are only churning their self interests of scouping the Wealth before their time is OUT.

Sinkeland, Sinkies still in deep slumber that their times are good forever.

India with their Indians still had the illusion that they are going to be Number One soon to ursurp China.

China is leaps and bounds ahead of every one including the damn illusionary still in their Americunts Dreams Land.

PRCs don't dream!

They worked for it.

Long long decades ago, if the Sinking Land Leaders are Smart enough to take the same route as the PRCs with their industrialisations and drives, today we shall have our own having one of the highest standard of livings and no one mostly platform workers struggling for a living.

Only a few of their lackeys and cronies are enjoying their present stage of luxurious lifes.

Now debating the protection of our platform workers.


Whilst so many highly paid jobs and professions are been channelled to their so called foreign talents.

This is a just their facade and vengeance to punish the Sinkies who wanted more Opposition Wards and MPs that hurt their egos.

Anyway, foolish Sinkies are still in their illusionary dream land and shall wake up in horrors soon to find most of them RTS, i.e. Roam The Streets.

No eyes see.



  1. https://youtu.be/IH5Z1Z1lLlo?si=XesGXoHgY7ZdEgly

    See and listen to this video by Sean or Shawn Foo and to the part where the President Oban of Hungary wow real Hungry ah praised China's Xi of their investments there providing hundreds of thousands of jobs for the Hungrians.

    Sinkies Land with her so well electrocuted oops sorry educated humans resources from the play schools, kindergarten and them Pri and then Secondary and them JC of "A" Levels and then many even to the Unis cannnot handle high tech technologies meh?

    Sap sap water lah!

    Study from age three to age twenty three and still be platform workers ah?

    Have high tech industries that could employed hundreds of thousands rather than still depended on Swift Taylor to alter your pants ad hoc once a blue moon earnings for the econmy.

    Instead of still depending on Terminal 5 and 6.

    Also majority now part time, free lance and ad hoc platform workers.

    Many holding diplomas and even degrees.

    Our time our cohorts those in the blue collars sectors outperformed us foolish white collared idiots.

    Hello wake up lah don't auto pilot that the present economy could still substance.

    How many white collared workers you can churn out year aftee year?

    How many insurance and property agents you want to churn out every year ah?

    These be saturated soon with the high POP that you also planning to channel in.

    Don't keep thinking of profits from your BTO flats and also the masses to just maximise your coffers

    If no real high salaries jobs for the masses your coffers be coffins soon.

    No eyes see.

  2. What a soliloquy!!! And talking to oneself too.
